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1、(北师大版)四年级英语下册 Unit 10 单元测试 1 21世纪教育网http:/21世纪教育网/听力部分一、听录音排序。(10%)二、听录音,选择正确的答案。(10%)1.Shall we go to the movie theater? A. OK. Lets go there by bike. B. OK. Lets go there by bus.2. Lets go to the museum? A. We dont have enough money. B. We dont have enough time.3. What time does the movie start? A

2、: It starts at three thirty. B. It starts at four thirty.4. Do we have enough time? A. Yes, we do. B. No, we dont.5. When does the park close? A. It closes at six oclock. B. It closes at seven oclock.笔试部分一、英汉互译。 (6%)Shall_ science_ free_博物馆_ 关闭_ 乘坐_二、 下面各组单词划线字母的读音有一个与其它不同,找出并在此下面画。(10%)1. chair sta

3、irs hair here 2. square wear read share3. pear beans peach teacher4. bear repair pair beans5. swear care dare bee三、将汉语前的字母填到相应字母前的括号内。(10%)( )1.Far away A. 游乐园( ) 2.By bus B. 乘小汽车( ) 3.Go to a movie C. 遥远( ) 4.An amusement park D. 看电影( ) 5.By car E. 乘公共汽车四、读句子选择正确的答案。(10%)1. ( )Its free. A. Do we ha

4、ve enough time? B. Do we have enough money?2. ( )It starts at three oclock. A. Do we have enough time? B. Do we have enough money?3. ( )Does your father go to work by bike? A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he do.4( )Do we have enough time? A. Yes, we do. B: Yes, they do.5. ( )What time does the movie start?

5、 A. Its¥20. B. It starts at three oclock.五、连词成句。(10%)1. go, shall, to, we, movie, a 2. museum, lets, to, go, the 3. enough, we, have, do, money 4.by, shall, bus, we, go 六、选择正确的答句填写在横线上。(15%)A.It closes at six oclock. B. Yes, we do. Its free. C. Its 30yuan.D. It starts at 8:00. E. No, we dont.1. Do w

6、e have enough money? 2. What time does it close?_3. When does the movie start? 4. How much is the ticket?_5. Do we have enough time? 七、看图写句子。(9%)1.Lets go to .2. Shall we _?3. ?八、阅读短文,判断对错。(10%)Today is Sunday. Ann and Ken get up very late. They want to go to a movie. But it starts at 8:00. They don

7、t have enough time. They want to go to the green park. But its too far away. So they go to the swimming pool. The ticket is only ¥5. Its cheap. They have fun there.1.Ann and Ken get up very early. ( )2.They go to a movie. ( )3.They dont go to the park because its too far away. ( )4.They go to the swimming pool. ( )5.The ticket is very expensive. ( ) 21世纪教育网http:/21世纪教育网/


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