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1、江苏省涟水四中九年级英语上册Unit 2 Reading 2导学案(无答案) 牛津版一、学习目标1. 重点单词satisfied prefer heat difficulty worried deep decision 2. 重点短语make you feel warm give you a happy and satisfied feeling have difficulty (in) doing sth the color of warmth/heat/envy/natureprefer to do sth prefer doing sth. to doing sth. cheer sb

2、up people living in cold climates remind sb of sth. remind b. to do sthtake action to do sth study for exams calm down 3. 重点句型1) Orange represents joy. It can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad. 2) Yellow is also the color of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny da

3、y.3) Wearing red can make it easier for you to take action.4) This can help when you are having difficulty making a decision.二、自主练习I. 阅读第27页的文章并回答下列问题:1. What colours belong to warm colours? _2. Why do people live in cold climates prefer to use warm colours in their homes?_3. Which colour do people

4、prefer to use when they study for exams?_4. What does green represents? _5. Who should wear red clothes? _II. 短语翻译。1.给你一种满足感 2. 做某事有困难3.智慧的颜色 4. 宁愿做某事5.提醒某人某事 6. 使某人高兴起来7.采取措施做某事 8. 决定做某事 III.翻译下列句子。1.桔色能带给你成功,并能在你感到悲伤的时候使你振作起来。 Orange can _ and _ when you are feeling sad. 2.黄色是太阳的颜色,所以它能使你想起温暖,阳光明媚

5、的一天。 Yellow is _the sun, so it can _ a warm, sunny day. 3.穿红色使你更易于采取行动 _can _ for you _. 4.任何需要体力和脑力的人应该穿红色的衣服。Anyone _ physical and mental strength should _.三、交流展示四、释疑解难五、课堂检测I. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. Air conditioner is a great invention. It makes rooms more_ (comfort). 2. I would rather _ ( not wear) b

6、lue. 3. He _ (prefer) to swim in the small river near his home when he was a child.4. The sun gives out light and _ (hot). 5. We made a _ (decide) to do the work by ourselves. 6. Dont be _ (worry) about your math. Ill help you.7. The old woman likes walking her little dog on _ (sun) days.8. Do you k

7、now yellow represents _ (wise)?9. The boy _ (stand) under the tree is my friend.10.【2012 烟台中考】If you become rich, you will have difficult time _ (realize)what your real happiness is.II. 选择方框里的词或词组完成句子growth, wisdom, to make a decision, satisfied, remind for example, preferredto., deep 1. The teacher

8、 was _ with my answer.2. Green represents new life and_.3. Yellow is the colour of _.4. We must send a letter to them to _ them of it. 5. We cant wake him up because he is in a _ sleep.6. I _cleaning the house_going shopping outside in the past.7. It is difficult for the boy_because he is only 5 yea

9、rs old.8. Eddie likes sports, _, jumping and playing balls.二.单项选择. ( )1. I _ sending messages by mobile phone _ writing letters. A. prefer; to B. would rather; than C. prefer; than D. like better; than( )2. Kitty _ swim _ skate. A. would rather; than B. prefer; to C. would rather; to D. prefer to;/(

10、 )3.If somebody says “Im feeling blue.”, what does he mean? A.He likes blue B. He is feeling sad C.He is feeling active D.We dont know.( )4.Good hobbies can help us_and make our lives_. A. to relax; more color B. relaxed; be colorful C. relax; colorful D. relax; color( )5. When you feel relaxed, you are _. A. too nervous to move B. happy and cheerful C. calm and not worried D. sad and worried( )6. Would you like to eat some more food? No, thanks. . A. Id rather not B. Id love to C. Id like to not D. Id love some.( )7.【2012襄阳中考】Do you prefer classical music _ pop music? Pop music, I think.


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