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1、Module 9 Life historyUnit 3 Language in use课型:复习课一学习目标1. 复习并运用本模块的单词,短语,重点句型。2. 掌握不规则动词一般过去时的肯定句,否定句及疑问句形式及答语。3.了解莎士比亚的故居,培养学生对历史人物的兴趣。4.掌握有关历史人物的书面表达。一、检测联系阶段 课前预习 朗读学过的动词过去式。2、 启动导入阶段 朗读Language practice,并找出不规则动词的过去式和原形。left-_, began-_,took-_,became-_,wrote-_, built-_三、联动探讨阶段复习语法-不规则动词的一般过去时观察例句:W

2、e left at nine oclock in the morning.We didnt leave at nine oclock in the morning.Did you leave at nine oclock in the morning?Yes, we did. / No, we didnt.1)不规则动词过去式没有规律可循,只能靠学生自己记忆。2)句式:肯定句:_否定句:_一般疑问句及其简要回答:_ _四、竞争展示阶段1.词汇考察(1)He decided to be an a_.(2) Libai was a famous writer of p_.(3) Mr Smith

3、has much money . That is to say he is r_.(4) In the north of China, it usually n_in winter.(5) Teachers Day is in S_.(6) Spring includes(包括)M_, A_and M_.2.英汉互译离开_ 在岁时_ 在海边_ 玩电脑游戏_ decide to do_ like doing sth_ 生于_ 在学校_ finish school_ begin to do sth _ 在泰晤士河畔_ marry sb _3.动词适当形式填空(1) I _ (have) an ex

4、citing party last weekend.(2) _ she _(practice) her guitar(吉他)yesterday? No, she _.(3) They all _(go) to the mountains(高山) yesterday morning.(4) She _(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning.(5)When _you _(write) this song? I _(write) it last year.4.按要求做题(1)Jen

5、ny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。 Jenny likes _ _. She _ an English book last night.(2) Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。 Emma _ TV every day. But he _ _yesterday.(3) Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home.(4) Thomas spent RMB 10 on this book. (一般疑问句) _ 五、总结升华阶段:自主写作空间:Module taskWriting about people

6、 in the past.Find about your parents or grandparents lives when they were young. Ask and answer, then write a timeline and write notes on the timeline.1. Where did you live?2. When did you often watch?3. What games did you play?4. When did you get married?5. How did you travel?Write a paragraph about their lives. And then show your paragraph to the whole class.Write the paragraph and do some drawings._


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