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1、最新 料推荐4 个花费专题练习1. 她花了三个月的时间做这个试验.It_ _ _to do this experiment.2. 他用了多长时间看完了这本书?How long did _ _to finish reading the book?3. 我们花了两个小时才找到他的家_ _ two hours _ _ his home.4. 她在服装上花了很多钱。She _ lots of money_ dresses.5. 我昨天花费两个小时完成作业I_ _ _my homework yesterday.6. 从广州开车到清远需要多长时间?How long doesto drive from Gu

2、angzhou to Qingyuan?7. 我每天晚饭后花半个小时看中央电视台新闻。It _ _ half an hour _ _ the CCTV News after supper every day.8. 昨天我花了两个钟头的时间完成这项工作。_ _ me two hours _ _ the work yesterday.9. 我花了 2000 多元买这手机,这个月的午餐就得吃面包。The mobile phone_ _ more than 2000 yuan. I have to have bread _ _ this month.10. 她每天花半小时读英语。 (广州 97 中 2

3、011 初一期中)She _ half an hour_ English every day.11. 他用了多长时间看完了这本书?How long did_ _to finish reading the book?12. 昨天我花了 3 个小时做作业。I_ three hours_ my homework yesterday.13. 每年他花在买书方面花很多钱。Every year he_ a lot of money_ books.14.李教授花了5 天时间做这个实验。Professor Li _5 days _this experiment .15.政府花了50 万修建这个广场。Gover

4、nment_500,000_ this square.16. 导演花了两年挑选他的新电影里的主角。The director_2 years_ the leading actors of his new film.单项选择1.- How much does your new bike _ ?- I _ 300 yuan _ it. (广州某校2011 期中)A payspend onB. cost, buy for C spend; paid onD. cost; paid for 2.Tom spent 200 yuan _this book.A . inB. onC. forD. with3

5、.It will _you half an hour to walk there.A . spendB. costC. takeD. pay4.It_ me two days to finish the work.1最新 料推荐A . tookB. costC. spentD. paid5. -How much did you_ for this MP4, Sally?-I got it for 800 yuan.A. payB. spendC. takeD. cost6. This dress looks beautiful on you. How much is it? It_me mor

6、e than a thousand yuan. 【2011A. spentB. costC. tookD. paid7. - Your coat is so beautiful. It must be expensive.- Not really. I only _ ¥ 30 on it.【泸州市2011】A. costB. spentC. paidD. took8. I _ 5,ooo yuan on this iPhone. Wow, so much! I cantafford it. 【 2011福州中考】A. spentB. paidC. costD.took9. I _ $300 f

7、or the bike.【 2011 四川宜宾】A. tookB. spentC. costD. paid10.I _ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.【 2011 天津】A. spendB. costC. takeD. pay11.She usually _much time shopping in the supermarkets. ( 天河省实2011 初二期中 )A spendsB costsC takesD pays根据句子意思和时态,用spend, take, cost 和 pay 的正确形式来填

8、空。1. I _ two hours on this math problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。2. The car _ him around ten thousand US dollars. 这车花去他一万美元左右。3. His money _ _ for books. 他的钱用来买书了。4. They _two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。5. A new computer _ a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。6. It _ them three years to build this r

9、oad. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。7. I have to_ them 20 pounds for this room each month.我每个月要付20 英磅的房租。8. I have to _ for the lost book. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。9. Don t worry! Ill _ for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。10. They _ us every month. 他们每月给我们报酬。11.May I borrow 12 Yuan from you? Ill _ it back next week.你能借给我 12 块钱吗?下周还你。12.The error _ the company one million pounds. 这错误使公司损失了一百万英镑。DBCAA BBADA A2


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