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1、Part A,Lets learn,Unit 1 How tall are you?,体貌比较有方法,体貌比较公式:A+am/is/are+taller/shorter/older/younger.+than+B. A+be动词+形容词比较级+than+B,Can you say ?,The bear is shorter than the giraffe. The giraffe is taller than the bear.,The man is _ than the woman. The woman is _ _ the man.,taller,shorter,than,The fat

2、her is older than the boy.,The boy is younger than the father.,Can you say ?,The turtle is older than the cat.,The cat is younger than the turtle.,175 years old,33 years old,The man is _ than the woman.,stronger,Panghu is stronger than Daxiong.,Panghu is than Daxiong.,thinner,询问体貌用how,A: How tall ar

3、e you? (提问高度) “.多高” B: I am cm tall. A: How heavy are you?(提问重量) “.多重” B.I A.How big are your feet?(提问尺寸) “.多大” B.I wear size . A.How long is your hair?(提问长度) “.多长” A.How old .(提问年龄)“.多少岁?” B.Im . A.How are you? 你身体好吗?,How tall are you?,Im 158cm tall,Hes 226 cm tall.,.,ruler,How tall are

4、 you? Im 175cm tall.,175cm,cm=centimeter 这里的cm是centimeter 的缩写,“厘米”。不管前面的数字有多大,书写时一般使用单数形式,如:160cm,67kg.但读的时候要读成centimeter 。超过1厘米时,要读其复数形式centimeters. I am 175 cm tall. I am one hundred and Seventy -five centimeters tall. kilogramm类似.,Im 10 years old. How old are you!,Im 9 years old.,Im older than yo

5、u.,How old are you? Im younger than you.,你能回答吗,How tall is he?,姓名:张一山 年龄:20 身高:176cm,He is 176cm tall.,How old is he?,He is 20 years old.,姓名:杨紫 年龄:19 身高:167cm,How old is she?,She is 19 years old.,How tall is she?,She is 167cm tall.,姓名:宋丹丹 年龄:41 身高:168cm,How old is she?,She is 41 years old.,How tall

6、is she?,She is 168cm tall .,说说看,用A+be+比较级+than+B来描述下列图片,例如:Zhang Yishan is taller than Yang Zi.,年龄:20 身高:176cm,年龄:19 身高:167cm,年龄:41 身高:168cm,说说看,用A+be+修饰词+比较级+than+B来描述下列图片,例如:Zhang Yishan is 9cm taller than Yang Zi.,年龄:20 身高:176cm,年龄:19 身高:167cm,年龄:41 身高:168cm,play games,Line up from younger to old

7、er.,Line up from taller to shorter.,How tall are you?,Im 158cm tall.,centimeter,A: I am 165 centimeters.,B: I am 175 centimeters.,(cm),tall,taller,.,How to use the grammar: the comparative degree.,主语 be 形容词比较级 than 另一人(事物),Eg: Im stronger than Dill. Im taller than Edson, but Edson is fatter than me.

8、 My hair is longer than yours.,Lets Chant,Mike is taller than Lee. Lee is taller than Sue. Sue is taller than Amy. How tall are you? Amy is smaller than Sue. Sue is smaller than Lee. Lee is smaller than Mike. Are you smaller than me?,play games,Line up from younger to older.,Line up from stronger to

9、 thinner.,Line up from taller to shorter.,Lets read,tall-taller short-shorter long-longer big-bigger old-older young-younger small-smaller heavy-heavier thin-thinner fat-fatter cm=centimeter 厘米 kg=kilogram公斤千克,形容词填空。,1.My teacher is _(strong). 2.My teacher is _(strong) than his friend. 3. Mike is _(

10、old). 4. Mike is _(old) than Liu Ming. 5.Steven is _(tall). 6.Steven is _(tall) than Amy.,strong,stronger,old,older,taller,tall,Please use our classmates or your things to practise the knowledge. 请用同学或你的物品来练习所学知识。,tall-short big-small long-short fat-thin heavy-light new-old young-old hot-cold,tall,t

11、aller,thin,thinner,heavy,heavier,你能发现以下的规律吗?,nice,nicer,你能说出更多的例子吗?试试看,形容词比较级构成法: 1、大部分直接在后面加 er 2、重读闭音节单词(一个元音加一个辅音结尾)双写结尾辅音加 er big bigger 3、以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i,再加 er heavy heavier 4、以e结尾的,直接加r nice nicer,将下列形容词变为比较级。,A 1. tall-( ) 2. short-( ) 3. strong-( ) 4. old-( ) 5. young-( ),taller,shorter,stro

12、nger,older,younger,longer,Unit 1 How tall are you? Page 5 Lets talk,Learning aims: 1. Can read the dialogue collectly; 2. Can translate the dialogue collectly.,How tall are you ?,Im 164 cm tall.,Youre shorter than me.,Yes. Im 160cm.,Youre 4cm taller than me.,你多高?,我身高164厘米。,你比我矮。,是的。我160厘米。,你比我高4厘米。,

13、how tall,多高,对身高提问的特殊疑问词,How tall be 主语?,例:How tall are you?,How tall is Mike?,迈克多高?,你多高?,160 cm,one hundred and sixty centimeters,160厘米,159cm,one hundred and fifty- nine centimeters,159厘米,你多高?,我身高164厘米。,你比我矮。,是的。我160厘米。,你比我高4厘米。,你多大? 我十一岁。 你比我大。 是的。我十二。我比你大一岁。,Lets talk,A:_? B: I am 164 cm tall. You

14、 are shorter _ me. A: Yes. I am 160 cm. You are _ cm _ than me.,A:? B:Im 11 years old. Youre older _me. A: Yes. Im 12.Im _ _ _ than you.,高矮胖瘦差多少,比较身高 Im 164cm tall. Youre160cm tall.Im 4cm taller than you. I am 11 years old. You are 13 .I am 2 years younger than you. 在体貌比较公式中的形容词比较级前面加上相差的数值就可以了。,1.

15、which 哪一个(只) which boy 哪一个男孩 which monkey 哪一只猴子 2. brown 棕色的 3. yellow 黄色的 4. funny 滑稽的;可笑的 5. about 大约 6. its 它的 7. tail 尾巴,Which monkey do you like, Ben?,本,你喜欢哪一只猴子?,I like the yellow one.,我喜欢黄色的那一只。,Look, its taller than the brown one.,看,它比那只棕色的更高。,Which monkey is stronger?,哪一只猴子更强壮?,The brown mo

16、nkey is stronger.,棕色的猴子更强壮。,But the yellow monkey is taller.,但是那只黄色的猴子更高。,I like the little monkey.,我喜欢那只小猴子。,Its younger and funnier.,它更年轻更滑稽。,How long is its tail?,它的尾巴多长?,I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall.,我认为那只小猴子只有40厘米高。,Its tail is about 30 cm long.,它的尾巴大约30厘米长。,I think the yellow m

17、onkey is 150 cm tall.,我认为那只黄色的猴子150厘米高。,The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.,那只黄色的猴子更高 但是那只小猴子更滑稽。,(人教PEP)六年级英语下册课件,Unit 1 How tall are you ? 第五课时,抽查点拨P16,17,18知识点,Lets chant:,Mike is taller than Lee. Lee is taller than Sue. Sue is taller than Amy. How tall are you?,Amy is s

18、maller than Sue. Sue is smaller than Lee. Lee is smaller than Mike. Are you smaller than me?,choose the best answer,1.-How_is she?-She is 16. A.big B.long C.old 2.I am _than you. A.stronger B.tall C.old 3.You are older than_ A.mine 4.I am 1.55 meters_ A.longer B.taller C.tall 5._tail is ab

19、out 35 cm long. A.He B.Its C.You,练一练:连词成句,1.tall how you are _ 2.large your room how is _ 3. 10 square meters is my room _ hands yours are bigger than _ 5. me than taller 4cm youre _,How tall are you ?,How large is your room?,My room is 10 square meters .,My hands are bigger than yours.,Youre 4

20、cm taller than me.,560kg,320kg,Which animal is heavier ?,119kg,60kg,Miss Tang,Miss Guo,Who is stronger ?,96cm,How long is the leg?,How long are the legs ?,They are 96cm long.,How big are your feet, Amy?,size 18,I wear size 18.,你多大脚,我穿17码,Im 50kg.I m stronger. I m stronger and heavier than you.,How h

21、eavy are you?,I am 100kg.What about you?,50kg,But I am taller than you.Haha!,How big are your feet?,I wear size 45.,Size 40,My is/are than yours.,比一比,shorter,longer,bigger,smaller,hands feet eyes hair arms legs,Daxiong,Panghu,30kg,39kg,How heavy is _?,kg=kilogram,He is _ .,_ is _ _ than_ .,15,heavie

22、r,shorter,Lets talk,Mike: How heavy are you? Zhang: Im 48 kg. Mike: Im thinner than you, and shorter. Zhang: Yes. Im bigger and stronger than you.,Lets talK: Mike: _? Zhang: Im48 kg. Im_than you, and _. Mike: Yes. Im _and _ than you.,How heavy are you,thinner,shorter,bigger,stronger,=Im thinner and

23、shorter than you.,Sarah: _? Chen: I wear size 17. Sarah: _? Chen: My legs are 76cm long.,How big are your feet,How long are your legs,145,25,10,5,7,35,30,T: How tall are you?,T: How long are your legs?,T: How big are your feet?,T: How heavy are you?,Im 120 cm.,120 cm,60 cm,10 cm,15 cm,30 kg,My legs

24、are 60 cm.,My hair is 10 cm.,My feet are 15 cm.,Im 30 kg.,T: How long is your hair?,做一个报告,Important sentences,How heavy are you? I am ,kg . How long are your .? I am .cm. How big are your? I wear Size.,Unit 1 How Tall Are You?,lets read,Homework :,选择 ( )1. _ tall are you ? A. Who B. How C. Which ( )

25、2. I am _ than you . A. tall B short C. older ( )3. I am _taller than you . A. one year B. 3cm C. 2kg ( )4. How tall are you ? _. A. Im 12 years old . B. Im 164 cm . C. Im 50 kg. ( )5. How long is _ tail ? A. it B. its C. its ( )6. My hands are _ than yours. A. big B. biger C. bigger ( )7. How big _

26、 your feet ? A. is B. are C. than ( )8. A boy is _. A. 35m B. 35cm C. 35kg ( )9. My pencil is _ than yours. A. older B. younger C. longer ( )10. A mouse is _ than an elephant. A. heavier B. stronger C. shorter,guess:,Sperm Whale 抹香鲸,guess:,Killer Whale 虎鲸,Sperm Whale 抹香鲸,Killer Whale 虎鲸,Sperm Whale

27、抹香鲸,Killer Whale 虎鲸,我们要保护动物!,Sperm Whale 抹香鲸,抹香鲸是世界上最大的齿鲸。它们在所有鲸类中潜得最深、最久, 因此号称为动物王国中的“潜水冠军”。可能只有喙鲸科的两种 瓶鼻鲸在潜水方面能与之比拟。除了过去被视为头号目标的捕鲸时 期以外,抹香鲸可能是大型鲸中数量最多的一种。美国作家 梅尔维尔的经典名著白鲸记,书中那头神勇的大鲸 莫比敌克就是一头抹香鲸。,Food:,squid,lobster,small sharks,Skill: can dive into the deep 技能 cold water.,Teeth: 50, each up to 20c

28、m long,guess:,Killer Whale 虎鲸,虎鲸是一种大型齿鲸,身长为810米,体重9吨左右, 背呈黑色,腹为灰白色,有一个尖尖的背鳍,背鳍弯曲 长达1米,嘴巴细长,牙齿锋利,性情凶猛,食肉动物, 善于进攻猎物,是企鹅、海豹等动物的天敌。有时它们 还袭击其它鲸类,甚至是大白鲨, 可称得上是海上霸王。,Length: 8 meter,Killer whale 虎鲸,Weight: 3,600 kg,Tenth: 40, each up to 20cm long.,Tail: 6 meter long,food,Food:,fish,birds,seals,Skill: good

29、swimmer; can jump out of water,Question,1、How long is the sperm whale/killer whale? Its 15 meters Its 8 meters 2、 What does the sperm whale/killer whale eat? Squid 、lobsters and small sharks Fish、birds、seals and even whales 3、 What can the sperm whale/ the killer whale do ? It can dive into the deep

30、 cold water. It can jump out of water . He is a good swimmer. 4、 How many teeth does the sperm whale/ the killer whale have? It has 50,each up to 20 cm long. It has 40.each up to 20 cm long. 5、how heavy is the sperm whale/killer whale ? Its 35 tons Its3600 kg,1.The sperm whale is longer than the kil

31、ler whale. 2.The sperm whale is heavier than the killer whale. 3.The killer whale is shorter than the sperm whale. 4.The killer whale has more(更多) teeth than the sperm whale. 5.The sperm whale can jump out of the water.,一、听音,判断对错:,1.A sperm whale is than a killer whale in its length. 2.A killer whale is than a sperm whale in its size. 3.A sperm whale has 50 teeth. It has more teeth than a killer whale. 4.The length of a sperm whales tooth is cm .,课本练习:,longer,smaller,10,20,二、读一读,填一填:,二、听音,补充单词或数字:,1、小组再多阅读一次,互相讨论两种鲸鱼的特征。看你比较喜欢哪一种鲸鱼。 2、了解你的朋友喜欢哪种动物及它的外貌特征,把它记录下来。,Homework:,


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