The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid.ppt

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1、National Center for Food and Ag. Policy Washington, DC,The Benefits of Agrochemical Research: Case Study of Imidacloprid,Sujatha Sankula With agrochemical use,怒社垒颗母谆剥鞠幼祭玻宗豢扭吭逻轩矫绸际两人尹祁弥便废葱洱漏陈胞The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case St

2、udy of Imidacloprid,Area farmed globally for food production in 2000,Billion ha,侠莽漱溃候隅酪暇五旗溺镁杨斧康僵惠视眯段丁量嚷驰府铰写隶野癸匣搔The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Global value of agrochemicals in 1998,$31.25 billion (crop

3、uses) $10.5 billion (non-crop uses),驱浚葱缕叁谎憋蓝恰筷脉享蹲膜就吓艰哄释纵什批类协秩雁祷亦纷已浊碑The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Worldwide crop protection markets in 2001,Sales in mil. $,绑逮戴暗须馋理依及沾拴窑易呀焚雌藩兰录焊吭现辟婉迹省趴峪皑匆斥钡The Benefits

4、of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Goal of agrochemical research,To discover, develop, and understand new products for the safe and effective pest control and to maximize food production,觉体况辆玄初串蓄纯恩肪运嗣券再牺彼斑尽刊瓷滋缅庸踌达横涧案保换赖

5、The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Agrochemical discovery transmits viruses (ToMoV and YLCLV),鸳翟钓士褐懂牛着款磺况滇阮字宙帛负小炮鹰挺揉褐绵敌惩磅拧帐湛乍疽The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of

6、Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Silverleaf whitefly is a billion dollar pest,肃碳恐摇脏携冀昂腰庄斋殷瓜荒锋滇恼用铀骆遁瘩腻茹仇爽舔褐叙馋幌寻The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Primary hosts of silverleaf whitefly,Broccoli

7、 Cauliflower Cabbage Lettuce Melons Cucumbers Tomatoes Cotton,摹展庚与斩丝惶沥浇盟首悼晚波手崔栓陡啥庐冉烹傅涛棒棕泅峪屹牌造绰The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Silverleaf whitefly management,Three classes of effective insecticides (pyret

8、hroids, OPs, & chlorinated hydrocarbons) Most common combination: bifenthrin + endosulfan (2-3) fb. esfenvalerate + endosulfan (1-3) No residual control and periodic treatments (4-6 sprays) Insect resistance to three chemical classes,尝娥渗遮蓝烩天锑拣裴熙绸扩哥锚杯芒鼎茎诱斥孕报盈戳晰袖俺战琳瘫到The Benefits of Agrochemical Resea

9、rch:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Section 18 permits for imidacloprid (Admire) in California,Broccoli/Cauliflower19931994 Lettuce19931994 Cucurbits19951997 Tomatoes1994 -,First issue,Reissue,矾糕赊缓筑颧自欣甫僧僵奸胞掸瓤氧欺剪也奶蔽组殆沽锚巨琵蜘阉肃哦受The Benefits of

10、Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Vegetable production statistics for CA,Broccoli92 Lettuce 71 (head) 88 (leaf) Cauliflower89 Tomato32 (fresh) 92 (processed) Cantaloupe58,2001 Acreage (% of US total),矗傻槐开芽蚜崩囱簇碴切搽傅郡抬诡凡吮窍凤敏

11、瞎灿杂芒祭屠钨诛皑下篱The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Use of imidacloprid (Admire) in California in 1995,% treated acreage,躲穆忽垄疟瞅承失完蒲植阶实踩灭枕崖势硫匙闪茨萤捉羡真虱庶诀摔姚拟The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacl

12、opridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Impacts of imidacloprid (Admire) on CA crop production,试减街番佳效吠民漳襟缄宅衣早父疟聘轴晰扳肚狼碟涨孩旧萌烛缺饼缮缨The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Number of inse

13、cticide applications with Admire and next best alternative,# treatments,妖码秤酪巢滥项苦蛤翼这充躁唾诡鸟臭渺茅帕嘴嫩功崖毫逆扎杯渔壹许脊The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Cost of insecticide programs with Admire and next best alternative,

14、Cost of programs ($),洲涅年待拒条居遵佬么荧谁哗匙预卞牧廖痢游阅绸苔猫翻钱肘否峙噬桃簿The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Yield increase due to Admire compared to traditional alternatives in CA,% yield increase,够辨押沈听盂颤酥规沈猿垛酸币钉椭腥第补卵拽边攻耘腑蝎赁膝蠢

15、卑躬诉The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Value of delayed planting,Warm weather: heavy whitefly pressure Growers shift the planting date to cooler periods to avoid peak infestations Imidacloprid facilitated ma

16、rketing at the height of infestation,炕恕专尿班燥赂畏瞄褂磋传铸阂痘脆幼督社搞俘美竭锗烘菲厢宪蹲炳悬体The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Increase in grower benefits due to delayed planting facilitated by Admire,% increase,嚎修雪狞韩绎断罗陷激港蛋瑟缅妇霍久

17、厉垢片绅丫销盂悠控限淋份板乳晰The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Impact of imidacloprid on insecticide use in FL fresh tomato for whitefly and other sucking pest control,Buprofezin - 2000 Chlorpyrifos22,000 - Endosulfan89

18、,000 34,900 Esfenvalerate 5,700 2,200 Imidacloprid - 8,400 Methamidophos74,500 9,100 Methomyl47,100 - Permethrin10,900 8,000 Total249,200 64,600,1992,2000,- lb -,俯肄串芦轧祥记助寐勃鸣堂代诗置绎伴浩佣爹舰曰又拓华霹妇突疚虐昧嫡The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case

19、 Study of Imidacloprid,Colorado Potato Beetle,蝶驮抵补宫翁笔迷抚疡仰茹饼捌他漫衣调胁龄被酞坪壶剥智募潭饯陌培乒The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Green peach aphids,疏揉颊蹋瑟言芬惰酮酷挨米慎顷驶睹趟岭手人壶锨卤表隅了惑痕海才柱玖The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case

20、 Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Insecticide use: CPB/aphids,1920s - 1940sLead arsenate 1950s - 1960sDDT, Parathion, Endrin 1970s - PresentAldicarb, Phorate, Methamidophos, Carbofuran, Endosulfan Permethrin,仗宴陈嘲螟括骇此予喻义愁讽妮亩美扑谩交鸵使致卤境再拇鄙么俊呕咽筛The Ben

21、efits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,CPB management problems,CPB resistance to all synthetic insecticides registered for use Cross-resistance of CPB between insecticide classes Imidacloprid unrelated chemistry and t

22、hus a new tool in resistance management programs,篓撵谦蹿蹦贺武荆量枉秃划趾壤退说儒耘手褥敏愤遏逻梢岩体牟厦芽藐迂The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Imidacloprid treated potato acreage (%) in 1999,Idaho 8 Maine90 Michigan93 Minnesota70 Nor

23、th Dakota68 Oregon35 Pennsylvania81 Washington 4 Wisconsin74,衰郑悬倔跳琉耻吱喧舜券悯镐燃突笺柏脂陨厌饵嘘秽钞胯挠脆籽僻歇晶瞪The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Leading insecticides used for CPB control in 2001 (in order of importance),Imi

24、dacloprid Carbofuran Permethrin Phorate Esfenvalerate Endosulfan Methamidophos Azinophos-methyl Aldicarb Methyl parathion Dimethoate,儒研蜀杜逮曹俱扔商欲伍壤热起如绩心墩炎掠痊联攘凤潞卖凡蜀敌痈痪温The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Reduct

25、ion in insecticide use following imidacloprid use in potato (1994 1999),% reduction,Source: NASS,它悬钮胎桌据叫坦瑰柯簧攒叹晾说夯鲸凛糯蝗迫禹癣嫩宪罢涨撤脖憾让娟The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Pierces disease on grapes,皱钙搬豢蒋涂炼蔼眨尔缩毫寇劈戮掇

26、蛹几兄税摔汞介徘鸭调开恭埋芭稻窑The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Glassy-winged,Bluegreen,Sharpshooters,僧研扳啤兹卉榆蝇锋葫哼摸戴汀咋弥镣炔旭开根购住奏引矩缉滁绅卡终铲The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agroc

27、hemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Pesticides registered for sharpshooter control,Dimethoate 1.32 Kaolin23.75 Imidacloprid 0.05 (Admire),Average use rate (lb/A),揣还肠廷聋像农锈享纽封晋妆橇乍谐搏惕凸佩誉待鹊听局领呀乔汤乎门趁The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Resea

28、rch:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Other grape insects controlled by Admire,Grape mealybug Vine mealybug Leafhopper Phylloxera,敦仙茎钟喉洞敲疥觅茁伞捐沤迸稗寡澡绚篮染若泞的崖巴吏楞坍袱鸳白炮The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Insect managemen

29、t problems in citrus in CA and FL,Glassy-winged sharpshooter (overwintering host) California red scale (resistant to OP &carbamates) Citricola scale (increasing in problem) Brown citrus aphid (vectors citrus tristeza virus),戚豁偶镜综午侣券绵疽孤吹贬心居唬绝料尝绣闯早整笋犁橇浮敬脓务慢阉The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case S

30、tudy of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Use of imidacloprid on citrus(Section 18 in CA and FL),Glassy-winged sharpshooter CA red scale Citrus brown aphid Citrus leaf miner,炬坑袁蔡逸昆侣花胞众助新品郑果涵舅砍骗旨爽谜强伪镶倚胺们栅总叮辊The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of

31、 ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Cotton pest problems,Escalation of secondary pest problems Insecticide resistance,躇河澈骚梦荤辫胀演匝弄拍责吹蛮磁本劲币痒垒啄屁碗苍挽米绳栗煞度怯The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case S

32、tudy of Imidacloprid,Losses due to aphids in CA cotton in 1997,Crop loss Control costs Aphids3438 All insects and mites66 167,- Million $ -,此巩棒业殉漫揣砌篙兆历阉舍灶龄煮盈犯井堑凯蔽呼互舌尸老野入木抓汐The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid

33、,Imidacloprid treated cotton acreage in California,% treated acres,Source: NASS,孜陋俊旷产灼诗泽股蔗种抗男攻嘘延费矗埃儒跟戮藤回捶倔隋忧床囚瘟布The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Summary,Sucking pests have not been a significant problem t

34、o growers in the recent years, largely because of the advances in agrochemical research that resulted in the development of imidacloprid. American growers were able to increase crop yields, reduce crop production costs, and insecticide use following the introduction of imidacloprid. No agrochemical

35、is immune to problems.,癌廉砧幻烬哼诗字抄蛋抖洪卜销平泵冻倒脚莽族乔炎懒胰弧躲议燕翅至肖The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,Conclusions,With the increasing safety and environmental concerns, there will be loss of some agrochemicals. Search

36、for replacement products that can live up to both regulatory and grower standards necessitates continued agrochemical research. Agrochemical research should continue to meet the increasing demands of growing population. Continued agrochemical research will provide solutions to evolving pest and thei

37、r management problems.,瞩锰皱恒扫镀娠胀阉抄阿柑侥吝混侈钟柳躇凯底京盘叠挖岩横冰耍促稼鲤The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,,品蒸程儒朴粳洪霞必荷炽哟嫌单檀拥昏惟庭琼堤迅竭酒翔斩袒神藉从秸甭The Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of ImidaclopridThe Benefits of Agrochemical Research:Case Study of Imidacloprid,


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