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1、2015 Join in三年级上英语期中测试 听力部分(50分)一 听力测试。(每小题念两遍)1. Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出你所听到的内容。(10)1. A. apple B. cat C. flag2. A. dog B. horse C.kite3. A. CK B. BJ C.EL4. A. bp C.db5. A. red B.grey C.green6. A.Pit B.Pat C.Paul7. A.listen B.mime C.look8. A.Bye B.Hello C.Hi9. A.nine B.five C.four10 . A.numb

2、er B.colour C.skateboard2. Listen and number the pictures。听音,标号。(10) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. Listen and choose. 听音,选出你所听到的图片序号。(10)1.( ) A. B. 2.( ) A. B. 3.( ) A. B. 4.( ) A. B. 5.( ) A. B. 4. Listen and write.听音,写出你所听到字母大小写。(5)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.Listen and write.听音,写出你所听到的单词.(5)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. Liste

3、n and colour.听音,涂色。(10) 笔试部分 (50分)一 写出字母的左邻右舍。(12) 例如: a b c , E F G 1. M 2. J 3. n 4. h 5. Q 6. e 二、读一读,选择正确的答案序号填在括号内。(16) 1.( ) What colour is it ? _. A. Green B. Two C. Good 2.( ) Whats your phone number ? _. A. 86755968 B. Ab46 C. My new skateboard 3.( ) How many ? _. A. Red B. Juice C. Eight 4

4、.( ) Whats this ? _. A.Its an apple B.Its a egg C.Its guitar 5.( ) Here is your prize . _. A.OK B.Thank you C. Goodbye 6.( ) How are you today ? _. A.Im fine B.Good morning C. Im Alice 7.( ) Pink, please. _. A.Here you are B.Hello! C.Good night 8.( ) Whats in the box? _. A.Blue B.Snails C.Great 三Loo

5、k and write. 看图,把所缺字母填在横线上。(8) 1. ju_ce 2. h_rse 3. ice cr am 4. t n 5. n ne r 7.se_en 8. t_o四Look and choose .看图片,选择恰当的句子,将代码填入括号中。(14)1.How many ? 2. Listen and colour 3. My new skateboard4.Stand nose to nose 5.Help!Open the door! 6. Whats your phone number? 7.Stand back to back ( ) ( ) ( ) (

6、 ) ( ) ( ) ( )听力部分:录音稿1. Listen and circle .1. cat . 2. kite 3. BJ 4.bp 5.grey 6. Paul 7. mime 8. Hello 9. nine 10. skateboard 2. listen and number the pictures.1. slap hands 2.strech 3. look at the butterfly 4. stand back to back 5.Here is your prize ,Emma. Thank you 3. Listen and choose.1. -Whats

7、this? -Its a kite .2. Whats this ? It s a snail .3. What number is it ? Its six 4. -Whats this? -My juice 5. -Whats this?-Its a box.4. Listen and write.听音,写出你所听到字母大小写形式。1. Gg, 2.Jj 3.Pp 4.Qq 5. Yy 5. Listen and write.听音,写出你所听到的单词。1. six 2. three 3.five 4. ten 5.one6. Listen and colour.听音,涂色。1. Colou

8、r the kite ,red2. colour the tiger , yellow 3. colour the skateboard , blue 4. colour the snail , pink .5. colour the butterfly , green . 参考答案:听力部分:1. B C B A B ,C B B A C .2. 3 2 4 1 5 3. A A B B A .4. 1. Gg, 2.Jj 3.Pp 4.Qq 5. Yy 5. 1. six 2. three 3.five 4. ten 5.one6. 略笔试部分1. 略2. A A C A B A A B 3. 略4. 3 6 1 5 7 2 4


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