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1、-第二学期四年级英语第三单元测试题Class :Name:Mark:(听力部分 )一 : 听录音 ,选择正确的图案 ,将正确的编号圈起来 。(分)ABABABABABAB二:听录音 ,选出你所听到的单词或句子。 ( 10 分)1、()A.jeansB.pantsC.socks2、()A.shirtB.skirtC.shoes3、()A.yellowB.redC.that5、()A.soB.noC.not6、()A.greatB.greenC.give7、()A.sweaterB.dressC.jacket8、()A.shortsB.socksC.shoes9、() A. What s this

2、?B.What colour is it?C. Whose is it?10、() A. I like the blue dress.B. Is this a T -shirt?C. That s a dress.三:听录音,判断下列图是否与录音一致,对的打“”,错的打“”。( 10 分)1、() 2、()3、()4、()5、()四 : 听录音,补充句子所缺的单词。 (10 分)1、I like the.2、Please pass me my.3、is your jacket? It s.4、Whoseis this? It s John s.5、your T-shirt? No, it s

3、not.五 : 听录音,选择最佳的答语的序号填在括号里。 ( 10 分)1、() A. The dress is pink. B. The dress is blue. C. The dress is black.2、() A. The shirt is JohnB. The sshirt. is MikeC. Thes. shirt is red.3、() A. Yes, it is.B. This my skirt.C. That is my skirt.4、() A. My socks are red. B. They re on the bed.C. My socks are new.

4、5、() A. I like yellow skirt.B. I like red T -shirt.C. I like the red skirt with the yellow T -shirt.第1页共3页六 :听录音,给下列图标上正确的序号。 ( 10 分)()()()()()()()()()()(笔试部分)七:看图,完成句子。(12 分)1、A:Whatis the?B:It s. (蓝色的)2、A: Wherearemyand?B: On the bed.3、Myis.(白色的)4、A: What are they? Are they?B: Yes.5、A:this your?B:

5、 No, _ _。八 : 选择填空。 (分)()1.this your shirt ?A: It sB: IsC: Are()2. It s 12:00. It s timelunch .A: atB: toC: for()3.are they? These are my baby pants.A: Whose B: WhereC: What()4. Is this your jacket ? Yes,.A: is itB: it isC: it isn t()5.is it ?It s Zhang Peng sA:What.B: WhoC: Whose九 : 判断单词划线部分的发音。相同的打

6、“”,不同的打“”。 (分)1.bikerice()2.sit kite()3.milkbig()4.pigrice()5.ice-creammilk ()6.fishfive()十 . 选出正确的答句 .What colour is the shirt? ()A. They are brown.Where is my dress?()B. Yes, it is.What colour are the shorts?()C. It s under the bed.Is this your jacket?()D. They are my father s.Whose are the socks?

7、()E. It s red.十一 : 阅读短文,选择Today is Sunday. I wear my new shirt. Zhang Peng wears new pants. Sarah wears new shoes. We go to the farm and have a picnic.( 野外烧烤 ) I can see ten pigs andtwelve ducks. I can see many purple flowers and green trees. They are beautiful. Weplay together. We are very happy today!1.I wear my new _.A. shirtB. skirt.2 Zhang Peng wears _.A. new shoesB. new pants3.I can see_ animals on the farm.A.12B. 224.The flowers are _.A.purpleB. green5.Sarah wears new _.A. socksB. shoes第2页共3页第3页共3页


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