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1、牛津英语(*9A*分册)第2单元讲学案Reading(2)【学习目标】1深入学习有关颜色的知识2练习运用词汇和语言点3 把颜色和性格搭配起来.【重点难点】 1. 能实际运用所学的词汇和语言点2. 如何把颜色和性格搭配起来【学习过程】 【预习指导与检测】(一)预习指导make us feel happy make是使役动词,后接形容词或名词做宾语补足语,还可接动词原形 make sb. do sth., 但此句型改为被动语态时要加上 to.The workers were made to work for 12 hours a day in the past.(二)预习检测A、翻译短语:1. 感

2、到瞌睡_ 2. 感到焦虑不安_3. 在他们结婚的那天_4. 使你振作起来_ 5. 任何需要身体和智力力量的人_6. 做决定有困难_ 7. 给你一种满足的感觉_8. 对我们的身心有好处B. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:1. The old man tried _ (catch) the thief.2. Blue can also represent _(sad).3. We skied so _(happy) that we forgot the time.4. She _ (prefer) _ (ski) to _ (dive) in the past.*5. Would you mind h

3、im _ (go) there instead of you?*6. Students cant be made _ (study) all day.7. They prefer _ (affect) others instead of studying quietly.8. I would rather walk to the school than _ (take) the bus.【课堂互动探究】Pair work: Discuss your favourite colour and what characteristics it represents.【课堂反馈练习】A、翻译句子:1.

4、 这段优美的曲子常常让我想起我的音乐老师. This beautiful music often_. 2. 科学家发现红色会使人更容易地采取行动. Scientists find red can _.3. 你能解释一下迟到的原因吗? Can you _?4. 学校的新礼堂已经漆成了冷色-蓝色. The new hall in the school_- Blue. 5. 你太累了, 你需要睡觉. 订You are _and you are _.6. 我比较喜欢吃米饭而不是吃面条. I _rice _ noodles. Id _ rice _ noodles.7. 白色代表着纯洁, 而绿色代表着嫉

5、妒. White _, however, green _.8. 你知道什么颜色能帮助他镇定下来? Do you know what color _?.看太多电视会影响你的学习Watching _ your study.10. 我希望我们的世界充满和平与爱.I hope our world _.B、词汇运用:1.Beijing has held the 29th Olympic games _(成功). 2.It is not right to be _ (嫉妒) of the others success.3.Her problem is _(精神的), not physical.4.Liu

6、Xiang _(创造) a new record in the Olympic games four years ago.5.The party _(想起) me that I had a good time yesterday.6.The blue lines on the map _(代表) rivers.7.The _ (忧愁) made the old man feel very sad.8. Leave him alone for a short time. He is in a bad _(心情).9. Sam looks young and he is always full o

7、f _(精力).10.Youd better _(描述)yourself to the students.【小结与质疑】 Explain what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.【课后拓展练习】缺词填空,根据短文内容及所给的首字母,填入所缺单词并使短文内容完整并通顺。An old man had a monkeyThe old man liked the monkey a lot b 1 the monkey was very clever. When birds came to the garden,the mo

8、nkey drove them a_2_He also helped the old man in many o 3 waysOne hot afternoon in the summer,the old man was sleeping in his chair in the gardenA fly came and sat on the t 4 of the old mans nose. The monkey drove it away.Soon the fly came b_5 again and sat on the old mans nose again. Again the mon

9、key drove it away. Again and again the monkey became very unhappy. He jumped up, ran to pick a big stone. When the fly was on the old mans nose again, the monkey hit it hard w 6 that stone. The fly d 7 ,and blood came out of the old mans nose. The old mans nose was broken. Well, many people, even our friends,sometimes do things just like the monkeyThey do things too q_8_ but they dont think m 9 before they doThey want to do s 10 good but they sometimes bring us troubles.【教学后记】


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