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1、Unit 5 Travelling abroad,Reading and speaking Peru,Skimming,What is the main idea of this passage? This text is a factual report about _ of Peru.,the history and geography,Lima,South America,coastal,The Andes,plains,Governed,Gained independence,Indian Spanish,Mountains,the 16th century,Lake Titicaca

2、,Cuzco,Machu Picchu,plants,Scanning,1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists? 2. What is special about Lake Titicaca? 3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are?,1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists? Cuzco is popular because it is close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Pi

3、cchu and is a good place to see both Spanish and Indian culture and art.,2. What is special about Lake Titicaca? Lake Titicaca is the highest lake in the world, on which boats can travel.,3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are? Spanish and Indian.,Turn to P44. Read the text TOUR

4、 by TOUR and finish the related exercises.,Tour 1: 1. What can people see on tour 1? 2. In what way will people travel on tour 1? 3. How long will tour 1 last?,What can people see on tour 1? Jungle, wildlife, mountain scenery, ancient ruins, sunrise on Andes 2. In what way will people travel on tour

5、 1? on hike, train 3. How long will tour 1 last? four days,Tour 2: 4. What places will people get to? 5. In what way will people get there? 6. What can people do on this tour?,Puno (谱诺),4. What places will people get to? Cuzco, Puno, Lake Titicaca, floating islands of the Uros people , Lima 5. In wh

6、at way will people get there? By bus, boat, plane 6. What can people do on this tour? Fantastic view of highland ,boat, stay with a local Uros family.,Tour 3: 7. What places will people get to? 8. What can people do on this tour?,Andes, Cuzco, Machu Picchu(ruins),Learn about history, visit the museu

7、ms, admire the Spanish architecture, enjoy excellent food, buy souvenirs, view the ancient ruins.,Tour 4: 9. What places will people get to? 10. In what way will people get there? 11. What can people do on this tour?,Cuzco, Andes, Amazon jungle,By plane, boat.,Enjoy the view of Andes and explore the

8、 Amazon jungle, see many birds.,_ 1. Mike, a well-paid photographer, who has great interest in adventuring and exploration. He hopes to have an active holiday and shoot some pictures of different kinds of birds. _ 2. Elisabeth, who has retired recently, is planning for a leisurely vacation. She hope

9、s to visit the museums, buy something special and taste some delicious food.,Tour 4,Tour 3,Match the four tours with a proper person.,_3. Alessandro, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery. _ 4. Alfred and his girlfriend. Not only do they hope to

10、 have a chance to experience local peoples life, but also like to go traveling by boat in a romantic way.,Tour 1,Tour 2,Which tours would best suit people who like an active holiday and dont need first class accommodation?,Tours 1 and 4.,Now read the brochure on the next page and answer the followin

11、g questions.,2. What kind of people would enjoy Tour 2?,People who enjoy learning about the culture and lifestyle of the country they are visiting. People who enjoy beautiful scenery but prefer to see it through the windows of a comfortable bus.,3. On which tours do you visit Machu Picchu?,Tours 1 a

12、nd 3.,4. If you spent two weeks in and around Cuzco, Which tour would be best to do last?,Tour 2 would be best to do last because it ends in Lima, the capital.,1. The Andes Mountains running parallel to the coast. 安第斯山脉(与沿海地带)平行一直到海岸。 1) run v. 伸展, 延伸,Language points,2) parallel adj. / n. / v. adj.

13、平行的; 同方向的 This highway runs parallel to / with the railroad. Parallel lines never meet. adj. His suggestion is parallel to yours. (=similar) adj. 类似的; 对应的 Is there any parallel to/with this road? n. The runner has no parallel. n. 匹敌的人或物 This expressway/motorway parallels the coast several miles. v.

14、和平行,be parallel to/with sth 线A平行于线B。 Line A _ Line B. 这条高速公路与铁路线平行。 This highway_ the railroad.,is parallel with,is / runs parallel to,2. Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle. 秘鲁有大量的植物, 从沙漠里的小草 到大面积的丛林, 而且还有大量的野生 动物。 abundant adj. be abundant in 富于, 很丰富,abundance n. 丰

15、富 in abundance 大量, 充裕 an abundance of 很多的 The tree is abundant in fruit. There is an abundant supply of oil now. At the party there was food in abundance. The famous singer has made an abundance of records.,3. govern vi. / vt. 管理, 治理; 左右(某人, 行动等), 给予影响 government n. 1) Dont be governed by what other

16、 people say. 不要被别人的话所左右。 2) Parents govern a child until he develops the power to govern himself. 父母管束孩子直到孩子有能力管好自己为止。 3) In the United Kingdom the sovereign reigns but does not govern/rule. 在英国君主称王但不治理国家。,4. Cuzco is a lively city . 库斯科是一个可爱的城市,在那里随处可见印第安人和西班牙人的文化和艺术。,1) lively: 活泼生动的,有生气的,作定语和表语 a

17、 lively mind 头脑灵活的 2) alive:活着的,活的 作定语放于名词后,表语形容词=living His dog is alive. the greatest man alive keep sth. alive,3) living活着的,逼真的+n. the living writer the livings 4) live: 现场直播的, 活着的 a live whale. The football match will be broadcast live.,alive, living, live, life, lively,1.Pandas usually _ in the

18、 south and southeast of China. 2.There arent many pandas _ in the world today.,live,alive/living,Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.,3. Nothing can _ without air or water. 4. Are there any _ things on one of the stars? 5. He had a strange way of making his lessons _ and interesting. 6.Th

19、e old couple _ a happy life.,live,lively,living,live,7.It was a _ TV broadcast, not a cassette recording. 8.Look! The fish is still _. Its a _ fish. Put it into water and keep it _.,alive,living,alive,live,5. settle in v. 迁入 settle for v. 满足于 settle up v. 付清, 了结 settle on v. 决定 settle down v. 定居, 平静

20、下来, 专心于 settle back vi. 仰坐 settle with v. 与.清算, 和.和解,Imagine your group plans to spend eight days in and around Cuzco. Discuss which two tours you will like.,Speaking,Words and expressions for you: We would You might It would be possible to . It isnt possible to would be a perfect place for us. I do

21、nt think youd enjoy would probably suit us.,Writing,Imagine your American penfriend has decided to come to China to study Chinese culture and language at a university near you. Write a letter to him or her giving information about what life will be like.,Include things like:,1. What he/she will find

22、 different in China (include things like food, study, transport, accommodation, etc); 2. How easy or difficult it will be to make friends; 3. The best way to learn Chinese and about Chinese culture; 4. Things you can do to help him/her settle in.,Dear Bob, Im really pleased that you will be coming t

23、o China to study the language and culture. Living in China might seem a little strange at first, but Im sure youll soon fit in. I think most things here are cheaper than in your country. Our food is tasty but some might be oily, but we have Western food too. KFC and McDonald are very popular here.,S

24、ample writing:,Chinese people are very friendly and easygoing, so if you are sociable, itll be easy for you to get used to the life here. Ill introduce you to my family and friends, and you wont feel lonely, Im sure. Besides, itll help you to learn Chinese and Chinese culture.,In a word, Ill try my

25、best to make you feel at home, and Im looking forward to meeting you. Yours, Li Fang,Answer key to Ex1 on Page 79: 1 substitute 2 abundant 3 enterprise 4 keeps it up 5 settle 6 parallel,Suggested answers to Ex2 on Page 80: 1. 因为天气炎热,屋里的狗狂吠不止.(bark) The dog in the room barked very loudly because it w

26、as so hot. 2. 经纪人正在物色一个既有英语本科学位而且还 在出版社工作过的人. (agent, bachelors degree) The agent is looking for a person who holds a bachelors degree in English and has worked in a publishing company.,3. 如果你想在一块木头上钻孔,就需要一个钻 机.(drill) If you want to make a hole in a piece of wood you need a drill. 4. 这台机器要么使用家庭电力,要

27、么使用几组电池, 都可以工作得很好. (household electricity; battery) This machine works very well either with household electricity or several batteries.,Answer key to Ex3 on Page 80: destination seminars Inn settled in Day in and day out abundant Tombs optional out of the question,Answer key to Ex4 on Page 80: 1 e 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 b 1 settle down 2 settled up 3 settled back 4 settled for 5 settled on 6 settled in,


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