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1、Remembers *,Heavy Metal Pollution,Cd污染,砷污染,镉米,血铅超标,What? define Where? origins(起源)How? threats Then? solutions,A:The original meaning of heavy mental refers to the metal whose proportion (比重) is greater than 5,including gold, silver, copper, iron, lead ,etc。It is widely distributed.It exists in the

2、air, dringking water, soil,automobile exhaust,etc. Heavy metal pollution refers to the environmental pollution caused by heavy metals or their compounds.It tend to be enrichment.And it is hard to be broken down in the environment.,Q:What is heavy mental and heavy mental pollution?,A:There are two he

3、avy mental pollution in the eight environmental pollution events (八大环境公害事件)Japan minamata disease events caused by Hg,Japans toyama bone pain disease events caused by Cd. In China:In 2008,arsenic pollution incidents happened in five regions. In June 2009, the hunan illegal transfer of chromium slag

4、cause chromium pollution incidents(非法转移含铬废渣) In 2010,many children were found to blood lead levels.(血铅超标) In 2011,over 300 people were found to blood lead leavels because of the local battery enterprises pollution.(当地电池企业污染),Q:What happed about heavy mental pollution?,what happened these years in Ch

5、ina?,A:Pollution by emission Pollution from industry emission is the main source of heavy metal pollution in China. In coal burning areas, the different contents of heavy metals in the coal have affected the emission of heavy metals into the atmosphere. Pollution by wastewater irrigatio(废水灌溉) Wastew

6、ater irrigation is very common in China, especially in the northwestern area, where there is a lack of water resources. In China, 60-80% of the wastewater is due to industrial effluents. Untreated sewage water irrigation was the major source of increasing soil and crop metals.,Q:Where does it come f

7、rom?,Fertilizing sludge in farm fields, has led to an increase of nitrogen and phosphate(磷酸) in nutrients. Soil is heavily polluted by heavy metals, the selection of crops with low uptake rates should be considered when fertilizing the sludge. The excessive usage of chemical fertilizer and agro-chem

8、icals also increased heavy metal pollution in the farmland.,Pollution by waste fertilization (滥用化肥),from the nature to human,Q:How does it affact our life ?,the standard of heavy mental in GB2006,so low!,dangerous!,Mercury: after eating directly into the liver, damage to the brain, nerves, vision gr

9、eatly.Cadmium:lead to high blood pressure, cause disease of heart head blood-vessel,and lead to kidney failure(肾衰竭).Lead:Can directly damage the persons brain cells, especially of the babys nervous system(神经系统), can cause congenital mental retardation,probably ADHD(多动症)Arsenic: is one of the compone

10、nts of arsenic(砒霜), highly toxic and can cause person quickly die. Long-term exposure to small amounts, can cause chronic poisoning(慢性中毒). There are also carcinogenic(致癌)。,some heavy mental :,A: Conclusion The geological background level of heavy metal is low in China, but with the activity of human

11、 being, a high anthropogenic emission of heavy metals occurs into the biosphere from the industrial emission, wastewater and waste solids. Those contaminants pollute the environment such as the soil, water and foods, which animals and human beings live on. Heavy metals will accumulate in plants, and

12、 especially in foods to bring the toxicity and diseases of geological and environmental origin to human beings. Most severe is that this kind of pollutionis covert, long-term and non-reversible.,Q:Then,how to do it?,1.Therefore, humans should be careful with heavy metal pollutedwater and food. 1)To

13、import food from areas not polluted by heavy metals and 2)Drink safe water would be a way to avoid these heavy metals from being transferred to humans via the food chain(通过食物链). 3)but to remediate and improve environmental quality is a long-term strategy for the polluted area to keep humans healthy

14、and away from geological disease.2.The soil-plant system plays an important role in the solar energy transport to bio-energy, and plants would be helpful to clear the heavy metal pollution in the biosphere. Phytoremediation would be an effective techniqueto remediate heavy metal pollutions. Fortunately, studieson phytoremediation(植物修复) for heavy metals is wide spread throughout the world. As an optimum(最好地), a clean biosphere(生物圈) could be displayed in front of us in the near future.,Recommendations and Outlook,Thanks !,


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