Chinese-tea-culture 中国茶文化英文版.ppt

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1、Chinese tea culture,Caiyun Mu,The origin of Chinese tea,Appeared 2737-2697 BC Tea as a beverage originated with Shennong. The Classic of Tea “茶为之饮,发乎神农也。” 茶经,Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs; he encountered seventy two poisons daily and used tea as an antidote. “神农尝百草,日遇七十二喜,得茶而解之。” 神农本草经,Developme

2、nt of tea,oblation,medicine,food,drink,Western Zhou Spring and Autumn Warring States HanDynasty period period,How many kinds of tea could you tell?,Degrees of fermentation,The national drink of China 国饮,Main functions :,dispel the effects of alcohol,clearing away summer-heat,refresh oneself and Whit

3、en your skin,Tea classification,1. Green tea,Xin Yang Mao Jian Biluochun Longjing Huangshan Maofeng Lushan Yunwu,Features Fermented tea(发酵茶) red tea water, red leaves, sugariness retains its flavour for several years accounts for over 90% of all tea sold in the West.,Tea classification,2.Black tea,s

4、econd largest kind of tea,Make bones stronger Good for your heart Warm the stomach,Gongfu black,Qi men black,Dianhong gongfu,Features iron black and enveloped leaves Red , unique fragrance,for morning, refreshing ,making you be waked Help lose weight,Reduce blood-pressure,Tea classification,3.Dark t

5、ea(pu-er),Puer 、 hunan dark tea、liubao tea,Birthplace : Fujian Province Name : white bud- leaf looking like silver color slightly fermented tea,Tea classification,4.White tea,white peony anji white leaf,Tea classification,5. Oolong Tea,Birthplace : Wuyi mountain , Fujian Province,Features : fresh &

6、fragrant grows on cliffs body building & dieting,Iron mercy goddess wuyi rock,Tea classification,6. Scented Tea,A mixture of flowers with green tea, black tea or oolong tea,aromatic flavor Sweet, pleasant and delightful,Advantages and Tips,make people spirits, enhance thinking and memory ability eli

7、minate fatigue, promote metabolism, and have to keep the normal heart, blood vessels Tea drinking is of great benefit to prevent dental caries,At night ,appropriate to drink less or not drink tea. Best timefor tea after dinner, because fasting tea will hurt the body Tips for girls special period no

8、tea,has a good weight loss and beauty effect prevent senile cataracts. protect the hematopoiesis function Drinking tea can cooling in summer,Steps of making tea,Hot Pot 烫壶,Put in tea 置茶,Warm the cup 温杯,Wash the tea On high 悬壶高冲,Make tea in the low spot 低泡,Divide tea 分茶,Offer the tea 敬茶,Comparison of

9、 tea consumption,mainland,Too busy,We would not like to take a long time to enjoy a cup of tea.,Tea or Coffee,Obviously, the scales and numbers of caf have farther exceeded those of teahouse.,Tea or Coffee,Tea-traditional-old people Coffee- modern-young people,Teagenteel Coffee- fast paced,We need T

10、ea education,Perhaps we do not need too many schools of tea ceremony, but we just need more courses or unions in schools or universities.,In the meanwhile, we need more literatures about Chinese tea culture.,Revival of tea culture Some modern teahouse Enjoy tea with friends Knack of tea-brewing and teaceremony,Thank you !,


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