4. 财经英语 uint 4 Insurance and Risks.ppt

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《4. 财经英语 uint 4 Insurance and Risks.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《4. 财经英语 uint 4 Insurance and Risks.ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Risks and Insurance,English for finance,Part I Reading and Translating,Task 1 Match each of the logos in Column A with the proper names in Columns B and C.,Cd,Eb,Ag,Fh,Bf,Dc,He,Ga,Task 2 Scan Passage A and answer the following questions.,How many products do insurance companies offer accordin

2、g to the passage? What are they?,Four. Life, health, property and liability insurance.,2. What are the concerns of the premiums set by life insurers?,Life insurers set premiums that are based on age of the insured, average life Expectancy, anticipated investment returns on the insurance fund, operat

3、ing Expenses, ad a reasonable profit margin.,Task 3 Read Passage A and judge whether the following statements are TURE or FALSE. Put a tick () in the related box.,Task 4 Match each of the terms in Column A with its appropriate definition in column B.,Column A,Column B,risk 2. insurance policy 3. cov

4、erage 4. liability insurance 5. property insurance 6. the insured 7. Insurer 8. Insurance premium,Kinds of risks to be insured b. a person or company that purchases insurance c. Protection against loss arising out of legal liability d. a condition in which loss or losses are possible e. a written ag

5、reement between an insurance company and a policyholder f. Insurance for direct or indirect financial losses Caused by fire, windstorm and theft g. Sum of money paid regularly to an insurance company in exchange of protection against the Specified undesirable event h. a company that sells insurance,

6、d,e,a,c,f,b,h,g,Task 5 Complete the following statements according to Passage A.,Insurance industry has (1)_ as commercial banking does. Insurance companies provides us with (2) _.,3.The main classification of insurance mentioned in the passage are (1)_ and (2)_.,4. There are two parties to the insu

7、rance contract(1)_ and(2)_,a long history,a wide range of services,2.(1) _ is a written agreement between two parties, in accordance with which, (2) _ should pay a fixed amount of money to the insurer in exchange of protection against unpleasant happenings;(3)_ sells insurance policies to earn money

8、 for compensations for the claims made.,An insurance policy,the insured,the insurer,life insurance,property and casualty insurance,the insurer,the insured,Task 6 Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change their forms where necessary.,healthy period protect against be associ

9、ated with a range of claim liability (be) subject to in accordance with expose,1._ inspection and cleaning are required to prevent these problems. 2.”All risks ” type coverage _ you _ all the risks or perils that may cause loss to the covered property. 3.Insurance _ statistics reveal that drivers un

10、der 30 are involved in far more accidents than are older drivers . 4.The marine insurance _ the risks such as fire, storm, collision, pilferage, leakage and explosions, etc. 5.Many _ insurance polices list the dollar value for specific medical procedures. 6.A method for arranging a life insurance tr

11、ansaction while managing risk_ associated with the transaction is disclosed. 7. Either you or your customer will be _ to for the goods at any one point in the journey. 8.German insurance company_ regulation by the Federal Supervisory Office concerning accounting and investment practices 9_the Bern U

12、nion, maximum credit terms have been recommended for many terms such as insurance contract, the policy, etc. 10.There are _ standard types of coverage.,Periodic,protects,against,claims,Is associated with,health,exposure,liable,Is subject to,In accordance with,A range of,Task 7 Complete the following

13、 sentences by translating the parts given in Chinese.,Among all kinds of insurance,_(汽车保险时最近出现的保险). _(如果发生索赔), the insured must present relevant documents, such as insurance contract, the policy,etc. 3. One of the chief problems _(风险管理不得不克服的) has been to differ itself from insurance. 4. Nowadays, pe

14、ople purchase _(健康保险多于其他保险). 5. _(为了投保), an applicant must demonstrate that he or she has an insurable interest in the property or life insured. 6. A property and casualty insurer must _(更多地依赖对风险的 评估) in setting premiums than a life insurer.,automobile insurance is of more recent insurance,Should th

15、e claim occur,that risk management has to overcome,more health insurance than other insurance,To purchase insurance,rely more on risk evaluation,Task 8 Translate the following paragraphs into chinese.,Paragraph 1,When you buy insurance, you enter into a written agreement with the insurance company.

16、This agreement is called a policy. The person who buys insurance is the policyholder. According to the agreement, the insurance company promises to pay the policyholder if certain types of losses occur,你买了保险就和保险公司签了书面协议。这种协议叫保险单。购买保险的人是投保人 (保单持有人)。根据这个协议,保险公司承诺在某些损失发生时向保单持有人付款。,Paragraph 2,Property

17、insurance provides protection against possible financial losses resulting from damages to the policyholders property. Life insurance protects against financial losses resulting from a persons death. Health insurance protects against financial losses resulting from resulting from illness or accident.

18、,财产保险为投保人因财产损失而可能造成的经济损失提供保障。人寿保险是对一个人 的死亡所造成的财务损失所提供的保障。健康保险则为疾病或事故所造成的经济损失提供 保障。,Task 9 Complete the following statements according to Passage B.,All the time, everyone may face a financial loss. The best way to guard against large financial losses is (1) _. The principal of insurance is (2)_ _. P

19、eople can insure against (3) _. The three kinds of insurance protection that most people often buy are (4)_, (5) _, and (6)_. Notice, first you (7)_, Then of actual loss really happens you can put in a claim, which is (8)_ _. The calculation of insurance premium is (9) _.,through insurance,that pers

20、ons facing the same risks share the losses,property and liability insurance,almost any kind of loss,life insurance,health insurance,take out a policy /purchase insurance,a request for payment of a loss,based on probability,Every firm insures itself against loss or damage to its property. 1 The premi

21、um is then paid as a percentage of the total value of the goods. 2 The underwriters (or: insures) employ a firm of adjusters whose job is to asses or value the loss or damage. 3 When an accident takes place, the affected party (or: Tian Di Company) puts in a claim with Datong Insurance Company. 4 Ti

22、an Di Company makes a statement at the end of an accounting period (say once a month or once a quarter) of the total value of all goods handled. 5 If Datong Insurance Company agrees to pay the claim, it is said to meet it. 6 Tian Di Companys insurance broker has arranged a blanket insurance with Dat

23、ong Insurance Company.,Task 10 Arrange the following sentences to describe the insurance process through an insurance broker. The beginning sentence has been given to help you.,6-4-1-3-2-5,Task 11 Translate the following from English into Chinese or vice versa.,provide protection against losses_ 7.

24、为健康提供保护_ 2. give rise to claim_ 8. 产生经济风险_ 3. potential risk_ 9. 潜在索赔_ 4. risk management_ 10. 风险回避_ 5. insurance agent_ 11. 保险经纪人_ 6. in the event of an accident_ 12. 如发生火灾_,为损失提供保障,引起索赔,保险代理人,give rise to an economic risk,风险管理,潜在风险,risk avoidance,potential claim,provide protection against health,i

25、nsurance broker,如发生事故,in the event of fire,Part II Simulated Writing,Task 12 Study the INSURANCE POLICY on page 61 and page 62 in the textbook, then fill out the diagram below.,Jilin Provincial Native Produce War Risks,Dalian; Hamburg,Good Explorer V. 466,April. 30, 2014,A local competent surveyor,H

26、amburg via Bremerhaven in USD,Task 13 Fill in the blanks to complete the following English letter asking for insurance. Use the information given in the Insurance Policy in Task 12,Dear Sir of Madam, Kindly issue a Marine Insurance Policy in the name of 1._. Claims payable at 2._. Amount of Insuranc

27、e 3._. Against the risks of 4._. Quantity 6._ Voyage from 7. _to 8. _per s. s. “9._” Sailing on or about 10._.,Jilin Provincial Native Produce & Animal By-products Import & Export Corporation,Hamburg,USD 31 237.00,All Risks and Risks of War,136 drums,Chinese linden honey,Dalian,Hamburg,Good Explorer V. 466.,April. 30, 2014,


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