中职英语-基础模块-下-unit 5 reading.ppt

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1、Unit 5 Honesty,What is honesty?,What is dishonesty?,Cheat in exam.,do shoddy work and use inferior material,dont keep promise,食言而肥,Punish dishonesty,Why should we be honest?,烽火戏诸侯,有一次,胡庆余堂的紧俏药虎骨追风膏缺货了,经理余修初便找专管药材的邹文昌问原因。由于虎骨追风膏的主要原料是虎骨,而虎骨现在缺货,邹文昌想用豹骨代替虎骨。余修初心想:这怎么能行呢?这不是砸胡庆余堂的招牌吗?余修初始终不答应。 “做生意要懂得灵

2、活变通嘛,我们暂时用豹骨代替,先满足市场需求,等虎骨到货,马上就换用虎骨。不然,别人会小看咱们胡庆余堂的。”邹文昌用胡庆余堂的信誉来威胁余修初,余修初只好默默不言。 邹文昌见余修初的思想略有些动摇了,于是便趁机说:“豹骨的药效也不差,一般人看不出来,只有你、我知晓。” 听他这么一讲,余修初动摇了,于是邹文昌便生产出假的虎骨追风膏。胡雪岩得知此事后,认为邹文昌的所作所为严重影响了胡庆余堂的声誉,气愤不已。马上便将邹文昌辞退了,并当场写下“戒欺”堂训,还在横匾旁写下一块条幅:“药业关系到性命,尤为万不可欺”、“采办务真,炮制务精”等。 因为有“戒欺”的堂训,胡庆余堂的伙计便丝毫不敢有一点欺骗行为了


4、伙子坚持否认,只好承认自己认错人了。 后来,小伙子被录用了。过了一段时间,他问当时一起面试的人事经理:“总裁女儿的救命恩人找到了吗?”人事经理愣了一下,说:“_。”,总裁根本就没有女儿,Honesty is a person to keep the most noble thing. 诚实是一个人得以保持的最高尚的东西。,Honesty is one of the most abundant batches. 诚实是最丰富的传代物。,The honor of personal credit is the property of the public is deposit. 私人的信用是财产,公

5、众的荣誉是保证金。,Honesty is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values. 诚实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。,If want others to honesty, to the good faith yourself. 如果要别人诚信,首先自己要诚信。,honestyn.诚实,坦诚 stay away from离开,外出,缺席 stay away from school 旷课 headmastern.校长 noten.便条,短笺(信) nearadv. & prep 在近处; 在附近 supposev.认定;猜想

6、 promisev.答应;允许 lien. & v.说谎,谎言 v. 躺下,卧,Words and expressions,threatenv.威胁,恐吓 pleadv.乞求,恳求 silentadj.沉默的;无言的 greatlyadv.大大地,非常 troublev.使烦恼,使焦虑 n.忧虑,麻烦 suddenlyadv.突然地 take out of取出 pocketn.袋,口袋 throwv.投;掷;扔 throwaway 扔掉 flyv.飞,飞行,飞逝 restv.停止,停落,branchn.树枝;分支机构 treen.树 midnightn.午夜,半夜 at midnight 在半

7、夜 wakev.醒,醒来 cryv.哭,喊叫 sobv.啜泣,哭诉 trustv.相信;信任,信赖 truthn.事实,真相,实情 take on烦恼;不安;激动 hurtv.伤害,使受伤 deceivev.欺骗,蒙骗 selfishadj.自私的,利己的,deeplyadv.深深地 sleepn.睡眠,睡觉 awakeadj.醒着的 daylightn.日光,黎明 quietlyadv.安静地,平静地 straightadv.直接地,径直地 carefullyadv.小心地,谨慎地 groundn.地面 come to oneself苏醒过来;恢复常态 sendv.送,寄;派遣 thats

8、all这就些;说完了,Fast reading,Bill threatened and pleaded. The headmaster wrote a note to Bills father and asked Bills brother Joe to take it home. Bill stayed away from school one hot day and went swimming. Joe cried at midnight. Joe suddenly took the note out of his pocket and threw it away. Bill was ba

9、dly hurt. Bill waited Joe at the school gate after school.,Put the following in right order.,C,B,G,A,E,D,F,Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).,Bill always stayed away from school. The headmaster wrote a letter to Bills father. Joe is younger than Bill

10、. Joe never tell a lie. If Joe gave the note to father, Bill would beat him. Bill wanted to take the note back. Bill was badly hurt.,T,F,T,T,F,T,T,Carefully reading,Phrases in Part I. (Para 1-Para 4.),1. Bill stayed away from school one hot day and went swimming.,stay away from,stay away from school

11、,离开,缺席,逃课,The student who stayed away from school will be punished.,2. Ill have to run away from home again.,run away from,逃离,escape,run away from home,离家出走,Many children run away from home easily.,很多孩子轻易就离家出走。,3. Ill never fight or tell lies,tell lies,说谎,The boy often tells lies.,那个男孩经常说谎。,People o

12、ften tell lies can be trusted.,经常说谎的人不能信任。,4. Joe suddenly took the note out of his pocket and threw it away.,throw away,把扔掉,Dont throw the bottle away anywhere, put it into the dustbin.,不要把瓶子到处乱扔,放到垃圾箱里。,5. It flew up with the wind and came to rest on a very high branch of a big old tree.,flow up w

13、ith the wind,随风飞走,The kite flew away with the wind.,风筝随风飞走了。,Part II. (Para 5-Para 7.),Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).,Bill is an honest boy. Joe cried because he had to deceive the headmaster. Bill decided to take the note back. Joe went straight

14、 to the big tree and carefully climbed up onto the branch. Bill realized his mistake.,F,T,T,F,T,Phrases in Part II. (Para 5-Para 7.),1. Bill woke and found Joe sitting up in bed, crying.,sit up,坐起来,We sat up drinking and talking,我们饮酒谈天,直至深夜。,find sb. doing sth.,I found him reading in the classroom.,

15、2. Then tell the truth,tell the truth,说实话,Totellthetruth,Idontagreewithyou.,说实话,我不同意你的看法。,3. Hell never trust me any more.,not any more,不再,Hedoesnotneedotherstotellhimhowgreatheis-notanymore,他不需要别人告诉他他不再伟大了。,4. you dont know how Mother takes on about it and how itll hurt Father!,take on,烦恼,不安,The bo

16、y took on about the test.,那男孩对考试感到烦恼不安。,5. He lay down and cried himself to sleep.,lie down,躺倒,Why dont you go upstairs and lie down for a bit?,你不为什么不上楼去躺一会儿呢?,6. He went straight to the big tree and carefully climbed up onto the branch to take the note back.,take back,取回,I take back what I said, I

17、think perhaps I am an extrovert.,我收回说过的话,我想也许我是外向型的人。,Phrases in Part III. (Para 8.),1. Bill came to himself.,come to oneself,苏醒过来,The boy came to himself 10 hours later after the accident.,那孩子在事故十小时后苏醒过来,2. tell the master hell never have to send a note any more thats all.,thats all,就这些,Shesgoingth

18、roughadifficulttime.Thatsallthereistoit.,她正经历一个困难时期。就这么简单。,To read the text quickly again and complete the following passage with the information from the text.,Bill 1_ from school one hot day and went swimming. The headmaster wrote a 2_ to Bills father and asked Bills brother Joe to take it home. J

19、oe 3_. However, after Bill threatened and 4_, Joe 5_ the note 6_ his pocket and threw it away. At 7_ , Bill found Joe sitting up and crying. Bill went straight to the big tree and 8_ up to take the note back. Suddenly the branch 9_ and Bill fell down to the ground. When Bill 10_, he said to Joe, “I went for the 11_. Say you forgot it 12_. Tell the master hell never have to send a note 13_ thats all.”,stayed away,note,promised,pleaded,took,out of,midnight,climbed,broke,came to himself,note,last night,any more,


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