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1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake ?学习目标:1. 复习本单元重点单词及短语2. 复习动副短语及祈使句3. 复习描述制作某物的过程 Guide one. 词汇速记1. 倒出; 倾倒(v. ) 2. 增加; 添加(v. ) 3. 掘(地); 凿(洞)(v. ) 4. 庆祝; 庆贺(v. ) 5. (使)混合; 融合(v. ) 6. 接待; 服务; 提供(v. ) 答案: 1. pour2. add3. dig4. celebrate5. mix 6. Serve7. 夹心面包片;明治(v. ) 8. 片; 块; 段(n. ) 9. 秋天; 秋季

2、(n. ) 10. 英格兰(n. ) 11. 盘子; 碟子(n. ) 答案: 7. sandwich8. piece9. autumn10. England 11. plate12. 温度; 气温; 体温(n. )13. final(adj. )(adv. )最后; 最终14. tradition(n. )(adj. )传统的; 惯例的15. travel(v. )(n. )旅行者; 游客答案: 12. temperature13. finally14. traditional15. traveler/traveller Guide two. 短语互译1. 接通(电流、煤气、水等); 打开 t

3、urn2. 切碎 up3. 把倒入 pour. . . . . . 4. 用把填满 fill. . . . . . 5. 用把覆盖 . . . with. . . 6. 把切碎 cut. . . pieces7. 拿某物招待某人 sth. sb. 答案: 1. on2. cut3. into4. with5. Coverinto7. serve; to重点短语milk shake奶昔 turn on接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开pourinto把倒入a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶 a good idea好主意on Saturday在星期六 cut up切碎putinto把放入 one

4、more thing还有一件事a piece of一片/张/段/首at this time在这时 a few一些;几个fill with用把装满coverwith用覆盖 one by one一个接一个;逐个;依次a long time很长时间how many+可数名词复数 多少 how much+不可数名词 多少Its time (for sb.)+to do sth. 到(某人)做某事的时间了FirstNextThenFinally 首先接下来然后.最后want + to do sth.想要做某事 forget+to do sth.忘记去做某事 how + to do sth.如何做某事ne

5、ed+to do sth.需要做某事 make+宾语+形容词 使怎样 let sb. +do sth.让某人做某事. 句型攻关1. 你怎样制作水果沙拉? _you_fruit salad? 2. 咱们来做西红柿鸡蛋汤吧。_tomato and egg soup. 3. 我们需要多少奶酪? _cheese do we need? 答案: 1. How do; make2. Lets make3. How much4. 你想要多少苹果? _do you want? 5. 在中国, 春节是最重要的传统节日。Spring Festival is the most important_in China.

6、 6. 最后, 不要忘记往汤里加点盐。_,_some salt to the soup. 答案: 4. How many apples5. traditional festival6. Finally; dont forget to add Guide three 一、祈使句1、用法:表达命令、请求、鼓励的句子。2、句子结构:祈使句分为肯定祈使句和否定祈使句两种情况。肯定祈使句构成:动词原形+其他。 1)Stand up! 起立! 2)Sit down! 坐下! 3)Open the door, please. 请把门打开。 4)Clean the classroom, please. 请把教

7、室打扫一下。 5)Come on! 加油!否定祈使句构成:Dont +动词原形+其他。 1) Dont talk in class! 课堂上不许说话! 2)Dont be late for class! 不许迟到! 3)Dont stay up late! 不要熬夜!2、Turn on the blender. 1)turn on 打开(电器等) 反义词:turn off关上(电器等)。 2)turn up(音量调大,调高) turn down (把音量调小,调低) turn in 上交 (试卷等) turn into 使成为,翻译成 turn to 转向 in turn 依次地 by tur

8、n 轮流地 3)辨析:turn on/open turn on表示打开(电灯,自来水开关,煤气,无线电等) 注意代词放中间:turn it on open 表示敞开,展开,使;露在外面。open the window3、Cut up the bananas. (banana 名词宾语)将香蕉切成块。 1) cut up 切碎后跟代词宾语时应该放在cut和up的中间,接名词宾语时放在eg:cup it up2) cutin two/half 把切成两半 cut down 砍到 cutinto pieces 把切成碎块 eg:cut it down 4、Pour the milk into the

9、 blender.把牛奶倒进果汁机里。 1)pourinto把倒进里=putin:那放进里去 2)putinto还有“把译成”的意思。Eg:Put the sentence into English ,please. put词组:put away把收起来放好 put on 穿上 put off 推迟,延期 put out 熄灭 put down 放下 put up 建造,挂起,举起 puton把放在上 5、mix up 混合在一起 “动词+ 副词”构成的短语,当所跟宾语为名词时,可位于两者之间或副词之后; 但当宾语为代词时,则只能位于两者之间。 当堂训练( ) 1. Its time for

10、us to listen to the news. Would you please _the radio? A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down ( ) 2._those lights, please. Dont use so much energy(能源). A, Take off B. Put on C. Turn off ( ) 3. _milk do you want? Three bottles, please. A. How much B. How many C. What ( ) 4. Do you know how many_ a horse has and how many_ a bee has? Of course, I know. A. teeth; feet B. tooth; foot C. foot; teeth ( ) 5. How much tea do you need, Mr. Zhang? A. Two cups tea B. Two cup of teas C. Two cups of tea ( ) 6. There_a lot of rain in the area in August every year. A. is B. was C. are


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