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1、 建议 : 视图 选择 Web版式(W),答案更清晰!以下截图 全部来自百度文库 百度帐号:容易受伤的王子文库位置:UNIT112/121、Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking. Im kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would

2、 help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. Im pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. But I thought Im going to take the class, and then maybe, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or or a

3、musical .Im not a very good singer, but but I maybe would be a good actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good.1B/52B/5UNIT212/12页text-Mid-town hotel, can I help you? -Oh yes, Im looki

4、ng for a hotel to stay at next week. Can you tell me a little bit about your hotel, please?-Well, first of all weve got plenty of rooms available next week. And, what would you like to know specifically?-Well, I .I guess the first thing is, is how big is your hotel?-We get a hundred and fifty-five r

5、ooms. And six floors .and its a great place to stay. -I see. Are the rooms large? -Yes, theyre nice and spacious. You feel like at home in your living room. -Oh, thats nice to hear. How about food? Do you have a restaurant in the hotel?-Theres a restaurant attached. We serve breakfast, lunch and din

6、ner. -And how late is the restaurant open for dinner? -Eleven oclock.-Ahh what about other facilities? Do you have a gym, a pool, maybe a game room?-Got an exercise room, got a game room, and we have a pool. The pool is open till ten oclock. -Oh, that sounds good. And what is the price range for you

7、r rooms?-Well, the cheapest room that we have or the least expensive room I should say is 55 dollars and it goes on up from there to about two hundred and you get a really nice suite for that. -That sounds very good. Thank you very much! -My pleasure. And I look forward to seeing you next week! -OK.

8、 Bye. -Goodbye.UNIT3三单元 A: Well thank you for coming. I hope you had a good time. B: Oh we all had a great time. Thanks for having us. A: Can I get your coats? C: Yeah, Ive got one. B: I didnt wear one. C: You dont have a coat . Mine is black. A: OK, be right back . C: Thank you. That was fun. B: It

9、 was great. C: Good time. B: It was really nice. We havent seen them in such a long time and . C: I know. That .Oh, no, this is not mine. Mine is black, this is blue. B: I think this is navy blue. B: His is a little longer, his is . Its like a trench coat. C: Its got a lining in it also. A: Ill be r

10、ight back. B: Thanks. C: Thank you. B: Hey little doggy! C: Cute puppy. B: Hes a cute one, isnt he? C: Yeah, he is. A: Hope . C: Oh, there it is! Thank you very much! B: Sorry we have to leave so soon. A: No problem. Hope you had a good time. B: Oh we had a great time. A: And I shall see you again.

11、B: Thanks. Bye. A: Ill say thank you too. B: OK. Bye.、以下答案的截图有点大,但是很清晰推荐 浏览的时候 将视图 选择 为 web 模式 这样 可以看到完整清晰的答案如果 不清晰 请到 原版 作者的 百度文库 里边去下载地址 UNIT4四单元A: Im hungry. Do you want to go get fast food? B: Er .no, actually, Ive just had hamburgers and French fries yesterday and .if were gonna go out Id rathe

12、r sit down some place and relax. A: OK. Have you been to the Italian place in the mall? B: Yes. And its not very good. A: Really? B: Ya .ya .Its kind of lousy. Its kind of greasy and .its just . Its not very good. A: Now what are you in the mood for? B: How about some .Mexican food? A: Mm .I dont re

13、ally feel like Mexican. B: OK. Um . A: Chinese sounds good? B: Yes! That would be great. Chinese, lets go to .Oh! I know! Lets go to .New China, And .lets get the happy family”. And its got .you know, the pork, and the chicken, and the beef, and we can get some vegetables, too. Does that sound good?

14、 A: Yes, that sounds really good. B: I am in the mood for hot tea.UNIT5、以下答案的截图有点大,但是很清晰推荐 浏览的时候 将视图 选择 为 web 模式 这样 可以看到完整清晰的答案如果 不清晰 请到 原版 作者的 百度文库 里边去下载下载地址 Section Test A测试1 来自 上传时间 2010-12-3测试1Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me wi

15、th my public speaking. Im kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. Im pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people.

16、But I thought Im going to take the class, and then maybe, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or or a musical .Im not a very good singer, but but I maybe would be a good actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and pract

17、ice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good. UNIT6A: Im going to get a new couch. B: Oh! A: I picked out this beautiful, red couch and its like three thousand dollars. B: Oh! OK. Thats a lot. A: I know. And I dont know how to pay for it. B: Some of those places have that like financing .yo

18、u know, where you can get zero zero percent of interest for a year. A: Thats a really, really good idea. Because I know Jeff will not let me put it on a credit card. He will not use them. He doesnt want to pay the interest . B: I dont blame him, theyre scary. A: Maybe I could save up. I could probab

19、ly save like two hundred dollars a month. So that would take me a long time! B: Its kind of a lot. But it sounds like a cool couch.A: Its a beautiful, beautiful couch. I love it. So Im just .going to do it. Im going to get it. B: OK. Thats exciting.UNIT7UNIT8Unit 8 Anas FamilyChris:Hi.Ana: Hi.Chris:

20、 Oh, pictures.Ana: Mmm-hmm.Chris: Whos that? Ana:Thats my brother, Marcelo.Chris: How old is he?Ana: Hes 22.Chris: Is he a student?Ana: Yeah, he goes to the University of Maryland.Chris: Whats he studying?Ana: Hes studying engineering, but at night, hes a musician.Chris: What does he play? The guita

21、r? Ana: No, the piano.Chris: Thats great. What kind of music does he play?Ana: Jazz, mostly. Hes actually really good. He even sent me a tape.Chris: A tape of him playing?Ana: I think so.Chris: Id like to listen to it sometime.Ana: Sure.Chris: Ah, so, Ana, can I talk to you after lunch? Its about th

22、e Civic Center project.Ana:Oh, sure. Ill stop by in about half an hour.Chris: Thanks.Ana:See you.Chris: Bye Aply EA: So tell me about your family. B: Well, I have two really, really wonderful parents. Theyre really great parents. Um. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is 12 years old, and my

23、sister Andrea is . shes 24. And so growing up, it was sort of like Benjamin, my brother had like two moms, like three moms, yeah, it was really nice. And always a part of my life have been my cousins and my aunt and my uncle, because at my old house, they lived right around the corner, and when we m

24、oved, they moved with us, and now they live right next door. A: Wow! B: So its always have been the Bangharts next door, its just been a part of my life forever. A: Thats neat. Its cool. Do you have like grandparents still alive, or . B: I do have . yes, I have one grandmother still alive, and I hav

25、e a grandfather still alive, so . a lot of extended family too. A: Did you ever know your great grandparents? B: I did. My . My great grandfather is possibly my favorite person ever, he was just this like kind, wonderful soul, and I loved him so much. He was 93 before he died. A: Wow. B: He had a lo

26、ng, long life. A: Wow, thats nice, thats nice. B: Yeah, its very nice.、UNIT9Unit 9 Lunch with the StarsAna:Hello!Emi:Hi. Where are we going?Ana:Theres a great restaurant in this area.Emi:Oh?Ana:Its called Enricos. Were gonna have lunch there.Emi:Oh, great.Ana:Its a famous place. Youll love it.Emi:Lo

27、ok! Theres Tom Cruise!Ana:Shh I know.Emi:Oh my gosh! Is that? Its not!Ana:Shh. Yes, it is.Emi:Wow! There are a lot of famous people here!Ana:Mm-hmmm.Emi:Oh, my gosh! I dont believe it!Ana:What?Emi:Look! Theres Cher!Star:Oh! Are you OK, miss?Emi:Yes Can I have your autograph?Star:My autograph? You wa

28、nt my autograph?Emi:Yes, please.PAUSEEmi:Thanks.Star:There you go.Emi/Ana: Lillian Mortimer?Ana:Who on earth is that?Emi:I thought it was Cher!.Section Test BUNIT10 APPLY EHi, Angie. (Oh, my God) You will not believe what just happened to me. OK. So I was invited to this party, and I thought, OK, fu

29、n, good idea, something to do on Friday night. And, so I go to the party, and I get there and everybody is in formal dresses, theyre like all dressed up. Id just come from work and so I am in my sweat pants and my grubby T-shirt with the stains all over it. (Oh my god!) I was really embarrassed. So

30、I go in there and of course everybodys kind of looking at me funny because, you know, I come up to this person in a sequined red dress and Ive got my sweat pants on. And she just acts really polite like nothings wrong which make me even more uncomfortable. I pretty much just, you know, said my hello

31、s and then said my goodbyes and left the party. I got right out of there. It was really embarrassing.测试短文填空 1 red-facef2 embarrassing3 campus4 conference5 restaurant6 entrance7 table8 party9 uncomfortable10 tears2 made a fool 3 let me 4 Iam sorry i 5 youve only UNIT11 APPLY :EM: So, how was the inte

32、rview? F: Well, actually, it was three interviews. M: Three? F: Yeah. I had to talk to the principal first and then I had to talk to the superintendent of schools, and then the music stuff all came in and interviewed me. All separate times! M: This must be a pretty big deal then that theyre looking

33、for. F: I think its just a music position but I dont know, I dont know, I dont . I put on my resume that I had done the church choir. M: Thats a good thing. Thats all right. F: That seems pretty, well . OK, and I put that I did the nursery school job, and I put that I did the day care in my home. M:

34、 All of the child care things. I mean youre a teacher, thats good. F: Ive never taught in my life. I got my degree, like 20 years ago and Ive never been out of the house. M: Yeah, but youre gonna be wonderful. You work wonderfully with children. Youre great with music. You know your stuff. Youll be

35、perfect. F: I hope youre right. Im really, really nervous but I thought I did real well with the principal interview and then I wasnt sure. The superintendent kind of made me nervous, and I thought . He asked me some pretty tricky questions about what I saw for the future of the school and. I didnt

36、know what to say. M: Whatever you said I am sure was fine. Just act naturally, right? F: I probably shouldnt have told him that I didnt like junior high kids?测试UNIT12测试NAS S AS Unit 13温馨提示 :下面的答案为高清大图版的 强烈建议把视图 模式设置成(web 版式) 建议 下载每单元的一个 word文档,那样看起清晰,不像这样看起很乱。十三 单元 来自 一下网址(建议下载高清截图版): Unit 13 Somebo

37、dy NewLaura:Hi.Luis:Hi.Laura:Are you busy?Luis:Whats up?Laura:Id like you to meet someone. Luis, this is Susan Wu. Shes our new project director for the Star One program. Shes from Singapore.Luis:Oh, the new project director? Glad to meet you.Susan:Nice to meet you, too.Laura:Luis is very talented;

38、hes a great guy to work with.Luis:Thanks, Laura.Laura:Susan has a lot of experience with the company. Im sure youll enjoy working with her.Luis:Yes, Im looking forward to working with you.Susan:Same here, Luis.Luis:Which office will you be in?Laura:Shell be in the office across the hall.Luis:The cor

39、ner office?Laura:Right.Luis:Oh. Oh, OK. When will you be moving in?Susan:Tomorrow.Luis:So soon? Good! Well, please let me know if you need any help with anything.Susan:I appreciate that. Thanks.Laura:Well, sorry for the interruption.Luis:No problem. See you later.Abby: Hi. Jeff: Hey honey. How are y

40、ou doing? Abby: Good. How are you? Jeff: Im doing great. Abby: This is my friend Rick and this is my father Jeff. Jeff: Very nice to meet you! Rick: Nice to meet you, Jeff! Jeff: Pleasure. Tell me a little bit about yourself. Rick: Well. Of course Im in Abbys anatomy class thats why were here, to st

41、udy and uh . Jeff: Yeah. She had mentioned that before. Rick: Yeah. We also work together at the bookstore, and so thats actually how we met. You know, you dont met people in class. Its a pretty large class. We work together at the book store, so. Jeff: Thats great! What do you like to do for fun? R

42、ick: Oh. Well, that now that Im in classes. I dont really have much time for fun. But I like, you know, sports, and . Abby: We went to go see that movie the other day, you know we went to see that new Matrix movie. Jeff: Oh yeah. Ive heard about that. Was that good? Abby: I liked it.Rick: Yeah, it w

43、as great! Yes. Jeff: Its not the exactly the kind of movie that I like to go to, but I can understand how . Abby: I liked it. Jeff: Good, good. So, what are you guys gonna to do right now? Abby: Just studying, lot of studying to do. Rick: Studying. Hit those books. Yup. Abby: Yeah. Jeff: Good for you. Hey, Its great to meet you, Rick: Nice to meet you too. Jeff: Take care. Abby: Bye. Jeff: See you.单元测试Section Test CLevel Test (最后的测试)以上截图 全部来自百度文库 百度帐号:容易受伤的王子文库位置:


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