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1、General Review,Exercise for Unit 1: Chemical Inductry,1. complete the summary of the text (1) the Industrial Revolution (2) organic chemical (3) contact process (4) Haber process (5) synthetic polymers (6) intermediates,(7) artificial fertilizers (8) crop protection chemicals (9) technology (10) pha

2、rmaceutical (11) research and development (12) petrochemical (13) automatic controll equipment (14) capital rather-than-labor intensive,3. Put the following into Chinese carbonate(碳酸盐)polypropylene(聚丙烯) epoxy(环氧基)vinyl(乙烯基) acetate(醋酸盐) pharmaceutical(药物的) spectrum(光谱)formaldehyde(甲醛) silica(硅石)ammo

3、nium(铵离子) polyester(聚酯) the lions share(大份额),4. Put the following into English 钠 Na (sodium)钾 K(potassium) 磷 P (phosphur)氨 (ammonia) 聚合物 (polymer)聚乙烯 (polyethylene) 氯化物 (chloride)粘度 (viscosity) 烃(hydrocarbon)催化剂 (catalyst) 炼油厂 (refinery)添加剂 (additives),Supplementary Exercise 1: Nomenclature of chemi

4、cal elements in the first three short periods,1. 氢原子的英文名称是什么含义? 答案:氢原子的英文名称hydrogen是由hydro(水)+ gen(产生)合成的单词,表示“水之来源”。 2. 氦的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:氦原子的英文名称helium,首次被从太阳光谱分析中确认,使用希腊神话中太阳神“Helios”的名字命名。,3. 钠原子的英文名称是什么?钠的元素符号为什么不是英文名称的第一个字母? 答案:钠原子的英文名称sodium来源于阿拉伯语suda,而钠的元素符号来源于它的拉丁文名称natron的第一个字母,所以有不同的表示

5、。 4. 磷的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:磷原子的英文名称phosphorus是由phos(光)+ phor(fer带来)的合成词,表示“带来光”之意。反映出有些磷化合物在黑暗中发光的事实。,Exercises for Unit 2: Research and Development,1. Complete the summary of the text (1) R they are held every two years. (A) semiannual(B) biennial (2) You may vote “yes” or “no”, if you wish, you may

6、_A_ . (A) abstain(B) adjoin,(3) Many boys at one time or another want to become firemen, but few of them actually enter that _B_ . (A) avocation(B) vocation (4) The flight was delayed because of _A_ weather. (A) adverse(B) averse (5) The American Revolution (1775) _B_ the French Revolution (1789) by

7、 fourteen years. (A) postdated(B) antedated,(6) An imminent event belongs to the _C_ . (A) recent past(B) present(C) near future(D) dim past(E) distant future (7) Bob is not exclusive, he _B_ . (A) tries hard(B) make friend easily (C) come on time(D) keep to himself (E) prepares his homework,Exercis

8、es for Unit 12: What Do We Mean by Transport Phenomena?,3. Put the following into Chinese: dimensional(维的)humidifier(增湿器) nozzle(喷嘴)onset(开始) conduit(导管)adhere(粘附 或 追随) finite(有限的)lateral(横向的) transition(过渡)shed light on(阐明) flask(烧瓶)viscous(粘性的),4. Put the following into English: 矢量 (vector)标量 (sca

9、lar) 相似性 (similarity)类似 (analogy) 剪应力 (shear stress) 界面张力 (interfacial tension) 脉动 (fluctuation or pulsation) 临界速度 (critical velocity) 层流 (laminar)湍流 (turbulent) 势流 (potential flow)错流 (cross curent),Supplementary Exercise 12: English Vocabulary from Latin Prefixes and Roots (2),Fill the blanks choos

10、ing the right answer 1. Captain John Smith was spared when Pocahontas _A_ in his behalf. (A) intervened(B) contravened(C) intersected(D) implicated(E) intercepted,2. In an intraparty dispute, none of the participants are _E_ . (A) members(B) entirely right (C) stubborn(D) all wrong(E) outsiders 3. T

11、here was no intermission in the fighting except for one _D_ . (A) UN protest(B) minor skirmish (C) surprise attach (D) there-day truce (E) shipment of the Allies,4. The overeager student shouted out the answer, unable to inhibit his _C_ . (A) disappointment(B) apprehension (C) enthusiasm(D) anger(E)

12、 curiosity 5. The patient was in the hospital from November 23 to December 3, inclusive, a period of _E_ days. (A) twelve(B) nine(C) ten(D) thirteen (E) eleven,6. In next weeks debate, Sheila will argue on the contra, or _A_ , side of the question. (A) negative(B) extraneous(C) intrinsic (D) controv

13、ersial(E) positive 7. Quarrelsome neighbors rarely _C_ one anothers views. (A) countermand(B) censure(C) advocate (D) invoke(E) contradict,8. A number of members asked me to intercede, but I refused to act as a (an) _D_ . (A) understudy(B) insurgent(C) adversary (D) go-between(E) adheret,Exercises f

14、or Unit 13: Unit operations in Chemical Engineering,3. Put the following into Chinese: lixiviation(浸提)filter aid(助滤剂) flammability(易燃性)isotope(同位素) sedimentation(沉积)settling(沉降) correlation(相关性)funnel(漏斗) baffle(挡板) agglomeration(附聚 或 凝聚),configuration(构造)tangentially(成切线) droplet(小滴)vortex(漩涡) drag

15、(拽力)holdup(滞留量),4. Put the following into English: 溶解 (dissolution)溶液 (solution) 溶质 (solute)溶剂 (solvent) 平衡级 (equilibrium stage) 不互溶的 (immiscible) 浸取 (leaching)过滤 (filtration) 提纯 (purification) 板框压滤机 (plate and frame pressing filtering extruder),旋风分离器 (cyclone separator) 逆流 (counter current),Supplem

16、entary Exercise 13: English Vocabulary from Latin Prefixes and Roots (3),Choose the correct answer which has similar meaning to the expression in italics from each of the following questions. _C_ 1. painful interlude (A) delay(B) dispute(C) interval (D) intermediary,_B_ 2. deeply implicated (A) sorr

17、y(B) involved(C) indebted (D) hurt _D_ 3. counter to expectation look forward(B) respond (C) appeal(D) contrary _A_ 4. exclusive owner (A) sole(B) wealthy(C) rightful (D) principal,_B_ 5. nearly excised (A) inserted(B) removed (C) inscribed(D) repaired _C_ 6. evoked protests disregarded(B) contradic

18、ted (C) elicited(D) banned _D_ 7. intrinsic character inclusive(B) extraneous (C) unusual(D) essential,_C_ 8. uninhibited response (A) untruthful(B) angry (C) unrestrained(D) thoughtful _B_ 9. impending downfall recent(B) imminent (C) noteworthy(D) disastrous _A_ 10. not impelled (A) forced(B) inter

19、cepted (C) explained(D) expelle,Exercises for Unit 20: Material Science and Chemical Engineering,3. Put the following into Chinese: imperative(绝对必要的)probe(试探) gel spining(凝胶纺丝法)matrix(母体) crossover(截面)cure(塑化) duct(导管)sinter(烧结) flaw(裂缝) tissue culturing(细胞组织培养),hybridization(杂化)substrate(底物) uptake

20、(吸收 或 领会)hydrolysate(水解产物) DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸) corollary(推论),4. Put the following into English: 各向同性的 (isotropic) 各向异性的 (anisotropic) 放大倍数 (magnification) 氧化还原电势 (redox potential) 锰 Mn (manganese)硅 (silicon) 锆 (zirconium)兼容性 (compatibility) 必要条件 (prerequisite)葡萄糖 (glucose) 好氧的(oxyphill

21、ic)层压塑料(laminate),Supplementary Exercise 14: English Vocabulary from Latin Prefixes and Roots (4),Choose the correct answer which has similar meaning to the expression in italics from each of the following questions. _C_ 1. immaculate record (A) imperfect(B) dispassionate (C) faultless(D) unbeatable

22、,_C_ 2. irrevocable mistake (A) minor(B) natural (C) unforgivable(D) past recall _B_ 3. easily distracted (A) upset(B) diverted (C) abused(D) averted _C_ 4. incessant chatter (A) worthless(B) noisy (C) unceasing(D) illogical,_D_ 5. benevolent despot (A) lavish(B) inhospitable (C) wise(D) kind _A_ 6.

23、 without deviating (A) straying(B) seceding (C) stopping(D) hurrying _B_ 7. wide discrepancy (A) reduction(B) variation (C) increase(D) agreement,_C_ 8. inflexible stand (A) immature(B) pliable (C) obstinate(D) defenseless _D_ 9. completely deranged (A) enervated(B) demolished (C) unnerved(D) dement

24、ed _C_ 10. never secure (A) in danger(B) separate (C) safe(D) obtained,Exercises for Unit 21: Chemical Industry and Environment,3. Put the following into Chinese: stratosphere(平流层)troposphere(对流层) CFC(chlorofluorocarbon 氯氟碳化物 或 氯氟代烃)bombardment(轰炸) devastate(毁坏)remediation(补救) on-site(现场的)microbe(微生

25、物),insecticide(杀虫剂)coax(哄骗) domain(领域)retrenchment(紧缩) ubiquitous(无处不在的) pervasive(弥漫的) serviceability(实用性) prevail(奏效),4. Put the following into English: 紫外的 (ultraviolet)臭氧 (ozone) 可生物降解的 (biodegradable) 烷基苯磺酸盐 (alkylbenzene sulfonate) 污水 (waste water or sewage) 温室效应 (greenhouse effect) 污染 (contam

26、ination or pollution) 膜分离 (membrane separation),气力输送 (gaseous transport) 粉煤灰 (fly ash) 辛烷值 (octane rating) 氢脆 (hydrogen embrittlement),Supplementary Exercise 15: A comprehensive review of English vocabulary,Choose the correct answer which has similar meaning to the expression in italics from each of

27、 the following questions. _D_ 1. quite unperturbed (A) agitated(B) upset (C) unrelated(D) calm,_B_ 2. act in collusion (A) discord(B) conspiracy (C) expectation(D) harmony _D_ 3. further procrastinate (A) progress(B) haste (C) complaint(D) delay _C_ 4. precludes my joining (A) comes before(B) postpo

28、nes (C) prevent(D) makes possible,_A_ 5. provoked the voters (A) incensed(B) perplexed (C) obsessed(D) impeded _B_ 6. circumvented our plan (A) deferred(B) frustrated (C) projected(D) advocated _B_ 7. presumed guilt (A) limited(B) supposed (C) obvious(D) proved,_A_ 8. obviated the repetition (A) made unnecessary(B) prolonged (C) erased(D) hindered _D_ 9. incoherent statement (A) profuse(B) relevant (C) sticking together(D) illogical _B_ 10. prominent advocate (A) adept(B) notable (C) prudent(D) extravagant,


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