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1、Vietnam,-Business Settings,螺采岗概讼植住敲抨脆菌聊东蔫诈箕攀腹第鲍鼠能思响魄哲竟绦膏韩程仑越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Short History,In 214 BC, qin shi huang set up three coutries,namely, the south sea, guilin and xiang in this area. Establishing NaYue Country in 207 BC .South Vietnam regime exist a century ,as a Chinese local independent regi

2、me. In 1858, the French invaded Vietnam as a pretext to protect missionaries . In 1884,become the protectorate of French. In September 2, 1945, chairman ho chi minh in Ba Dinh square ,Hanoi issued the declaration of independence, announced the birth of the democratic republic of Vietnam. On April 30

3、, 1975,all areas in south Vietnam got liberation, anit- American war got victory at last, Vietnam hold national general election, and produced unified congress. On July 2, 1976, Vietnam formally announced that the two parties reunificated, change the name for the socialist republic of Vietnam.,Count

4、ry Profile,跟视侠根汀跋另唆戒敢掇珊豌餐靳按柳梨煞岸服月沟财茁闻瑚琳寂些虹请越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Type of Government,Vietnam is a socialist country and its political system is Parliamentary system and republicanism.,阻残岿憨厅蒋位毙蛇曼钝招抿栏流质廓旧墩唉脆嘶腔肖窘纶黑赡抑耙摹赎越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Language,Its official language is Vietnamese and its general language is Viet

5、namese and English.,磅屋肇晶嗜蚁者沾才蝇吕峨谬秦盼奴磅横暖磋峙竹苇脸深颅从监铁耳伴疟越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Religion,Its main religions are Buddhism,Catholicism, Hoa Hao(和好教) , and Cao Dai(高台教) .,益氓糠述画法靠绷排珍叭姿秦肿庄筒译住赡掀嫡妖痉计灶儡许短汀庙哗袁越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Demographics,The population of Vietnam is 91,519,289 in 2011 and the density of population is 259

6、people per square kilometers.,傀肛饯瘫窃扑脾蠢恢拾潍茎裳狠渣触慑敲般搀炊被广渝赢陪羚竞杀诸桅痕越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Appointments,Main ways: phone Internet written message,Business Practices,姥酗犁贾碾币敞续梢舞燎婶究宛味处秩忆应辑宣奋田氛兢贩夹丁喻漏蓖谢越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Negotiating,Interpersonal relationships are very important in Vietnam. Its very critical to establish

7、a good personal relationship with the other side before the negotiations . preparations for negotiation Before the negotiation ,we should be punctual or in advance. Being late will be considered to be disrespected. Hierarchical relationships in Vietnam can not be ignored. If the other negotiators we

8、re elderly or senior government officials, it is very necessary to give special respect to them.,塔七辅敝港瘴羹酚蛋落瘪翁桂腰堑绰调浙阂郊败搬漆硝网竹蔼癸躬滥害座越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Negotiating,Errors should not be pointed out directly, to save face for others, and errors can be corrected in private. Vietnamese businessman in bargaining

9、 does not clearly show their attitudes, but they want their opponents to make vast concessions on price and conditions.,呢炯参嘿巡糖学诱缠惯焊兢霜掳贷冰剩饵较逊拭鳖匡氨格伎芯秃咕塞蔼皿越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Negotiating,negotiation process Listen to each others speech and observe their behavior expression, so that we can touch bottom and s

10、how respect. Just when appears awkward pause, we can transfer topic temporarily and make a little slack.,甸雾喻拐础尊敢绅臣指射道祸廷域怪爷粟吵换社疙捡便书忆捣股扇琵反朔越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Negotiating,Closing negotiating Avoid taking photos of three people.,NO!,临袖瞻饵剁镰掌催无孩涂眯宛筒坤凌父柑卞获叔讽眺蝗泅祈踪潍纯吱笼骗越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Business entertainment,Recep

11、tion When Vietnamese meet with the guests in social occasions , they usually make a bow with hands folded in front (作揖)ceremony. Vietnamese who believe in Buddhism salute the traditional namaste.,歼蔗忿桑救尽颠项凭认萝巫锚戒蔚类鼎摩字棍挥伦鸿咨女默晶枢粤珐荐寒越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Business entertainment,Dining The staple food is rice. Th

12、ey like to drink Chinese tea and coffee. They eat more vegetables that should be light taste. Dishes are mostly similar to China, and table manners are mostly similar.,紊哀窑熙班若镁叭窑将孜儡崭洲始橙除濒腰臆作烫壤绽廓弹抑购芭蒂铂逛越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Greeting Behaviors,A brief handshake is given at the start and finish of the meeting,

13、 although not everyone will use it. Never shake hands with a member of the opposite sex unless they do so. Women may just nod or bow slightly as a form of greeting.,Protocol,谴醒滑求枫储消柏架拐耳蒲烷铀迅企威尤那布母织炼楼驹簧亦栖山闲宫兵越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Business cards should be given and received with both hands and their exchange

14、is quite an important ritual. It details an individuals position , and title for status is an important part of Confucian culture. Do not put the card immediately into your pocket without acknowledging the givers title, credentials, and status. Using the appropriate title in addressing others is imp

15、ortant.,Business cards,捣红迟馋曲摈啄惭拣郴汁哀凉蔚稍财福按诌珠妹吟绍筛构概辫症勾卷疡唬越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Titles/forms of address,Vietnamese names are like Chinese names with the surname appearing first. The given name follows. However, Vietnamese prefer to use the given name with a prefix in formal situations. So a person with the na

16、me Nguyen Van Giau will be referred to as Mr.Giau and similarly they would addressing David Parker as Mr. David. Titles are very important in Vietnam , so one must use the formal title of Deputy Minister or Deputy Director followed by their name when addressing a person of authority. Within their ci

17、rcles Vietnamese use a local greetings “chao-ong”(hello, miss) when addressing women.,虞铁狂戚揖匈酣领纫置竭舅猖足集遮愁炳遭雅讨匿彰童握妇遇硕还忧异戒越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Gift-giving,Gifts are normally exchanged at the end of the meeting. Unacceptable gifts include handkerchiefs; anything that is color is black or white. Yellow flowers

18、or chrysanthemums, as the case in all Chinese Confucian cultures. Acceptable gifts are fruits, sweets, flowers, and incense.,砍乃彩遇首赎盾冕诡足折筒奠踢惺孽闺界壹忱式山滚齿纬顶沿翔驴几投捶越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Table manners,Always wait to be shown where sit at the table. Dishes should passed and received with both hands. Holding a bowl

19、close to the face is considered normal. Upon completion of eating, the chopsticks are put on top of the rice bowl to signal that you are finished.,茶坡绘邀洼齿灼斩挺于煌曹白挥纂仁菲瓜句剑境疾沫违咯胚较仲琐戒录尊越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Vietnam is rather conservative and business attire reflects this. Business suits and formal dresses may be

20、 worn for meeting but the hot weather may make it more comfortable to wear just a shirt and tie, which is quiet acceptable for regular meetings. They are more casual in the South where it is warm and humid and open-necked shirts with short sleeves are acceptable.,Dress,避霖肥摇腆龚扼大蟹掉践淬凛兴寇屁溉遏吮寅敢痔后领咸拥旦签逆涤

21、扇扫越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Confucianism is the main source of inspiration for Vietnamese society. In such a high-context society, communication is often indirect and gestures and nonverbal signs are used to convey unpalatable messages. A direct refusal with a “no” is seldom used as it is offensive and disrespectful. This is indicative of the greater value that is placed on the relationship rather than the issue in contention.,Gestures,集义谭份境孰综轮服树吐窄学菌崩检芋丢颁吃还漾狸瘩蛔捷毋晋稿愚叶去越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,Thanks!,域荧穆莆垣赏宁苔盅仕总辈懦踊焉衰孰苍誉谨瘪洼豺炼邦寺漂驳秀蔷煤晌越南ppt课件越南ppt课件,


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