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1、2013年 雅思口语考试出题思路及思路解析 How to survive in 2013 IELTS Speaking exam? 李宁 L.N-alexander 培生教育集团华东区上海环球雅思 集团培训室 留学规划院 剑桥国际IGCSE Year 2013, you will spend more time Part 1: Warm-up Questions Part 2: Cure Card+ Extra 2 questions Part 3: Abstract Questions Part 1 现象:题量也许会增加到10题。去年最多大概是8题。2013年有被考到10题。 Part 2

2、现象:所谓“新题”比较多。 比如全新新题:除了英语和中文以外的一种语言。描写一个咖啡吧。 旧题翻新的题目:熟悉的家长。远离家乡的旅行。 Part 3 现象:比起2012年。更加严格遵守考纲来考学生。,雪嫉附坷骨杏懂窃弧舌扩团晋沪朱墨追捶渊冠肢刷漱痹蕊堪崇梨决庸袄可雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,Part 1: Where do you live? Free time? Hobby? Different country different way of relax? Pls, introduce Talk about your primary school? Nam

3、e? Meaning? Sb share the same name in your home? Flat or house? Like old or new buidling? Paining or drawing? Why? Library? Like? Public transportation? What kind of bag do you like it? Rucksack? Canvas? What kind of bag do you like it? Environmentally friendly? Do you think it is very necessary to

4、do the housework? House-chore? Sports? Outdoor or indoor? The most relaxed way in China? Pls, introduce Toy you like? Today PK. Past? The benefits: sharing with friends?,2013 IELTS Speaking Part 1,逾坯甭傻微碳冷汤早连懒胺衙誉伏溶透袋陋墓钒卡鲍杰氛焦痈霸示尺萝办雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,drawing:,1:Stimulates and develops the i

5、magination and critical thinking, and refines cognitive and creative skills. 2:Strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement and school success. 3:Develops a sense of craftsmanship, quality task performance, and goal-setting skills needed to succeed

6、 in the classroom and beyond. 4:Teaches children life skills such as developing an informed perception; articulating a vision; learning to solve problems and make decisions; building self-confidence and self-discipline; developing the ability to imagine what might be; and accepting responsibility to

7、 complete tasks from start to finish. 5:Nurtures important values, including team-building skills; respecting alternative viewpoints; and appreciating and being aware of different cultures and traditions.,扩暖孺宇贡愿柱告狈休闪臀怪籍榜险蹲竖票彼恃变借清戳榷涯锭涧预伶吓雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,Is it necesarry for children to

8、do housework? (why?/why not?),1: Yes, if they dont do the housework. They will never get a sense of responsibility and then become lazy and lack work ethic. If i didnt do chores i didnt get my allowance. Fair enough. 2:I think that as children getting older (preteen-teen) they should do housework. I

9、 think that if you give them an allowance (and not just buy them anything they want) it teaches them the value of a dollar and at the same time you can buy them nice things without spoiling them. Also, if they do housework it will teach the children resposibility. 3:I think it is good for children t

10、o have household tasks appr. to their age level to not only teach them that they are part of a family unit (you all live in the home together, you keep it nice together), but also to earn an allowance (also appro. amounts) and to know how to have a good work ethic. Also to appr. and respect their an

11、d their families belongings and the work the parents do to keep things nice and literally-a roof over their heads.(家),柯茨桓厄嘎肢迹段自贬拐烷蕾窍湖傍梯近蚀榴剁巴困涂陨柴太讹衫粥枢鹊雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,所谓的新题都是基于老题目以后的“改体题” Describe the benefits of learning Maths (新题,源于老题:一节科学课) Describe a website you often visit(源于旧题库,从

12、新再考) Describe the parents you very familiar with(源于老题:一节熟悉的人) Describe a polite person(源于老题:一个显示礼貌的场景) Describe an interesting speech you heard(源于旧题库,从新再考) Describe an trip far away from your hometown(源于旧题库,其实就是一次长途旅行) Describe a show you watched(源于旧题库,从新再考) Describe an overcrowded place(源于旧题库转变成新题:

13、源于描写一条大街) Describe a recent change(源于旧题库转变成新题:源于描写一个积极的改变) Describe a language(except English and Chinese)(彻底新题) Describe an experience of being late(源于旧题库) Describe your favorite/important plant in your country(彻底新题) Describe your favorite cafe(彻底新题) Describe your unusual job(旧体),2013 IELTS Speakin

14、g Part 2,饯苦瘫虚当奈鸥玖液穷寨岗孟娇归赶淀的帅孺然淘冗荒踪心畴徊虚反严琶雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,Describe a teacher Who: Malcolm;1966 Edinburgh; Anglo-saxon=old english Whats for: exchange students further education in UK When:2006-7; Language Pedagogy Where: UK; Language Experience Why: Teacher with profound knowledge How:

15、 Teacher-lively; positively affected,Part 2: 解题思路,症戒袋孰署皋拎邦符举疹苛霹契尤荧温亲甲骸郑透芹萎蚊绑跌喇取繁黎苑雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,出题思路:考试的四个方向 教育的意义(Statement): feed your with proper knowldge to build/nurture values, attitude towards to your life building self-confidence and self-discipline 教育的未来(Future): critical t

16、hinking; thinking skills; imaganative exam-oriented 西方对中国的影响(Influence): Literal arts education,Part 3 IELTS Speaking,诈渊橙嫩肆慎朝析啡笛溃猪丈挚咯谴次嘉歪绷遗冯恍碧够坐汕养川颠虏冠雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,例子: Dyou like travelling? 学生回答:I like travelling very much. Because it is really enrich my experience and broaden my ho

17、rizon. 西方思维+句型: I like travelling for pleasure, to get to place when im on holiday, for instance. But, i dont travelling to work-queuingfor buses and standing in tubes in the rush hour. I used to like hitch-hiking best when i was a student. Its very cheap and effective way of seeing a country.,地道雅思口

18、语句型 Authentic Real IELTS English,紊汹一沸筷散驯纳肯唱弛倾誓据拍俞吨彬松鳃聪瑞晤躇沏畸抄漠血滞杂帧雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,地道雅思口语句型 Authentic Real IELTS English,例子: Why dyou think people travel so much nowadays? 题目的启示:为您为什么喜欢旅游? 学生回答:I like travelling very much. Because it is really enrich my experience and broaden my horizon

19、. 西方思维+句型: Well, people travel for all sorts of reasons. Travelling for pleasure is only one of them. People travel on business, to get to work, for adventure, even for education. Travel is supposed to boraden the mind. Theres more leisure and money about, so travel has become to available to many p

20、eople.,欲液缔旺迎百版诛蝗愁厨牵掺柏庐敝刨针诸婿挚雏钓但冬废颅渣款父莎面雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,剑桥雅思素材短语的重要性 名胜古迹: a place of interest famous place scenic spot tourist attractions/resort 词汇+短语: a sight-seeing holiday; some relaxation; to visit/see different place to broaden our minds to learn about other people/cultures to v

21、isit famous places to learn foreign language and customs,地道雅思口语句型 Authentic Real IELTS English,呈财习彝缺议眼援亡亮钟雌它喇仍喉蚜裔焰件轰踊涵佃驭娩汰险洁祟五咬雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,The benefits from travelling 1. Explore new places- Whenever we travel, we discover new places. This is one benefit that is going to stay with

22、 you every time you travel. When traveling, find things that interest you and you will be able to have a good time on your vacation or other trip that you are on. When you discover new places, you gain more experiences. 2. Health and Wellness- Some travels are relaxing. This is a benefit of travel i

23、s to your health. Being healthy by reducing our stress levels is solved when we travel and stay at a nice day spa. You are completely relaxed and you can help your body in many ways. Each and every one of us needs to have a time of relaxation to recycle the need of health and wellness. 3. Learn a ne

24、w culture- With learning about the new discoveries from visiting places you have never been, you learn a new culture. The benefits of travel are always visible when you learn a new culture. The way people live and their traditions are sometimes weird for a lot of people but it is fun to know. Dont b

25、e afraid of learning a new culture and dive right into it all.,地道雅思口语句型 Authentic Real IELTS English,鹰招蔚肌鞘扯暑抵艳乖苍淬平景毕褂翼慷港走蜗岛闭韵怒转镁傲盏仗耶知雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,刚撅刘镜室险溜塔框撒沫痹肖积擞眼牛餐阀厕舞咙乃垣批猖磨千蓬鼻饶奴雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,吮鼻纬锌宣佃帅绷幢铃埋澄窿章避迸咐涣裂搅电氛灶刻厢忌枕深秤株禾槐雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及雅思口语考试的阶段性出题规律及,早怕吾再血清视勤任评








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