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1、.静安区 2013 -2014学年第二学期教学质量调研(二模)九年级英语(满分150 分,考试时间100 分钟)考生注意:本卷有 7 大题,共 94 小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1Listening(第一部分听力 )I. Listening Comprehension ( 听力理解 ): (共 30 分 )三、 Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6 分 )ABCDEFGH1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ 6._四、 Listen to the dia

2、logue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (8 分 )7.A) In a museum.B) At a post office. C) In the library.D) At a restaurant.8. A) The busy city life.B) The terrible weather.C) The bus services.D) The dirty streets and environment.9.D) On April 7th.10.A) Chicken

3、.B) Fish.C) Pork.D) Potato.11.A) TV news.B) Jobs.C) Newspapers.D) Internet.12.A) Once a week.B) Once a month.C) Twice a week.D) Twice a month.13.A) Steven s car is dark blue.B) Susan s car is black.C) John s car is light blue.D) Both Susan s and John s car are dark blue.14.A) Students must use pens

4、and paper to finish their homework.B) Teachers must correct students homework in the office.C) Students needn t do their homework any longer in order to be green consumers.1A) On April 3 rd .B) On April 5 th .C) On April 6th.D) Some students can use computers to finish and send their homework by e-m

5、ail.五、 Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用 “T”表示,不符合的用 “F”表示 ): (6分 )15.I had a terrible time when I wasat Jamie s house.16.Before going, I also worried about the differences between cultures.17.I called Jamie s mother Mrs Mary whe

6、n I first met her.18.In English we usually say the last name when we use Mr or Mrs.19.Most British people like to drinktea with milk except Jamie s family.20.British people think having a cup of tea is a good excuse for a family to get together.六、 Listen to the dialogue and complete the following se

7、ntences (听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词 ): (10 分 )21.David Johnson is a 15-year-old student in _ _ in Stanley School, Scotland.22.David says,“ I m good at _, but still I _ to school every day.”23. He helps his uncle do the farm work every _and _ he does some housework.24. David and his friends also learn to _ a

8、nd look after _ on Mondays.25. His mother tells him to go to _ _ in order to learn more knowledge.Part 2Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分语音、词汇和语法 )II. Choose the best answer ( 选择最恰当的答案): (共 20分 )26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A) They usually

9、 have lunch at school.B) We re making a plan for the trip.C) You can keep the change, please.D) John is carrying a heavy box now.27.Which of the following words matches the soundA) wantB) waterC) wasteD) waiter28.There is“ r” in the word“ surface” , but you missed it.A) aB) anC) theD) /29.Who is goi

10、ng to take care of Tom when his parents are awaybusiness?A) ofB) toC) withD) on30.It s unusual for him to be so active because he is often a boy of _ words.A) fewB) littleC) manyD) much31.They ve bought a car of _ own so that it will bemore convenient to travel around.A) theyB) themC) theirD) theirs

11、32.After you get off the bus, you can takeof the two Metro Lines to Zhongshan Park.A) neitherB) bothC) eitherD) any33.When Ding Junhui finally won the game, his fans lookedand shouted cheerfully.A) happilyB) wellC) excitingD) excited.34. Many people agree that the Summer Palace is as _ as the Great

12、Wall.2.A) attractiveB) more attractiveC) most attractiveD) the most attractive35.Summer camping!enjoyable days we are going to spend in July!A) HowB) WhatC) What aD) What an36.If you have sports every day,you ll certainly become stronger and stronger.A) andB) soC) orD) /37.Nowadays computersprocess

13、difficult problems very quickly.A) mustB) canC) needD) should38.His left leg got hurt while heon the playground yesterday afternoon.A) playsB) has playedC) was playingD) had played39.The Chinese ship had tried for thirteen hoursit was able to break the thick ice.A) beforeB) afterC) becauseD) when40.

14、Lots of top leadersto attend theOpening Ceremony (开幕式 ) in August, 2014.A) inviteB) are invitedC) will inviteD) will be invited41.Even in the police station, the thief still denied _ the girl s wallet from her pocket.A) stealB) stoleC) stealingD) to steal42.Mr Black s always proud of his students ex

15、cellent MrsworkBrown.A) Neither hasB) So hasC) Neither isD) So is43.Last week our science teacher told usaround the earth every day.A) how the moon movedB) how did the moon moveC) how the moon movesD) how does the moon move44. Would you like to have another cup of coffee? _A) Yes, please.B) Help you

16、rself.C) No, you neednD)t.It doesn t matter.45. He tried his best, but still failed to get the scores he expected. _A) Not at all.B) What a pity!C) Never mind.D) That s all right.III. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be usedonce( 将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格

17、限填一词,每词只能填一次):(共 8 分 )A. lessonsB. whatC. interestingD. educationalE. outsideSpring is coming. The sun is shining, the weather is getting warmer, and the flowers are blooming (盛开的 ) . It is time for us to ta ke sc hoo l tr i ps w ith f r ie n ds. N ex t, we w i ll f i nd ou t46students from differen

18、t countries do on their school trips.Why do we take school trips? School trips are a great chance to learn47the classroom in new,interesting and practical (实践的 ) ways. For example, on a trip to a farm, we can see some of the things wehave been learning about in our48. When visiting science museums,

19、we can see science in action. Butnot all school trips are49. Some are just for fun, like trips to Disneyland.A. aheadB. beginningC. nearD. pick upE. traditional3.Where can we go on a school trip? In the UK, students go to many interesting places. They50shells and oysters (牡蛎 ) on the seaside. They l

20、earn about literature in the theme park“ DickeWorld ” . Kids may also know about history when they go to a castle or a famous old home. They can even goto wetlands to see swans and ducks.This spring in London, 200 school kids had a“ Teddy Bears Picnic” . They took their teddy bears toRegent s Park a

21、nd had a picnic there. This is a 51school trip that students take every year.In Japan, cherry trees are blooming at the52of April. This is the best time of the year forstudents to take school trips. School children have picnic lunches, sing and dance under the trees. They alsogo boating and hiking a

22、round the lakes and hills53cherry blossom sites. Some kids even take bathsin hot springs. If there is rain, donrry. They will gotwoto a museum instead.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms ( 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词 ): ( 共 8 分 )54. The restaurant on the _ floor has

23、 a nice view of the Huangpu River. (twenty)55. Lily s ambition is to become a _ like her uncle when she grows up. (law)56. They have decided to _ the road where lots of accidents happened. (wide)57. The two expensive cars were _ destroyed in the accident last night. (complete)58. A number of famous

24、singers, _ Shila Amzah, joined in the singing contest. (include)59.The airline company didn t tell the public the _ about the delay of the plane. (true)60. Let s exercise more because taking too much _ isn. t(medical)goodtoour health61. Joining in the Winter Olympics is a(n) _ experience for Chinese

25、 sportsmen. (forget)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共 14分 )62. The family have already had their dinner. ( 改为否定句 ) The family _ had their dinner _.63. At the age of five, Martin weighed 25 kilograms. ( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ did Martin weigh at the age of five?64.Don t

26、 smoke in the meeting room改.(为反意疑问句 )Don t smoke in the meeting room, _ _?65.Could you tell me how I can connect my iPad to the computer? ( 改为简单句 )Could you tell me _ _ connect my iPad to the computer?66.Uncle Damin showed us around his farm last weekend. ( 改为被动语态 )We _ _ around Uncle Damin s farmek

27、endlastwe.67.Be careful, or you will make the same mistake. ( 保持原句意思基本不变 )_ you _ careful, you will make the same mistake.68. isn t, swimming, enough, my sister, to, old, go, by herself( 连词成句 )_ .4.Part 3Reading and Writing(第三部分读写 )VI. Reading comprehension ( 阅读理解 ): (共50分 )A. Choose the best answer

28、 ( 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12 分 )Gary and Gavin were twin brothers who worked in a department store owned by their father. After thefather had passed away, they took over the store. Everything went well until the day a 100-dollar billdisappeared. Gary had left the bill on the cash register (收银机 ). But w

29、hen he returned, the money wasgone.Gary then asked his brother Gavin,ou see“thatDid oney-hundred- dollar bill on the cash register?”Gavin said that he had not. But Gary did not let it go and kept questioning.-dollar bills can“t 100get up andwalk away by themselves! Surely you must have seen it.” The

30、re was complaintvoice.TempersinGarysbegan to rise and resentment (愤恨 ) grew.“ I said I didn t see it!” Gavin replied angrily.The argument divided the young men and they could no longer work together. Later, a wall was built inthe center of the store. For twenty years, resentment never ended.One day,

31、 a strange man came to the store. He walked in and asked Gary,“ How long have you beenhere? ” Gary replied that he d been there all his life.“ Then you are the person I m looking fconfess something to you,” the man said.“ Twenty years ago, I wasokentotallyandhungrybr. I entered thisstore from the ba

32、ck door and saw a 100-dollar bill on the cash register. And I took it. All these years Ihaven t been able to forget that. I had to come back and ask for your forgiveness.”The stranger felt very surprised when seeing tears well up inthe eyesof the middle- aged man in front of him.“ Would you please g

33、o nextdoorand tell the same story to the man in the store?” Gary asked. Thensomething surprised the stranger even moreafter hearing hisstory,the two middle-aged men hugged each other and cried out in frontofthewall of the store.After twenty years, the wall of resentment that set them awayfromeach ot

34、her finally came down.69. Before the twin brothers father died, the department store belonged to _.A) GaryB) GavinC) their fatherD) a strange man70. Gary and Gavin argued a lot about _ one day.A) the cash registerB) the wallC) the storeD) the money71. When Gary said-“dollar100 bills can t get up and

35、 walk away by themselves!” , he _.A) knew a stranger had taken itB) believed his brother had kept itC) thought Gavin knew nothing about itD) decided to divide the store72. The underlined wordconfess“” in Paragraph Four has the same meaning as _.A) be honest to sayB) be funny to realizeC) be lucky to

36、 enjoyD) be serious to hide5.73.Gary probably felt very _ when he asked the stranger to tell the same story to his brother.A) proudB) sorryC) wiseD) disappointed74.Which of the following statements isTRUE according to the passage?A) The 100-dollar bill was inside the cash register for almost twenty

37、years.B) The brothers built a wall in the center of the store so that their resentment could end.C) The stranger came to apologize that he had taken their money 20 years before.D) They could hardly believe the stranger s story and started complaining each other again.B. Choose the words or expressio

38、ns and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): (12分 )Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to catch speeding drivers one evening, a State Police officersaw a car driving slowly along at 22 miles per hour. He thought to himself,“ This driver is just asas a speeder!” So he75his lights and stopped the car.When he came close to the car, he noticed that there were five old ladiestwo in the front seat andthree in the back seatswide eyed and white asghosts (鬼 ).The driver,


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