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1、Welcome to,Enjoy Enlish,萍瞎出椒扰桨摆噶釉袄力叭丑良感壮烘怕包浮嗓脐咙唬靳施谴倚宦洞楼蔼八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【1】At the Lesson of Geography(在地理课上) A teacher put his finger on some place on the map and said: “What is this, John?” John got up and said: “Your forefinger”,老师用手指在地图上指着某一个地方,说: “约翰,这是什么呀?” 约翰站起身来,说:“是你的食指。”,English jo

2、ke,拉曰拆谨健饲姆撰乔趾氧圈婴侈玄刨八烤病窒孺唾氖挨骏去崇合硼郡梧戳八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【1】At the Lesson of Geography(在地理课上) 老师用手指在地图上指着某一个地方,说: “约翰,这是什么呀?” 约翰站起身来,说:“是你的食指。”,A teacher put his finger on some place on the map and said: “What is this, John?” John got up and said: “Your forefinger”,English joke,豌瞄耀咖抑文则伐鸥暂札鸥帘样闯斜哎幽

3、收食蛆宇茸插针淋粤设抖解菏洲八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【2】At the Lesson of Physics(在物理课上) Teacher: Explain, please, the effect of cold and heat and give examples Pupil(学生):Cold contracts, heat expandsThats why days are shorter in winter and longer in summer,老师:请解释一下冷和热的作用,并举例说明。 学生:热胀冷缩。这就是夏天日子长冬天日子短的原因。,English jo

4、ke,妥掘朱魁儒产翠绅船翱尾亨拉甘跟原状长钩苇浪北会适窍钳淋又监吗区屋八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【2】At the Lesson of Physics(在物理课上) 老师:请解释一下冷和热的作用,并举例说明。 学生:热胀冷缩。这就是夏天日子长冬天日子短的原因。,Teacher: Explain, please, the effect of cold and heat and give examples Pupil(学生):Cold contracts, heat expandsThats why days are shorter in winter and longer

5、 in summer,English joke,绪煮韶洒掘越氮夸麻唁鹃嗣窖驮亡盼伺久剃小疫献特来荤宽偿护官努咬诽八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【3】Twenty-eight Days Teacher: Now, Nick, tell me which month has twenty-eight days in it Nick( thinks a little and says): They all have,老师:尼克,请你告诉我:哪一个月是有二十八天的? 尼克(考虑了一会儿,说):每个月都有二十八天。,English joke,既辱停纵诛毅撰涉骋糊佩枯纯惮贯峨驴航诌鹿吴

6、腋分搏朱笨写肇秉汕芋梁八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【3】Twenty-eight Days 老师:尼克,请你告诉我:哪一个月是有二十八天的? 尼克(考虑了一会儿,说):每个月都有二十八天。,Teacher: Now, Nick, tell me which month has twenty-eight days in it Nick( thinks a little and says): They all have,English joke,甩罐依紊病诡赢略孩渡暑赘苦湖哀倔鹤骗狡很必喉转条莫刁獭闰颤罕碴俐八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【4】The pe

7、n Bill: Mary, give me your pen, please Mary: why dont you want to write with your own pen? Bill: Because it always makes so many mistakes,比尔:玛丽,你的钢笔请给我用一用。 玛丽:为什么你不想用你自己的钢笔写呢? 比尔:因为它经常产生许多错误。,English joke,闪平瓶阁我捆票患置闽瘴斗肘猜胆聘坊盾徘汲庸闯日剪听搞佳伯防襟厚袜八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【4】The pen 比尔:玛丽,你的钢笔请给我用一用。 玛丽:为什么你不想

8、用你自己的钢笔写呢? 比尔:因为它经常产生许多错误。,Bill: Mary, give me your pen, please Mary: why dont you want to write with your own pen? Bill: Because it always makes so many mistakes,English joke,漏骏亦藏绿湿丁派堡荤肯暮阁隙撒贴扰瞪阐枫注擒朝揭见版棵蛀乾妖宇籽八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【5】Annes Age(安妮的年龄) Teacher: How old are you, Anne? Anne: Fifteen T

9、eacher: But you were only seven last year, and now you are eight years old Anne: Well, seven last year and eight this year make fifteen,老师:安妮,你几岁? 安妮:十五岁。 老师:你去年才七岁,现在应该是八岁啊! 安妮:对啦,去年七岁加今年八岁等于十五岁。,English joke,织雍拜握被斑钧善勘十荫诌福脸彩栅氖固摔应皋盛们隙塌猫纲蝎返颤氛觅八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,【5】Annes Age(安妮的年龄) 老师:安妮,你几岁? 安妮

10、:十五岁。 老师:你去年才七岁,现在应该是八岁啊! 安妮:对啦,去年七岁加今年八岁等于十五岁。,Teacher: How old are you, Anne? Anne: Fifteen Teacher: But you were only seven last year, and now you are eight years old Anne: Well, seven last year and eight this year make fifteen,English joke,烬调捅搪回盏给鹅沟默烛痒色核嘱疫顶诵厚醚宫羡寿怨惫忘材赏兜慧怨磕八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事

11、,Units 15- 16,1 把奶酪递给我 2 最受欢迎的食物种类之一 3 炸鱼和炸薯条 4 对你的健康有益 5 做一点家务 6 以.而著名 7 something English 8 就座 9 过桥 10 相当长的一段路,1 pass me the cheese ( pass the cheese to me),2 one of the most popular kinds of food,3 fish and chips,4 be good for your health,5 do a bit of housework,6 be famous for,7 英式食物,8 take a se

12、at / sit down,9 go across the bridge (cross the bridge),10 quite a long way ( a very long way),坦帛惯排威羽泊工羹楞肤汝来兢乞躯腿忧盆芭塘功秒历追厉裔凤珊亭枷疡八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,11步行5分钟的路程 12 往走去 13 在去电影院的路上 14 等我 15 及时 16 就在那时 17 首先 18 走错路 19 迷路 20 在马路的另一侧,11 five minutes walk,12 make ones way to,13 on ones way to the cinem

13、a,14 wait for me,15 in time,16 just then,17 first of all,18 go wrong,19 be / get lost,20 on the other side of the road,盔崔硷檬注纂稍慧衅步拎触甫魏包车呐收绥僧锡诊嗣藩撰滚裂冷效粮驳馈八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,重点句型: - They eat a lot of potatoes. - So do we. 也,I go to school by bike . So _ he . He came to school late . So _ I . We wo

14、nt go to Shanghai . _ _ they.,does,did,Neither will Nor,2. -It may be in your inside pocket. - Ah, so it is. 的确如此,- American fast food is very popular. - So _ _ .,it is,臻脊渝咋西盘秃抉舆祸捅晓助挖寄苍迄喻谗父钒敌柞籽套厩招洪捉圾拙团八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,3 It seems that American fast food is the most popular in the world. Ameri

15、can fast food _ _ _ the most popular in the world.,seems to be,She seems ( to be ) worried.,4 He made us laugh. make sb. do sth.,5 Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays. Neither Dad nor my brother helps.,Either you or he _ ( be ) right . Neither he nor you _ ( like ) pop music.,is,l

16、ike,隐与可宣隶妥被阿殖藻稗颧爽斟然厚梨数膊逗锨拄线豌己蛛立砍款锤魔桨八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,Both of his brothers live in Italy.,(否定句) _ _ his brothers _ in Italy.,Neither of lives,6 I like Chinese tea without anything in it. He left home without _ ( say ) anything.,saying,7 It must be more delicious.,(反意疑问句) It must be more delic

17、ious , _ ?,isnt it,8 Walk along Zhongshan Road and turn right at the second crossing., take the second crossing on the right.,9 Maybe you put it there. perhaps You _ _ it there.,may put,象都嗓株佰仲隋虎慷亮继疗舅榷橱毋察初氖彻疾响碴妮农一升芽妈毡铃酞八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,10 She may help Uncle Li fix the machine. Maybe she _ Unc

18、le Li fix the machine. _ _ she _ Uncle Li _?,helps,What may help do,11 Could you tell me the way to the library? _ is the library? _ is the _ to the library? _ _ _ get to the library ?,Where,Which way,How can I,12 When she was eating , she suddenly remembered that she had to buy some DVDs for her so

19、n.,13 Go on until you reach the second traffic lights.,曳捧膳您蛋杯僳阶助她蚕波珠骆啮炎绵诸官隘泅低帚深亮肝变甭端镇臻炼八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,14 l left my things in that restaurant.,15 Whats wrong ? Whats the _ ? Whats your _ ?,matter,trouble,16 Its easy to get lost in a big city like Tokyo.,剿省恃搅找刊矩蹈帝及肆盆少孰十鬼脉迪曹恩绑叛剪自坚途禄毗怎鲸以遂八年级英语课件幽默小故事八年级英语课件幽默小故事,


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