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1、 EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR ELECTROTECHNICAL STANDARDIZATION Rue de Stassartstraat 35 B-1050 Brussels Tel.: +32 2 519 68 71 Fax: +32 2 519 69 19 e-mail: generalcenelec.org http:/www.cenelec.org Our ref. : IEC 60061-2 the National Committees Project : 17172 members of CENELEC Handled by : Hayat Amrani Ja

2、i Brussels, 23 December 2005 Subject : draft for parallel UAP Dear Member, Following decision D124/187 taken by 124th BT and according to 11.2.4 of Part 2 of the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the following document is submitted to parallel UAP (submission = date of letter) : - EN 60061-2:1993/pr

3、A35:2005 (IEC 60061-2:1969/A35:200X - (34B/1223/CDV) - IEC/SC 34B) Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety Part 2: Lampholders Proposed dates: doa : dor + 6 months dop : dor + 12 months dow : dor + 36 months (to be confirmed or modified when voting

4、) Related to Directive : 73/23/EEC Please note that this document is submitted simultaneously to the IEC voting procedure in the framework of the IEC/CENELEC co-operation agreement; you will in consequence receive the text of the document from the IEC Central Office. We should like to draw your part

5、icular attention to the fact that in case your vote would be different in IEC and CENELEC, a detailed technical justification should be sent to the CENELEC Central Secretariat, with copy to the IEC Central Office. Please vote indicating whether you accept this draft or not or abstain - before 26 May

6、 2006. Yours faithfully, ATTENTION IEC - CENELEC PARALLEL VOTING Hannelore Schreiter Senior Manager Procedures C.c. : CLC/TC 34Z Chairman Mr Ted Glenny CLC/TC 34Z Secretary Mr Nick Bradfield Enterprise DG EFTA Secretariat Messrs Ulrich Spindler Luigi Ricossa D J Start Tore B. Trondvold Affiliates of

7、 CENELEC The Permanent Delegates Mrs Soetaert FORM CDV (IEC) 2002-08-09 34B/1223/CDV COMMITTEE DRAFT FOR VOTE (CDV) PROJET DE COMIT POUR VOTE (CDV) Project number Numro de projet IEC 60061-1, A38, Ed.3 IEC 60061-2, A35, Ed.3 IEC 60061-3, A37, Ed.3 IEC/TC or SC: SC 34B CEI/CE ou SC: Date of circulati

8、on Date de diffusion 2005-12-23 Closing date for voting (Voting mandatory for P-members) Date de clture du vote (Vote obligatoire pour les membres (P) 2006-05-26 Titre du CE/SC: CULOTS DE LAMPES ET DOUILLES TC/SC Title: LAMP CAPS AND HOLDERS Secretary: Mr. J.M.A. van der Heijden (Netherlands) Secrta

9、ire: E-mail: hans.van.der.heijden_ Also of interest to the following committees Intresse galement les comits suivants Supersedes documents Remplace les documents 1194/CD, 1195/CD, 1196/CD, 1198/CD and 1199/CD 1211/CC, 1212/CC, 1213/CC, 1215/CC and 1216/CC Functions concerned Fonctions concernes Safe



12、OF WHICH THEY ARE AWARE AND TO PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION. Titre : CEI 60061: Culots de lampes et douilles ainsi que calibres pour le contrle de linterchangeabilit et de la scurit Partie 1: Culots de lampes - Amendement 38 Partie 2: Douilles - Amendement 35 Partie 3: Calibres - Amendement 37 T

13、itle : IEC 60061: Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety Part 1: Lamp caps - Amendment 38 Part 2: Lampholders - Amendment 35 Part 3 Gauges - Amendment 37 ATTENTION VOTE PARALLLE CEI CENELEC Lattention des Comits nationaux de la CEI, membres du CEN

14、ELEC, est attire sur le fait que ce projet de comit pour vote (CDV) de Norme internationale est soumis au vote parallle. Un bulletin de vote spar pour le vote CENELEC leur sera envoy par le Secrtariat Central du CENELEC. ATTENTION IEC CENELEC PARALLEL VOTING The attention of IEC National Committees,

15、 members of CENELEC, is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) for an International Standard is submitted for parallel voting. A separate form for CENELEC voting will be sent to them by the CENELEC Central Secretariat. Copyright 2005 International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC

16、. All rights reserved. It is permitted to download this electronic file, to make a copy and to print out the content for the sole purpose of preparing National Committee positions. You may not copy or “mirror“ the file or printed version of the document, or any part of it, for any other purpose with

17、out permission in writing from IEC. 2 34B/1223/CDV Note dintroduction Systme 2G8. Aprs lintroduction de ce systme sur le march, il savre ncessaire de modifier certaines feuilles de norme de faon les mettre en phase avec les demandes du march. En mme temps dautres modifications sont introduites. Syst

18、mes BAW/BAZ9s. Ces systmes sont destins une nouvelle srie de lampes ambres pour automobiles, dans laquelle le BAW9s est utilis pour une lampe HY21W et le BAZ9s pour la lampe HY6W. Culot G9. Depuis lintroduction sur le march de ce nouveau systme, plusieurs modifications de la lampe sont apparues, rfl

19、ecteurs plus lourds ou dautres additions par ex. , rendant la ncessit dune limitation en poids trs alatoire. Les valeurs proposes sont bases sur des analyses ralises avec le calibre de contrle de la force de rtention minimale des douilles G9 spcifie dans la feuille de norme 7006-129. Douilles GX53.

20、Pour se passer de la ncessit dun calibre onreux permettant le contrle du contact, il est propos de modifier la note (2) actuelle qui dans sa troisime phrase traite des distances dans lair, uniquement par un conseil concernant la ralisation du contact. Cela est ralis par laddition du texte et la dist

21、ance du fond de la surface ralisant le contact au plan de rfrence ne doit pas tre infrieure 2.4 mm. La notion de surface ralisant le contact devrait permettre de clarifier le fait que pas toute la totalit de la surface de contact est requise mais seulement uniquement la partie concerne par la ralisa

22、tion du contact. Systme WZ3x16q. Ce systme est destin aux lampes double filament W15/5W pour lindustrie automobile. Introductory note 2G8 fit. After the introduction of this fit, it is found necessary to amend some sheets to bring in them line with new market requirements. At the same time some corr

23、ections are introduced. BAW/BAZ9s fits. These fits are meant for a new series of amber coloured automotive lamps, were the BAW9s is used for a HY21W lamp and the BAZ9s for the HY6W lamp. G9 cap. Since the introduction of this new fit a number of lamp modifications, e.g. with heavy reflectors or othe

24、r additions, appeared on the market making the need for a mass limitation very obvious. The proposed value is based on investigations with the “Gauge for checking” the minimum retention force in lamp holders ”G9“ shown in sheet 7006-129. GX53 lampholder. To overcome the need for an expensive gauge f

25、or testing contact making it is proposed to extend the present note (2) which in its third sentence is presently dealing with clearance distances only by an advice regarding contact making. This is done by the addition of the wording “ .and the distance from the bottom of the contact making surface

26、to the reference plane shall not be less than 2,4 mm.“ The reference to “contact making surface“ should make clear that not the whole contact is meant but only that part which really provides contact. WZ3x16q fit. This fit is meant for a new double filament lamp W15/5W for the automotive industry. 6

27、0061-1 Amend. 38 CEI/IEC:200x Proposal for a correction of sheet IEC 60061-1 CEI 60061-17004-141-1 CAPS CULOTS 2G8 Page 1/3 Dimensions in millimetres - Dimensions en millimtres The drawing is intended only to illustrate the dimensions essential for interchangeability. Le dessin a pour seul but dillu

28、strer les dimensions essentielles pour linterchangeabilit. For details of holders 2G8, see sheet 7005-141. Pour les dtails des douilles 2G8, voir feuille 7005-141. a b PA E F1 J F b a A1 R N 1(4x) (9) 2(4x) Q(2x) Q/2 rr3 H K r1 30 60 r2 DD D1 (3) 30(4x) 150(4x) (1) S(2x) 120 90 150 T (4) B U (10)(1)

29、 (7) 3(4x) V 2G8-4 2G8-5 2G8-6 No crimp zone (3) Zone sans indentations (3) Only the 2G8-1 cap is shown. For caps with different designations, see below. Seul le culot 2G8-1 est reprsent. Pour les culots de dsignations diffrentes, voir ci-dessous. KEYWAYS TROUS DE DETROMPEURS 2G8-1 2G8-2 2G8-3 60061

30、-1 Amend. 38 CEI/IEC:200x Proposal for a correction of sheet IEC 60061-1 CEI 60061-17004-141-1 CAPS CULOTS 2G8 Page 2/3 Dimensions in millimetres - Dimensions en millimtres * Unless otherwise specified, sharp corners may be slightly chamfered or rounded. * Sauf spcification contraire, les angles aig

31、us peuvent tre lgrement chanfreins ou arrondis. (1) Reference plane. (2) On unmounted caps Emax = 2,44 mm. (3) Indentations or grooves in the surface of the pins are allowed provided that they do not extend into that part of the pin-radius which is bounded by the angles of 30 and 150 to the plane th

32、rough the centrelines of the pins. The diameter of the pins measured in the no crimp zone along the length of the pin shall not be less than 2,29 mm. (4) Lead-in chamfers at the entrance openings of the four catches (for easy insertion into the lampholder) are allowed. (5) Dimension D1 denotes the c

33、entreline spacing of the two pairs of pins. (6) To be checked by means of the gauge shown on sheet 7006-141K. (7) It shall be possible to depress the two hemispherical parts (dimension R). These parts should click into the matching indents of the lampholder. When a force of xx N (under consideration

34、) is applied on top of the individual hemispherical part, this part shall be depressed over a length of at least 1,5 mm. (8) Dimension N delineates the demarcation between the space, which may be occupied by parts of the lamp, and the space, which may be occupied by parts of the lampholder and/or lu

35、minaire. Check relevant lamp sheet for the maximum outline value. (9) Stop. There may be stops in each of the four catches. (10) The shape of this flexibe part is arbitary. (1) Plan de rfrence. (2) Sur culots non-monts Emax = 2,44 mm. (3) Les indentations ou rainures la surface des broches sont perm

36、ises, pourvu quelles ne stendent pas la partie dlimite par les angles de 30 et 150 par rapport au plan contenant les axes des broches. Le diamtre des broches mesur dans la zone sans indentations ne doit pas tre infrieur 2,29 mm. (4) Chanfreins dentre aux ouvertures des quatre tenons (pour faciliter

37、linsertion de la douille) sont autoriss. (5) La dimension D1 indique laxe de lespace entre les deux paires de broches. (6) A vrifier au moyen du calibre reprsent sur la feuille 7006-141K. (7) Il doit tre possible dappuyer sur les deux parties hmisphriques (de dimension R). Ces parties devraient senc

38、liqueter dans les dcoupes correspondantes de la douille. Lorsquune force de xx N ( ltude) est applique sur le sommet de chaque partie hmisphrique, cette partie doit tre comprime sur une longueur dau moins 1,5 mm. Dimension Min. Max. A 59,4 59,6 A1 53,6 53,8 B 14,1 14,6 D 7,5 (6) D1 (5) 32,5 (6) E (3

39、) 2,29 2,67 (2) F 6,0 6,8 F1 5,5 - H 14,4 14,7 J 0,4 - K - 10,4 N (8) P 29,7 30,3 Q 2,3 2,5 R (7) 1,4 1,6 S 5,4 5,7 T 1,7 (7) 1,8 U 2,3 2,4 V - 5,0 r - 1,1 r1 - 0,8 r2 - 0,3 r3 0,9 1,3 1 8 9 2 7 9 3 - 12 Approx. 30 19 30 20 30 60061-1 Amend. 38 CEI/IEC:200x Proposal for a correction of sheet IEC 600

40、61-1 CEI 60061-17004-141-1 CAPS CULOTS 2G8 Page 3/3 Dimensions in millimetres - Dimensions en millimtres 8) La dimension N dfinit la limite entre lespace qui peut tre occup par des parties de la lampe et celui qui peut tre occup par des parties de la douille et/ou du luminaire. Contrler la feuille d

41、e norme correspondante pour les valeurs de lencombrement maximal. (9) Butes. Il peut y avoir des butes pour chaque tenon. (10) La forme de cette partie souple est arbitraire. GAUGING: Caps 2G8 shall fulfil the tests with the gauges shown on sheets 7006-141, 7006-141K, 7006-141H and 7006-141J. VERIFI

42、CATION: Les culots 2G8 doivent satisfaire aux essais avec les calibres selon les feuilles 7006-141, 7006-141K, 7006-141H et 7006-141J. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) draws attention to the fact that it is claimed that compliance with this International Standard may involve the u

43、se of a patent concerning the cap given in this standard sheet. The IEC takes no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of this patent right. The holder of this patent has assured the IEC that he is willing to negotiate licences under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditi

44、ons with applicants throughout the world. In this respect, the statement of the holder of this patent right is registered with the IEC. Information may be obtained from: Philips Intellectual Property & Standards, and BJB GmbH & Co. KG PO Box 220 Werler Strasse 1 5600 AE Eindhoven 59755 Arnsberg Neth

45、erlands Germany Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights other than those identified above. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. La Commission Electrotechnique Intern

46、ationale (CEI) attire lattention sur le fait quil est dclar que la conformit aux dispositions de la prsente Norme internationale peut impliquer lutilisation dun brevet concernant le culot trait dans la prsente feuille de norme. La CEI ne prend pas position quant la preuve, la validit et la porte de

47、ces droits de proprit. Le dtenteur de ces droits de proprit a donn lassurance la CEI quil consent ngocier des licences avec des demandeurs du monde entier, en des termes et des conditions raisonnables et non discriminatoires. A ce propos, la dclaration du dtenteur des droits de proprit est enregistr

48、e la CEI. Des informations peuvent tre obtenues auprs de: Philips Intellectual Property & Standards, et BJB GmbH & Co. KG PO Box 220 Werler Strasse 1 5600 AE Eindhoven 59755 Arnsberg Netherlands Germany Lattention est par ailleurs attire sur le fait que certains des lments de la prsente Norme internationale peuvent faire lobjet de droits de proprit autres que ceux mentionns ci-dessus. La CEI ne saurait tre tenue pour responsable de ne pas avoir dment signal tout ou partie de ces droits de proprit. 60061-1 Amend. 35 CEI/IEC:200x Proposal for


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