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1、【LearningObjects】Knowledge and Ability objects1. Learn the words: spell, please,2. Master conversation. Whats this in English? It s a key. Spell it, please. K-E-Y.3. Master the letters Aa- Rr .4. Master the pronunciation I and O Process and Method :1. Maste and use target language2. Master the pronu

2、nciations of Aa- Rr Moral attitude and values :Let students learn how to work together【 Learning Key Points】:1. Learn and master the pronunciations of I and O and the writing ways of big letters and small letters of Aa- Rr2. Learn and use target language Whats this in English? It s a key. Spell it,

3、please. K-E-Y.3. Master some English names 【 Learning difficulties 】:Master the pronunciation of letters: Aa- Rr Learn and use target language Whats this in English? It s a key. Spell it , please. K-E-Y.Learning steps【 Step 1 :自学展示】1.按顺序默写出所学大、小写字母。2.写出上节课学的问句,并给出一适当答案。【 Step 2:合作学习】1.Warming up and

4、 leading in 热身导入Pair-work(S-T,S-S): Good morning ./ How are you ?/ What s this in English ?Use some things in the picture to practice .2. Learn the new dialogueA: What s this in English ?B: It s an orange .A: Spell it ,please .B: O-R-A -N-G-E第 1页共 3页3.3a, 3b Listen to the tape and finfish them .chec

5、k the answers.4.3c 3d listen and check the things they listened .5.3e .pair work6.4a 4b do by students themselves , then discuss the answers in group .Let students recite from Aa to Rr . then have a dictation. Ask some students to recite the letters .7 Listen and repeat4c Listen and repeat the lette

6、rs. find out the similar . write the same pronunciation. Then let students try to read 4d【 Step 3:质疑导学】一、那个用英语怎么说? _? This that 是_词 . This 指离说话人 _的人或事物,而 that 指离说话人 _ 的人或事物。二、 Spell it, please _. P用于 _【 Step 4:学习检测】一、选择方框里的词完成下面对话What s、 in 、 this 、 an 、 am 、 it 、 It 、sa 、 How、Good、1.A: _ are you?B:

7、Fine, thanks.2.A: _ this?B:Its “ A”.3. A: Whats this _English? B: Its _ orange.4.A: How are you?B:I_ fine.5.A: Whats this?B:_ a map.6.A: Whats _?B: It is an egg.A:Spell _,please.B:E G G, egg.7.A: Good afternoon.B:_ afternoon.8.A: Whats this?B:Its _ key.二、英汉词组互译。1用英语 _ 2一床被子 _3一个橙子 _4一件上衣 _ 5一幅地图 _ 6

8、一只钢笔 _ 7inChinese_8a key _ 9.thank you_三、找出下列一个与其它三个发音不同的一项。() 1. A. DaleB. GraceC. Frank () 2. A. hiB. quiltC. fine() 3. A. eveningB. HelenC. pen()4. A. EB. GC. ADesign on the blackboard:StarterUnit 2What s this in English? Whats this in English? It s a key. Spell it, please.-E-Y. KHomework:Review the whole unit【学后反思】第 2页共 3页第 3页共 3页


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