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1、 七年级英语9月份月考姓名:班级:成绩:一听力(30分) A.听录音,选择你所听到的字母。注意,每小题听两遍。(5分)( )1.A ,Bb B. Dd C. Gg( )2. A Ff B. Ll C. Ee( )3. A. Oo B.Qq C.Rr( )4.A Uu B.Ww C.Mm( )5.A .Hh B.Jj C.ZzB.听录音,选择你所听到的单词。注意,每小题听两遍。(10分)( )6. A .good B .hello C. evening( ) 7 .A how B what C fine( ) 8. A name A afternoon C. Helen( ) 9 A are B

2、. am C. you( ) 10.A. English B. Frank C. Cindy( ) 11. A. map B .green C. jacket( ) 12. A key B. quilt C. pen( )13.A. color B, this C. white( ) 14.A. red B. ruler C. orange( ) 15. A. spell B. please C. yellowC. 听句子,选择正确的答语。注意每小题听两遍。(5分( )16. A. Fine , thanks B. It is a jacket. C .Good morning( ) 17 A

3、. It is a ruler B. It is black C. This is an orange.( ) 18. A .It is a quilt B. It is green C. Good afternoon( ) 19 A. Hello B. Nice to meet you C . Fine , thanks( ) 20.A.K- E Y B .Jacket C .colorD.听对话,完成对话内容。请在空白处填入你所听到的单词,每空一词。注意听三遍。(10分)W: Hello , Kate !M: 1_, Alice!W: How_2_ you ?M: I am 3_, tha

4、nks .How are you?W: 4_OK. What 5_ this 6_English?M: 7_a ruler.W: Spell 8_, please.M: R-U-L-E-RW: 9_10 _is it?M: It is yellow.W: Thanks二请写出5个元音字母。(5分)三请写出26个英语字母的大,小写形式,注意格式错误均不得分。(15分)四,Be 动词填空。(5分)1. I _ fine , thanks .2. This _a jacket.3. How _ you?4. What _ this in English?5. What color_ it?五英汉词组

5、,单词互译。(10分)1.in English_ 2. what color_3.green jacket_ 4. good morning_5. CCTV_ 6. 橙子 _7. 颜色 8. 不明飞行物 9. 一张地图 10. 谢谢六选择填空。(10分)( )1. This is _ English.A. a B .an C. the ( ) 2. A: _? B: It is a jacket.A. What is this B. What color is it C. How are you ( ) 3 .A: What color is his jacket ?B: It is _.A.

6、 orange B. a orange C. an orange( ) 4. This is _pen. A. black B. a black C. an black( )5.英语字母中有两个可以独立成单词,它们是A I A B。I O C。A E( )6在购买衣服时,表示大号,表示小号,表示中号。AL,S,M B。L,M,S C。M,L,S( ) 7. What is this _ English ?A. in B .on C. of( ) 8 . A: Good evening , Bob! B: _ !A. Good morning B . Good afternoon C. Good

7、 evening( ) 9. A: _. B: R-U-L-E- R , ruler.A. What is this ? B. Is it a ruler ? C. Spell it , please( ) 10. A: Nice to meet you ! B: _, tooA. I am OK B. How are you C. Nice to meet you七连词成句,注意书写格式(10分)1. this what in is English _.2 .color is what it _3. it yellow and green red is jacket_4 . meet you

8、 to nice_5. is and jacket white the black_八完形填空,请从所给的选项中选出最佳的一项。(10分)A: Good morning , Helen!B: _ morning , Alice! A: What _ this _ English ?B: It is _ orange .A: What _ is it ?B: It is _ orange.A: And what is this ?B: _ a ruler and it is _. It is _ yellow ruler.A: _ it, please.B: R-U-L-E-R.( ) 1. A

9、 good B .Good C. Fine( )2 .A am B is C are( ) 3. A in B is C on( ) 4. A a B an C. the( ) 5. A color B. yellow C .red( ) 6. A an B. a C. /( ) 7. A it is B. It is C . it( ) 8. A red B. yellow C. green( ) 9.A a B. an C. /( ) 10.A Spell B. OK C. Thanks九对话配对(5分)从B栏中找出与A栏各句相呼应的答语,并将其相应的代号填入提前的括号内。AB(). Ho

10、w are you? A. It is an orange.( ) 2. Hello , Dale!B. It is orange( ) 3.Spell it , please.C. I am fine , thanks.( ) 4. What is this in English?D . Hi ,Cindy!( ) 5. What color is it?E. Q-U-I-L-T十阅读理解(10分) What is this ? It is P. What color is it ? It is green . What is this and what color is it ? It i

11、s E .It is yellow . What is this? It is N . It is red . What is this ? It is a pen . Spell it ,please. P-E-N . I have (有) a blue pen . This is my ruler . It is yellow . M y (我的) jacket is black and my quilt is green . It is nice (好的)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。().What color is P?A. Green B. Yellow C. Red( ) 2. _

12、is red . A . E B. N C. My ruler ( ) 3. My _ is blue and my _ is black .A . jacket ,ruler B . pen , ruler C. pen , jacket( )4. My quilt is _.A . red and green B . yellow and nice C . green and nice( ) 5. M y ruler and E are _.A . green B . yellow C . blue 十一, 完成句子。(10分)下面是一些可以组成句子的英语字母,请把它们按单词分开,按句子的要求书写,必要的地方大写,补上标点符号,使句子成立。例如:thisisapen This is a pen . 1. whatisthisinenglish_2. goodafternoonalice_3 . whatcolorisit_4. itisayellowkey_5. howareyoufrank_


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