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1、江苏省涟水四中九年级英语上册Unit 2 Grammar II导学案(无答案) 牛津版一、学习目标1. 复习使用would rather-than-和prefer-to-来表达喜欢做的事2. 用不定代词someone/somebody,anyone/anybody和no one/nobody谈论人3. 用不定代词something,anything,nothing谈论事物4. 能正确区分no one/nobody,nothing,none的用法二、自主练习I.用不定代词somebody/someone,anybody/anyone或nobody/no one填空,完成日记。Dear Diary

2、:_knocked on my door around 12 oclock last night.I felt very frightened.I quickly got up and asked,“Who is there?”But_answered.I was more nervous because_but me was at home.Mum and Dad had gone on a trip with_. _could help me.I sat on the bed,too frightened to move.Ten minutes later.I asked again“Is

3、_there?”There was no answer.Who on earth knocked on my door last night? That is still a secret.II.从方框中选择合适的不定代词填空。something anything nothing someone anyone nobody1.I have_interesting to tell you.2._can do it except Tom.3.There is_wrong with the computer.It works well.4.I cant see_in the fridge.5.Lis

4、ten!_is knocking at the door.6.Daniel was in a bad mood and he didnt talk to_.II、完成句子1.今天的报纸上有什么重要的新闻吗?Is there_in todays newspaper?2.没有人知道他的名字。Nobody_his name.3.冰箱里什么也没有了。There is_in the fridge.4.那天夜里没有一个邻居敲过我家门。_my neighbours knocked on my door that night.5.我的自行车没毛病。There is_with my bike.=There is

5、_with my bike.=_is_with my bike.三、交流展示四、释疑解难五、课堂检测I、改错1.He would rather sing than dancing. _2. They prefered red to blue. _3. Do you know something interesting about animals? _4.Everyone of the children likes the game. _5.Would you like anything to eat? _6.-How many people lost their lives in this f

6、lood?-Nobody. _II、单项选择( ) 1. Do you have _ to say for yourself? No, I have _ to say. A. something; everything B. nothing; something C. everything; anything D. anything; nothing( ) 2. Why not ask _ to help you? A. everyoneB. someone C. anyoneD. none( )3. Everything _ ready. We can start now. A. are B

7、. is C. be D. were( )4. Theres _ with his eyes. Hes OK. A. anything wrongB. wrong something C. nothing wrongD. wrong nothing( )5. She listened carefully, but heard _. A. anyoneB. someone C. everyoneD. nothing( ) 6. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. everythingB. anything

8、 C. somethingD. nothing( )7. Everything goes well, _? A. is itB. isnt it C. do theyD. doesnt it( )8._is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. A.Everything B.Nothing C.Something D.Anything( )9.Mum,may I have some cakes? -Sorry,theres_left in the box.Ill go and buy some for you tonight

9、. A.nothing B.no one C.no D.none( )10.Mum,may I have something to eat?Im hungry. -Sorry,theres_in the fridge.You can go downstairs to buy something. A.nothing B.no one C.no Dnone( )11Who was late? -_. A.No one B.None C.Nothing D.No( )12.Put it down ,Tom. You mustnt read_letter. A.else anyones B.anyones else C.anyone elses D.anyone elseIII.完成句子1.比起看电视,我更喜欢上网聊天。I prefer_ to_.2.他宁愿使用旧的铅笔盒也不愿买个新的。He_the old pencil case than_.3.我想给你买你最喜欢的漫画书,但是商店里一本都不剩了。I wanted to buy you_comic,but there was_in the shop.


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