PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册Unit1课件 part B.ppt

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《PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册Unit1课件 part B.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP人教版小学英语四年级下册Unit1课件 part B.ppt(28页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、绿色圃中小学教育网,Unit 1 My School,B lets talk,a music room,a computer room,an art room,a playground,a gym 一个体育馆,a playground,a computer room,a gym,an art room,Its on the first floor.,Its very big.,I can play football on it.,playground,There are many books.,Its very quiet.,library,Its very clean.,I can sing

2、 and dance.,I feel happy.,music room,Its very clean.,I can draw tiger.,I can draw cat.,art room,I can draw a rainbow.,I can draw puppy.,Guessing game .,tiger,computer,sister,dinner,water,Welcome to our school!,This is my classroom.,Its so big!,How many students are there in your class?,Forty-five st

3、udents.,four + ty =,fo rty,u,forty,Is that the computer room?,No, it isnt.,Its the teachers office.,Do you have a library?,这个方向请=这边请。,Its the second floor.,This way, please.,Yes, we do.,Yes, we do.,Its on the second floor.,Do you have a computer room?,Where is it?,( Show the picture and learn the dr

4、ills. ),( Show the picture and learn the drills. ),Yes, we do.,Its on the second floor.,Do you have a library?,Where is it?,( Show the picture and learn the drills. ),Yes, we do.,Its on the first floor.,Do you have a teachers office?,Where is it?,( Show the picture and learn the drills. ),Yes, we do

5、.,Its on the first floor.,Do you have a classroom?,Where is it?,Where is it?,Practice,Yes, we do.,Its on the floor.,Do you have a ?,( Ask and answer in pairs or groups. ),( ) How many _ are there in your class? A. student B. students C. a student ( ) _ is the library? Next to the classroom. A. What

6、B. How C. Where ( ) The teachers office is _ the first floor. A. on B. in C. at,(2)Choose the right answers.,B,C,A,教室在二楼。 The _ is on the _ floor. 电脑教室在哪里? _ is the _ room? 你们有一个图书馆吗? _ you have a _?,(1)Finish the sentences.,classroom,second,computer,Where,Do,library,作业,1、抄写P7图一二三四各两遍(工整) 2、背诵P7图一二三四,科学课抽查 3、背诵黑体单词,下节课听写,


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