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1、新目标 7 上 Starter Units 1 -3 随堂Section A. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. The _ ( 被子 ) on the sofa are all new.答案: quilts2. There are two _ ( 地图 ) on the front wall of my classroom.答案: maps3. Your father looks very_ (健康的 ) these days, Alice. Yes. Thank you.答案: fine4. Look! Grace s sweater is blue and黄色的( ).答案: yello

2、w5. _拼(写 ) the word, Helen. OK. P -L -E-A -S-E, please.答案: Spell. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The book on the teacher 答案: Cindy s s desk is _ (Cindy), right?2. How _ (be) your Chinese teacher today? Very well, I think.答案: is3. My little sister likes eating _ (orange) very much.答案: oranges4. Alan can_ (sing)

3、ABC songs now.答案: sing5. This is_ (I) good friend, Dale.答案: my. 从方框中选择适当的单词完成句子,有的需要改变形式。good, this, cup, say, English1. Can you _ it in English, Frank?答案: say2. I think the _ film is very interesting. Me, too.答案: English3. My good friend Grace dances very _.答案: well4. Where re his _, Bob? Oh, they

4、re on the table.答案: cups5. The bookcase is blue and_ one is blue, too.答案: that. 根据要求改写句子,每空一词。1. Is this a red apple?(作肯定回答 )Yes,.第 1页共 5页答案: it|i s2. I m fine, thanks改.为(同义句 )I m fine,.答案: thank|you3. It s a ruler in English对画.(线部分提问)this in English?答案: What|is4. Frank, my, is, name( 连词成句 ).答案: My|

5、name|is|Frank.5. My pen is white.( 对画线部分提问 ) is your pen?答案: What|colourSection B. 将下列方框中的缩略词添在与其对应的中文后面的横线上。HB, CCTV, ID, CD, UFO, P, UN, NBA, kg, BBC1.联合国 _答案: UN2. (美国 )全国篮球协会 _答案: NBA3.激光唱片 _答案: CD4.硬黑 _答案: HB5.不明飞行物 _答案: UFO6.千克 _答案: kg7.中国中央电视台 _答案: CCTV8.英国广播公司 _答案: BBC9.停车 _答案: P10. 身份证 _答案:

6、 ID . 句子配对。()1. What s your name?A. Thank you.()2. Good morning!B. Nice to meet you, too.()3. How are you?C. My name s Bob.()4. Nice to meet you!D. Good morning!()5. Here s an English notebook for you.E. I m OK, thanks.1.答案: C第 2页共 5页2.答案: D3.答案: E4.答案: B5.答案: A. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 盒子里的这些钥匙是白色的。Th

7、e_ in the box_ _.答案: keys|are|white2. 那个用英语怎么说?What s that _ _?答案: in|English3. 这些是橙色的夹克衫。These are_ _.答案: orange|jackets4. 你喜欢那件紫色的床罩吗,辛迪?Do you like _ _ _ , Cindy?答案: the/ that|purple|quilt5. 杰瑞现在会唱英文歌 曲了。Jerry_ sing English songs_.答案: can|nowSelf Check . 单项选择。1.在书写下列字母时,占上中下三格的字母是_.A. IB. yC. BD.

8、 f答案: D2.下面与字母 B 发音没有相同之处的是_.A. C cB. F fC. D dD. G g答案: B3. 当你在上学路上遇到好朋友时,你应向他(她)说_来打招呼。A. Good night.B. Hello !C. Thank you.D. Goodbye.答案: B4. _is the pen? It s orange.A. WhatB. What colorC. How colorD. How答案: B5. 选出不是元音字母的一项A IB.OC.KD.E答案: C6. Gina 的叔叔中等身高、中等体型,在购买衣服时,他最适合选择_号?A. LB. SC. MD. XL第

9、3页共 5页答案: C7. 英语字母表中第 16 个字母是 _.A. QqB. RrC. PpD. Xx答案: C8. This is_ orange. That s_ pen.A. a; aB. an; anC. an; aD. a; an答案: C9. 下列哪个单词 中含有单元音 /I/?A.thisB. whatC.keyD. that答案: A10. What s this? _.A. This is“ M” . B. I m “ C” . C. It s “ F” . D. That is“ D”.答案: CII. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。A:1, Eric.B

10、: Hi, Cindy.A. I m OK, too.A:2B. What is your name?B: I m fine, thank you. How are you?C. What is this in English ?A:3Thank you.D. Good morningB: Oh , look ( 看) !4E. What colour is it?A: It s a pen.F. Spell it, please.B:5G. How are you?A: P - E- N.B: What colour is it ?A: It s black and yellow .( 1)

11、答案: D( 2)答案: G( 3)答案: A( 4)答案: C( 5)答案: FKey:Section A . 1. quilts 2. maps 3. fine 4. yellow 5. Spell . 1. Cindy s 2. is 3. oranges 4. sing 5. my . 1. say 2. English 3. well 4. cups 5. that . 1. it is 2. thank you 3. What is 4. My name is Frank. 5. What colour Section B第 4页共 5页 . 1. UN 2. NBA 3. CD 4. HB 5. UFO 6. kg 7. CCTV 8. BBC 9. P 10.ID . 1-5 CDEBA . 1. keys are white 2. in English 3. orange jackets 4. the/ that purple quilt 5. can nowSelf Check . 1-5 DBBBC 6 -10CCCAC . 1-5 DGACF第 5页共 5页


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