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1、2017 年 1 月雅思口语考试题库汇总“ Part One ” 1全新题目Dream( 全新题目 )Do you remember your dream when you wake up?Do you like hearing others dreams?Do you think dream will affect life?Do you want to learn more about dreams?Toy( 全新题目 )What was your favorite toy in childhood? Shouldparents buy many toys to their childre

2、n? What arethe benefits of children playing toys?What are the disadvantages of children playing toys?Mirror( 全新题目 )Do you often look in the mirror? Doyou often buy mirrors?Where do you put mirrors?Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration?Robots( 全新题目 )Are you interested in robots? Why?Do you

3、like robots to work at your home?Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?2 旧题回库Work & Study( 旧题回库 )Do you work or study?Do you need to work very hard?Is the current job very challenging for you? Whatdo you do after work?Which s

4、chool do you study in?What are the facilities around your school?What is your major?Why did you choose the major?Hometown( 旧题回库 )Which part do you live in china? Doyou like where you live?Would you like to live in south of china in the future? Will you go back to your hometown? Accommodation( 旧题回库 )

5、Do you live in house or apartment?What can you see out of the window of the place you live?Please describe your house or apartment.Color( 旧题回库 )What colors do you like most? Why?What colors did you like most in childhood? Whatcolors will you use to decorate your room?What colors will be the last cho

6、ice to decorate your room?Newspaper & Magazine(旧题回库 )Do you like to read magazines?Do you prefer to buy or borrow magazines? Why?Do you prefer to read magazines or newspapers?What was the first magazine or newspaper that you read?Outdoor Activities( 旧题回库 )Do you like outdoor activities?What outdoor

7、activities do you like to learn to do? Why are outdoor activities important?What are the benefits of outdoor activities for children?Transportation( 旧题回库 )Is public transportation in your country convenient? What are your favorite transportation means?Why do people like private cars?What should the

8、government do to encourage people to take public transportation?Hats( 旧题回库 )Do you like to wear hats?What kinds of people like to wear hats?What kinds of hats do you like?Where do you like to buy hats?Families( 旧题回库 )How much time do you spend with families?Who do you resemblemost in your family?Who

9、is the closestfamilymemberto you?Celebrity( 旧题回库 )Do you want to be a celebrity?What are the benefits of being a celebrity? What are the disadvantages of being a celebrity? Sunny Days( 旧题回库 )Do you like sunny days?What do you like to do on sunny days?What are the things that you can t do under inten

10、se sunlight?Photographs( 旧题回库 )What do you do with your photos?How do you take photos?Why do people like to take photos?Gift( 旧题回库 )What do you send toot hers as gifts? Doyou send flowers as gifts?Do gifts need to be expensive?3 重点老题Friend( 重点老题 )Do you prefer to have a best friend or several not so

11、 close friends? What do you do after work or study with friends?What do you like to do with friends? Why?Music( 重点老题 )Do you like music lessons?Do you play instruments?Did you learn instruments?Did you have any music classes in school?Do you think it is necessary for children to have music classes?

12、What do you think of Chinese traditional music?Shoes( 重点老题 )Do you like shoes?Will you buy shoes online?How many pairs of shoes will you buy at one time?Do you think it is necessary to buy good quality shoes?Which kinds of shoes do you prefer? Good looking or comfortables ones?Are people willing to

13、pay for an expensive pair of shoes? Indoor Activities( 重点老题 )Do you like indoor activities?Do you prefer outdoor or indoor activities?What are the benefits of doing indoor activities?Swimming( 重点老题 )Do you like swimming?How often do you swim? Do you like to go swimming on holiday? Should everyone le

14、arn swimming? Why? Sports( 重点老题 )What are the appropriate ways to do sports?What are the differences between the sports that old people and the ones that young people do?What kinds of sports do you like?Free time( 重点老题 )Do you spend your free time at home or outside?What do you do in free time?Do yo

15、u like to spend your free time with families or friends?Housework( 重点老题 )Do you help to do some housework? What kinds of houseworks?Did you do housework when you were a child?Do you think children should do housework?“ Part Two&Three ”1 新题名人 (新题 )Describe a famous personWho he/she isWhat he/she does

16、And explain why the person is famous.Is the person famous for a long time in your country? Who are the wealthy people in your country?Does money matter a lot to people currently?等待之事 (新题 )Describe an experience when you were waiting for something.WhenWhereWho you were withAnd explain how you feltWha

17、t are the things that people wait for every day? Do Chinese people accustomed to waiting?Are people more patient than they used to be?Do people become impatient because of the conveniences of modern life?安静之地 (新题 ) Describea quiet place. Where it isHow often you visit thereWhat you do thereAnd expla

18、in there ason why you like or dislike the place. What are the placesthat are free of noises?What are the causes of noises?What are the impactsof noises on people?好服务 (新题 )Describe anexperience on good service in a shop or a restaurant. WhenWhereWhatAnd explain why youthink it was good service.What a

19、re the differences between large shop services and small store ones?What do people do when they get bad services? What are the qualities of being a good restaurant?旧物品 (新题 )Describe an old thing that you often use.What it isHow often you use itAnd explain why you often use it.What do you think of re

20、cycling old things?What is the value of old things?What are the functions of museums?旅游胜地 (新题 )Describe a tourist attraction.Where it isWhat people do thereAnd explain why people like to go thereWhat are the places that people in your country like to visit? What are the impacts of tourists on local

21、people?Will international tourism improve international relationships?与工作学习无关的计划 (新题 )Describe a plan in your life that has nothing to do with your work or study.What it isWhen you have the planWho you have told the plan toAnd explain why you want to do this.Do you think people should have plans or

22、just do whatever they like immediately?Do most people accomplish their plans? Why?What are the factors that young people will consider when choosing jobs?What are the impacts of families on people choosing jobs?What is the impact of salary on doing work?历史重要事件 (新题 )Describe an important event in his

23、tory.What it wasWhen and where it happenedWho took part in the eventAnd explain why you think it was important. Doyou like history?Do your parents think learning history is important? What are the benefits of museums?Are museums in your country free of charge?Which way is better for learning history

24、? Through reading books or visiting museums?Do major cities in your country all have museums? Will current things be exhibited in future museums? Can individuals build museums?How to show life two thousand years ago in the museums?有趣邻居 (新题 )Describe an interesting neighbor.You should say:Who the per

25、son isHow long do you know the personAnd explain the reason why you think the person is interestingDo people living in small cities know more about their neighbors than people living in big cities?What are the benefits of having kind neighbors?Why do neighbors seldom talk to each other nowadays?How

26、to improve the relationship among neighbors?故乡商店 (新题 )Describe a shop that opens in your hometown.You should say:Where it is located exactlyWhen you visited thereAnd explain why theshop is popular or unpopularDo you like to visit large shops or small stores?What kinds of shopsare popular in your cou

27、ntry?Should the government in your country protect those small stores?2 旧题回库描述一个欢笑时刻 (旧题回库 )Describe a time when something made you laughYou should say:what it was whenand where whowas with youand explain why you remember itIs comedy popular in China?Is there any other form of comedy besides the com

28、edy on TV?What are the differences between comedies in books and those on TV?Why are comedies used as advertisements?电影 (旧题回库 )Describe your favorite movieYou should say:when and where you saw it;what type of film it was; whatthe film was about;and explain why it is your favorite film How tomake a m

29、ovie?Is the huge investment in movie a waste?What films do young and old people like respectively? Do you like black-and-white films?婚礼 (旧题回库 )Describe a wedding you have been toYou should say:Where it wasWho you went withWhat you sawand how you felt about the weddingDo you prefer large or small wed

30、ding ceremonies?What are the attitudes of men and women towards wedding ceremonies?What is the appropriate age for people to get married?高楼 (旧题回库 )Describe a tall building which you like or dislike You should say:whatbuildingitwaswhenyou went therewhy you went thereand explain why you like or dislik

31、e the buildingWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of tall buildings? What are the impacts of climate on building design?Why do many like to design their houses?广告 (旧题回库 )Describe an advertisement you have seen recentlyYou should say:when and where you saw it;what was advertised;what the conten

32、ts of the advertisements were; andexplain how you felt about it.Will you buy the products in the advertisements?What do you think of junk food advertisements?Where do most advertisements show up?Do the products themselves tell in the end?昂贵活动 (旧题回库 )Describe an activity that is a little expensive Yo

33、ushould say:what it ishow much it usually costswho you usually do it withand explain why you like to do this activityWhat do you think of making great fortune overnight?What sports are popular in your country?What do you think of expensive sports?Why do you think some people like to do these dangero

34、us activities? Why do you think some people strongly dislike playing sports?网站 (旧题回库 )Describe a website that you often visit. Youshould say:When you found itWhat it is aboutHow often you visit itAnd explain why you would like the website. What are the other websites that you often surf?What is the

35、appropriate age for the young to surf the Internet? Which age group likes to surf the Internet most?Do you think it is better to surf the Internet more often?自驾游 (旧题回库 )Describe a car or motor or bike trip you want to take You should say:Where would you like to goWho are you going withWhat will be t

36、he difficult part of the trip Explainwhy are you interested in do sing How dopeople commute to work?Apart from traffic congestions,what problems might occur if people commute to work at the same time?Why do people spend more time on commuting?Is it possible to work at home or avoid peak hours? Is it

37、 beneficial to travel overseas?Why do people travel long to go to work?不同寻常之事 (旧题回库 )Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time).You should say:what you didwhen and where you did itwho you did it withand explain why you think it was interesting or unusual.What activ

38、ities are young people under seventeen banned from doing?Where did you go to play when you were a child?Do men have more free time than women do?Do people have less free time than they used to have?Do people still do the same activities currently compared with what they did previously?What do childr

39、en do in free time?短期工作的国家 (旧题回库 )Describe a foreign country that you would like to work for a short period.You should say:when and wherewho you want to work withand explain why you want to work thereWhat kinds of jobs are appropriate for working overseas for a short period?What skills are needed to

40、 work in international companies? Is it good for children to work overseas? Why?有趣歌曲 (旧题回库 )Describe an interesting songYou should say:What kind of song it isHow you found itWhat it is aboutAnd explain why it is interesting to youWhat are the differences between the songs that old people and young p

41、eople listen to? Why?Why do people like to watch talent shows on TV?What are the differences of the past and the current music?What are the differences between and live and television concerts?特殊一餐 (旧题回库 )Describe a special meal you have hadYou should say:where you had it whoyou had it with whatyou

42、ateand explain it was special for youDo people eat different things in different seasons? What can be counted as good services in hotels?Do young and old people like to try new foods?How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?3 老题新编外国食物 (老题新编 )Describe a foreign food.You should say:Wh

43、ich countryWhat it isHow popular it is in your countryAnd explain the reason why you like it or not.What are the differences of eating habits in various countries? What do Chinese people like to eat?Will Chinese try new foods?Will people try new local foods when they are on a journey?想再看一遍的书 (老题新编 )

44、Describe a book that you want to read again. Youshould say:Where you found itWhat it is aboutWhy you want to read it again.Why should parents read stories to children?What do children read in your country?Does reading become a less common activity because of electronic products put forward by modern technology?Will paper books be replaced by electronic ones completely?兴奋活动 (老题新编 )Describe an activity that you feel excited. Youshould say:what it ishow much it usual


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