Unit 2 Time课件.ppt

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《Unit 2 Time课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 Time课件.ppt(71页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Time,What about your National Day?,get up early?,eat breakfast or not,play sports,dinner party,5:30,do homework,watch TV,go to bed,surf the Internet,Revise 1 to 60:,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twe

2、nty twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty,Its two o five .,What time is it , please?,Its three ten .,What time is it , please?,Its seven fifteen .,What time is it , please?,Its seven twenty .,What time is it , please?,Its nine twenty-five .,What time is it , please?,Its seven thirty .,What time is it

3、, please?,Its eight thirty-five .,What time is it , please?,Its eight forty .,What time is it , please?,Its three forty-five .,What time is it , please?,Its ten fifty .,What time is it , please?,Its ten fifty-five .,What time is it , please?,What time is it , please?,Its twelve oclock .,30分钟以内 past,

4、刚好30分钟half past,30分钟以后 to,正点 oclock,时间表达法,Its two o five .,What time is it , please?,Its five past two .,Its three ten .,What time is it , please?,Its ten past three .,Its seven fifteen .,What time is it , please?,Its a quarter past seven .,Its seven twenty .,What time is it , please?,Its twenty pas

5、t seven.,Its seven thirty .,What time is it , please?,Its half past seven .,Its eight thirty-five .,What time is it , please?,Its twenty-five to nine.,Its eight forty .,What time is it , please?,Its twenty to nine .,Its three forty-five .,What time is it , please?,Its a quarter to four .,What time i

6、s it , please?,Its one fifty-eight .,Its two to two .,1. 点钟数 + 分钟数,eg: 6: 15 7: 29,2. 分钟数 + past +点钟数,(分钟数不超过30分),eg: 6: 15 7: 29 8: 30,3. 差分钟数 + to +下一点钟数,(分钟数超过30分),eg: 5: 45 9: 39,six fifteen,seven twenty-nine,a quarter past six,twenty-nine past seven,half past eight,a quarter to six,twenty-one t

7、o ten,Three ways to express the same time,Two ways of telling the time :,7:00 7:05 7:10 7:15 7:25 7:30 7:35 7:40 7:45 7:50,seven/seven oclock,seven o five/five past seven,seven ten/ten past seven,seven fifteen/a quarter past seven,seven twenty-five/twenty-five past seven,seven thirty/ half past seve

8、n,seven thirty-five/twenty-five to eight,seven forty/ twenty to eight,seven forty-five/a quarter to eight,seven fifty/ten to eight,Listening: 1A,p.m.=下午 a.m.=上午 What time is it?(询问hours具体时间,几点几分) London 伦敦 Washington华盛顿 Tokyo东京 New Delhi新德里 Moscow莫斯科,新德里,新德里莲花寺,印度门,德里红堡,德里胡马雍陵,What time is it in Lon

9、don?,Its one oclock a.m. in Washington. What time is it in Tokyo?,Its three oclock p.m. in Tokyo.,说出不同时区的时间,Its twelve oclock a.m. in New Delhi. What time is it in Moscow?,Its nine oclock a.m. in Moscow.,Listening:1B,Listening:1B,1. How many people are mentioned(提到) in the dialogue? A.2 B.3 C.4 2. J

10、ames has lunch( ). A.at home B.at school C.at a restaurant 3.( )studies in the art club. A.Lydia B.Sally C.Sarah Keys: 1. C 2. B 3.B,Listening: 1C,6:45 a.m.,have breakfast,11:30 a.m.,eat lunch,5:15 p.m.,go to the English culb,7:00 p.m.,do school homework,Listening:1D/1E,Listening:1D A Bus Drivers We

11、ek,5:30,19:30,23:00,at midnight,Listening:1E True(正确) or False(错误),1.T 2.T 3.F On Wednesday he finishes at 19:00. 4.T 5.F Sometimes he feels very tired.,Section B,英语时间和日期的表达方法,1997年7月1日,香港回归,2015年重要体育赛事一览,3月23日至29日,世界花样滑冰锦标赛,中国上海 4月26日至5月3日,世界乒乓球锦标赛,中国苏州 5月10日至17日,苏迪曼杯羽毛球混合团体赛,中国东莞 5月20日至28日,亚洲女排锦标赛

12、,中国北京、天津 6月6日至7月5日,加拿大女足世界杯 7月31日,国际奥委会将投票选出年冬奥会的主办城市 8月1日至9日,东亚杯足球赛,中国武汉 8月9日至17日,第10届全国少数民族传统体育运动会,内蒙古鄂尔多斯 8月22日至30日,世界田径锦标赛,中国北京 8月底,亚洲女篮锦标赛,中国武汉 9月中旬,第九届全国残疾人运动会,中国四川 9月23日至10月3日,亚洲男篮锦标赛,中国长沙 9月25日2015年成都IVV奥林匹克运动会开幕。 10月3日至11日,中国网球公开赛,中国北京 10月11日至18日,上海网球大师赛,中国上海,年份的表达方法 :,关于四位数年份的读法有下列几种情形: 1、

13、一般情况下,将表示年份的四个数字按前后分为两组,每一组的数字 都按基数词来读。例如: 1865年读作 eighteen sixty-five 1998年读作 nineteen ninety-eight 2、如果前两个数字为非“零”数字,后两位数分别为“零”,则先读出前两位 数,然后将后面的两个“零”读为 hundred。例如: 1900年读作 nineteen hundred 1800年读作 eighteen hundred,3、第三个数字为“零”(其他数字不是“零”)的年份的读法应当将该“零”读 为Ou。例如: 1809年读作 eighteen O nine 4、关于千年的一些读法。 200

14、0年读作 two thousand 2008年读作 two thousand and eight(或twenty O eight) 1008年读作 one thousand and eight(或ten O eight),另外,还有一些非四位数的年份,它们有两种读法:一种是按 照基数词的方法来读,另一种是一个一个数字来读。 例如: 531BC读作 five three one BC(或five hundred and thirty-one BC) 注:表示在哪一年,一般在年数前加介词in,使用year时,year 放在数词之前。 in the year two fifty-three B.C.

15、 在公元前253年,月份的表达方法:,在哪个月用介词in加第一个字母大写的月份词表示。例如:in May在五月 ; in July在七月。为了简便起见,月份与日期连用时,月份常用缩写形 式表示。月份都由其前三个字母表示,但September除外。 一月:January Jan 二月:February Feb 三月:March Mar. 四月:April Apr 五月:May May 六月:June Jun. 七月:July Jul. 八月:August Aug. 九月 September Sept. 十月:October Oct 十一月:November Nov. 十二月December De

16、c. 注:这里缩写形式后面加点不能省略,因为它是表示缩写形式的符号。,星期的表达方法:,在星期几表示具体某一天用介词on, 加第一个字母大写的星期词表示, 的例如:on Monday 在星期一; on Sunday 在星期天。为了简便起见, 星期与日期连用时,星期常用缩写形式表示。星期都由其前三个字母表示 星期一 Monday Mon. 星期二 Tuesday Tue. 星期三 Wednesday Wed. 星期四 Thursday Thu. 星期五 Friday Fri. 星期六 Saturday Sat. 星期日 Sunday Sun. 注:这里缩写形式后面加点不能省略,因为它是表示缩写形

17、式的符号。,1-10:first,second, third, fourth, fifth,sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth 11-20:eleventh, twelfth,thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, ninteenth, twentieth 21-30:twenty-first,twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-sev

18、enth, twenty-eighth, twenty-nineth, thirtieth 31-40:thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty-third, thirty-fourth, thirty-fifth, thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh, thirty-eighth, thirty-nineth, fortieth,年月日的表达方法,英语日期的读法、写法和汉语不同。英语中年、月、日的表达方法是“月 份+序数词,年”,例如: 2001年4月2日:April 2nd, 2001,读成:April the second, two t

19、housand and one。 一般情况下,序数词是在基数词后加-th,但有几种特殊情况,可按下面 规律来记:1、2、3单独记(即first, second, third),8后少t,9少e(即:eighth, ninth),5、12变ve为fth(即fifth, twelfth),整十位数变y为ie 再加th(如twentieth),二位以上只将个数变序数词(如thirty-second) 。例如: October 31(October 31st)读作October(the)thirty-first August 26(August 26th)读作August(the)twenty-six

20、th 注:具体在哪一天用介词on。,2A,Lydias birthday is coming.现在进行时表将来 plan to do 计划做某事 Whats the date(today)?询问月份 What day is that day?What day is it today?询问星期 check 检查 check in 签到登记 check out 结账离开,in time/on time,in time有“及时;迟早”的意思,意指正赶上时候或恰在需要的 时候,或解释为终有一天;最后; on time是准时;按时之意.如: 我们及时赶上了公共汽车 We were just in tim

21、e to catch the bus. 火车准时到站了 The train pulled in on time.,Sarahs father December 17 a card Sarahs mother July 6 some flowers Sarahs brother August 9 takes him out to a park,I do remember my familys birthdays. do表示强调 我确实记得要去关门。 I do remember to close the door. Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕,平安夜 12月24日,Section C,

22、春夏秋冬,Reading B,school is out 学校放假/学期结束 turn变成. kick off开始 have a snowball fight打雪仗 make a snowman 堆雪人 It takes the earth one year to finish one orbit around the sun. It takes sb.(some time) to do sth.某人花了时间做某事,Reading C,1.F In the fall season. 2.F in spring 3.T 4.T 5.F heat热量,Vocabualry Practice A,m

23、aybe(可能) possibly turn(变成) become fall(秋天) autumn different(不同的) not same look forward to(期望) hope,Vocabualry Practice B,keys: spring fall beautiful flowers yellow leaves green trees kick off brighten up football summer winter no class cold hang out snowball beach snowman,Vocabualry Practice C,Keys:

24、 change orbit turning tilted/sunshine heat,Writing A,What time is it? It is nine oclock. 询问具体时间,时、分。 What day is it today? It is Monday. 询问星期几 Whats the date today? Its October 20. 询问日期,几月几日 What season is it now? Its fall. 询问季节,Writing B,check my schedule hang out in the street kicks off brighten u

25、p look forward to,Grammar A,-s -es y变i,再加es plays watches tries likes does flies works fixes studies,Grammar B,keys: 1. usually 2. seldom 3. very often 4. always 5. never 6. sometimes 7. every year,Grammar C,keys:1. goes 2. arrive 3. go 4. drinks 5. does 6. dont often sing 7. doesnt play 8. dont usually watch 9. Do spend 10. Does wear,


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