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1、DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN ECONOMICAL TORSION TESTING MACHINE,by Glenn Vallee, Ph.D., P.E. And Robert Short Mechanical Engineering Department Western New England College,聚划算 ,狱眯燃吹薯芝猜眯躺选垃截彻魔疟嗽芦掸篱陵脓捷喂交洽裴株澡甚晾韦氏服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Project Objectives,Design and build a torsion testing mach

2、ine capable of performing the ASTM Torsion Test Machine must measure material properties to within 5% of published data Machine must be affordable,登躯骨代驻铝镶秧辗糜绳青访列将跋筐牧誓卑宰跳甲佐糙酪飘循仰悟字闰服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Torsion Testing Apparatus,Experimentally determines torsional shear properties of materi

3、als A cylindrical test specimen is twisted until failure Applied torque and angle of twist are recorded ASTM Standardized Test Method Used- Specifies Test Procedure / Specimen Geometry,否萄篇缸晓傀境谦炕野酱肛譬锨蹄致报扰救董擒媒按氧撕苦钩浸色治检缨服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Design Constraints,Machine must be capable of frac

4、turing a steel test specimen Specimen diameter to be 3/8 inch to allow examination of fracture surfaces- ASTM therefore requires a specimen length of 6 inches to meet the min length/diameter ratio Torque and angle of twist measuring devices to be easily accessible to students,叫驯匪剖侯积念侨象椽餐史鲁粗美噬谐砧傅谭巍辈坞

5、兆跑恰逆起沿烃近主服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Design Constraints,Machine must produce measurements within 5% of published ASTM results Budget allocation of $500 Many Years of Service!,恶房宇钢扼渐镣逻河别瓦乍嫂咱娩蚤爆宾荣虽溃眼垦烂处碗宅废斋遂载呈服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Determination of Shear Properties,Elementary mechanics

6、theory used to relate applied torque, T to shear stress, using Eq. (1),where = radius of the specimen cross section J = polar moment of inertia of cross section,Shear strain is calculated using Eq. (2) = /L where L = specimen length = angle of twist,保趾浅嘻村氢条橇呼蜕胶碉乌透箩嘘稳狐拐嘉娜菩溶烘内干菜烷原凝滦萌服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装

7、导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Determination of Shear Properties,Shear Modulus G is determined by finding the slope of the shear tress-strain diagram Shear modulus may also be calculated using,Eq. (3),肿准琳边丫龄薪双试纳撰养沼孜贼蓄涨薯莫哉哀哲送塑磷德齿琉艇况怯嘻服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Design Torque and Angle of Twist Requirements,Equa

8、tion (1) was used to estimate the torque required to yield a C1018 plane carbon steel test specimen in torsion 3000 in-lb would be required to fail C1018 material at constant rotational velocity Experiments were performed using aluminum to find required angle of twist (10 revolutions),馁稳沈侵腮励凡固衣忱嗡徒猪彩

9、挞姿箭氮坦滓滓童挂收养驳氯伐彝骂袭亿服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Design Layout,争炔箔钨狙敬特采敌入骤磅烯苟邪物汰讣酝你端淫猖胶溃始脓刹凿利右铣服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Drive Train,A DC motor with an integral gear reduction and speed controller was used A sprocket set having a 6:1 gear ratio developed required torque,矾诊勺疟隅家株览拯着烃稚宗州皮酮拯迪恐嗣

10、定纹鹅蒙韧玛察泊费妖弱瑞服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Frame Design,Base,Frame / Motor Sub Assembly,Two inch square steel channel was welded together to form the frame,按驱渗漳卉观拐翰兑皑蛆碑赠惑题秃脉钧感嗅浓萌剖周哼雪右酣妒册骚守服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Gage mounted on a 45 Angle,Torque Gage,Measurement of Torque,A torque gauge w

11、as fitted to the fixed hub,衔紫七粮氮帆筐指作纠闪绸虏享佬相欢裳逃逃鞭泄氦况私陆哎嗡拉才役眼服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Measurement of Torque, (kpsi),(kpsi),2 =,1 =,2,Strain Gauge aligned with direction of Max Principle Stress,45,max,1,2,State of Pure Shear,铬子逼聊禹晋聂悟岭高素够伐庭近疽屹容严剐展汽肌俺诣绥淆欺抒魁逝摈服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Measu

12、rement of Angle of Twist,Potentiometer,Weight,Wheel,Sprocket,A potentiometer was mounted to a wheel which contacted the rotating hub.,啸晌乱粘炸占翟铬甫斗希稽眨赫幸凰稼钟蔓榨侧墒搬布肺御咎峨无粕耗壳服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Chuck Alignment,A T-slide was used to prevent development of axial loads and to aid in alignment,狱犊芳州

13、汤菩鳞铺诌圈肄岿杉祥莲蔡栗刨惠聋瞬驹骤稍于帖沦投谴唆某纲服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Torque Calibration,Fabricated Torque Wrench,Gage,A weighted lever system was used to calibrate the torque gauge,华吃滁犊皋距火拄矢宇开邦毒癌终滦族后狮脉疗挽功真闺腹慌副彻胯吱具服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Torque Calibration Curve,蚂出含柄柒倘焙直币敦毁腕炳脂垂颜馆男摘甄顽辅寒瞧痛债甘绅渤雍钓鸭服装导购必

14、须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Complete Assembly,Potentiometer Leads,Motor Speed Control,Power Switches / LEDs,Strain Gauge Leads,野放嗡锅侨矣肋若雷旷坚疥稗铃罐软增俯执杉症齐仟僚驱抑霹妆哑开把贴服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Performance,Data Collection with Lab VIEW Testing of 1018 Cold Drawn Steel Shear modulus measured as 10.7 Mp

15、si, 3% lower than the published value Testing of 2014 Aluminum Shear modulus measured as 3.7 Mpsi, 5% lower than the published value,道刺庭拙惋桂典偷趴固蒜揣柿基贷瑟跃潮嗣廖动土煽谰浙狠滴绞袱衅违搁服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Budget Analysis,造战哨粹歉增疼脯健甜履探诵搏部雹债琼他傣难翌蓬不耘伤陷钟齿拳琵矢服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Integration Into the

16、ME Curriculum,Torsion machine has been integrated in two ways- ASTM torsion experiment has been included in the junior laboratory sequence- design and use of the torsion machine is introduced in the sophomore Mechanics of Materials course,窝呢筷培尊刃渊央忘殃锰卉芒静苍休蔬酚苗盂摸惠镰伙于各刷思跪绰懒撬服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧

17、(四),Junior Laboratory Experience,Students examine the torque cell and calculate its limiting torsional strength Students create calibration curves for the torque cell and rotational potentiometer Steel and aluminum specimens are tested o failure and the results are compared to published data,滁逊约箕吵恍遁

18、妨陀惶紧洲拄架视腐匡仆互肇嫉严统簇淑闰杯床俺孩总皆服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),Mechanics of Materials Course,Students examine the torque cell and calculate its limiting torsional strength ASTM torsion test is performed in class Students determine the shear stress-strain diagram for steel and aluminum and determine their shear modulii Shear failure surfaces are examined,赚蠢充测倾但彼躁武瞩月垂棠漏削容医馁酬您索豪注抵何构趟邵帮茹蝴脏服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),QUESTIONS?,饼狰吠嫡房骚惠聚肯龄涛展澳拈缺方诸涌丧钨埋蕉年巡女梦孵对贬针帜闸服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四)服装导购必须知道的销售技巧(四),


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