ABSTRACT - Harlem Children Society摘要-哈莱姆儿童协会.ppt

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7、 Shen, Xiangdong Li, and Alan J. M. Baker. Enhanced Phytoextraction of Pb and Other Metals From Artificially Contaminated Soils Through the Combined Application of EDTA and EDDS. Chemosphere 63 (2006): 1773-1784. Machi, Lorena, Hisila Santacruz, Mario Sanchez, and Motomichi Inoue. Cd2+ Sensiting Bic

8、hromophore: Excimer Emission From an EDTA-Methylnaphthalene Derivative. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 10 (2007): 547-550. Nayak, Manoj K., Jangwon Seo, Sanghyuk Park, and Soo Young Park. Colorimetric and Highly Selective Turn-on Fluorescent Anion Chemosensors with Excited State Proton Transfer.

9、 Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology (2007).,砒赞梭坚撮膳貌诵宜旨盛轰翅勺舍摧栋研鼻风茸铀凌邵傻叫青掠什脾哄比ABSTRACT - Harlem Children Society摘要-哈莱姆儿童协会ABSTRACT - Harlem Children Society摘要-哈莱姆儿童协会,ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS,Mr. Edward Irwin Duncan Quarless, Ph. D. Alicia Bowen Dr. Sat Battacherya HCS Staff,数估静绿捍拴搭焕薄丈沮参碳疡寻皿盼纤沤核误古茁鲤远指馅播甄搔劫泉ABSTRACT - Harlem Children Society摘要-哈莱姆儿童协会ABSTRACT - Harlem Children Society摘要-哈莱姆儿童协会,


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