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1、课时教案设计 年级 初一 学科_英语_课题Unit 2My favorite subject is sciencePeriod 4课型New教学目标1、知识目标:学习表示星期的名词;复习“谈论偏爱”和“询问喜欢的学科并给出理由”的语言结构;2、技能目标:使用what,who 和why引导的特殊疑问句。教学重 点一周七天的表示方法;复习询问喜欢的学科并给出理由”的语言结构;学会安排自己的作息时间。教学难 点What和 why引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用。学情分 析通过谈论课程表的安排和制订作息时间来复习“询问喜欢的学科并给出理由”这一目标语言。本部分的重点目标是让学生学会安排自己能学习和生活计划

2、,养成良好的学习和生活习惯,并能够运用所学的目标语言进行谈论教学准 备a computer, a tape, a recorder教学过程: 个性学习同层展示同质合作异质帮扶按需探究达标测评 集体备课个人备课Step One: Show the preview works in layers. (5m)Teacher: 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Watch the students and guide them to do better. 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the

3、 same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)Step Two: Learn by themselves. (20m)Students: 1. Choose learning aims.2. Learn the new content. 1) Write about the subjects in 2a, and then tell your partner your ideas.2) Read through 2b, underline what Yu Mei thinks of the subjec

4、ts, and complete the chart in 2c. Try to recite it.Teacher: Watch the students and help them whenever necessary. Gather questions.Step Three: Discussion (5m)Talk about the problems together. Step Four: Practice: (10m)Describe your ideas about subjects in English.Step Five: Summary and Test (5m)Step

5、Six: Show students how to preview for next class. (2d-3c)Homework:1. Review the passage in 2b.2.配套 P12 -13 I, II, III(选做)小结:学科知识构建与板书设计Unit 2 - 4s Kens favorite subject? - History.2. -Why does he like history? - Because its interesting.3. I am very busy on Friday. 反思与重建附:一、个性学习展示二、课堂检测题:1._ do you l

6、ike math? Because its interesting. C. How 2.Whats your brothers favorite _? Baseball. A. subject B. food C. color D. sport 3.When do you have breakfast? _ A. I watch TV. B. Around eight oclock. C. In the evening. 4._. Its Tuesday. A. Whats the date today? B. Whats the day today? C. What day is it today? 5._ do you have ? We have it on Monday and Friday. A. Why B. What C. When D. What time作业设置Homework:1. Review the passage in 2b.2.配套 P12 -13 I, II, III(选做)


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