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1、.,.,.,Writing Model it was all done in actions.”? (Para. 2),Meaning: It was obvious that we had deep feelings for each other, but we never expressed how we felt about each other. Rather, we expressed that feeling through doing things together.,Removal of barriers to our reading:,.,Removal of Barrier

2、s to Our Reading,Why does the author describe his interaction with Donald in great detail? (Para. 3),Meaning beyond words: Through describing their childhood game in detail, the author shows how their friendship develops through actions instead of words.,Removal of barriers to our reading:,.,Removal

3、 of Barriers to Our Reading,What is the meaning of the sentence “Water is not only a good conductor of electricity but of panic as well.”? (Para. 4),Meaning: Just as electric currents travel easily in water, the feeling of fear spreads quickly as well from one person to another in water.,Removal of

4、barriers to our reading:,.,Removal of Barriers to Our Reading,How to interpret the sentences “In the end, the shark proved to be imaginary. But not my deep emotional feelings for my friend.”? (Para. 4),Meaning: Finally, we found there was no shark at all; we only imagined we had seen one. But the de

5、ep emotional feelings I had for my friend Jessica were not imagined; they were sincere.,Removal of barriers to our reading:,.,Part III Conclusion (Para. 5-6),As shown in Paragraph 5, the author finds it natural to express his feelings for his female friends, but meanwhile he finds it hard to express

6、 his deep feelings for his male friends. He is puzzled by the differences and determined to find out why.,Interactive Reading,What insight does the author get from his interaction with female and male friends? (Para. 5),.,Interactive Reading,What are the causes of such differences? (Para. 6),Accordi

7、ng to experts, as shown in Paragraph 6, men and women have very different emotional and rational processes: Men tend to be more reserved while women tend to be more open. So, it is normal for the author to treat his male friends and female friends in different ways.,.,Meaning: As I spoke, I realized

8、 that I communicated in a different way with men than when I with women.,Removal of Barriers to Our Reading,What is the meaning of the sentence “As I spoke, I realized just how gender-based my communication styles were.”? (Para. 5),Removal of barriers to our reading:,.,Meaning: Was I the only person

9、 that had the difficulty expressing my feelings to my male friends or did every man in the world have the same problem? Did I behave in this way because I was slow and not good at expressing my emotions or because I was a man? I made up my mind to find out the truth.,Removal of Barriers to Our Readi

10、ng,How to interpret the sentences “Was this just me or was every male in the world similarly cursed? Was I emotionally backward or just a guy? I was determined to find out!”? (Para. 5),Removal of barriers to our reading:,.,Meaning: The reason lies partly in biological differences between men and wom

11、en and partly in the different ways in which they are brought up.,Removal of Barriers to Our Reading,What is the meaning of the sentence “Part of it is nature and part is nurture.”? (Para. 6),Removal of barriers to our reading:,.,Removal of Barriers to Our Reading,Meaning: Ever since we were born, w

12、e are likely to behave in very different ways due to different genes, and society encourages us to behave in different ways: Males are encouraged to behave in ways typical of men while females are encouraged to behave in ways typical of women.,What is the meaning of the sentence “We are born with ve

13、ry different genetic tendencies which society encourages as either masculine or feminine.”? (Para. 6),Removal of barriers to our reading:,.,In my mind, the pictures I have of my female friends and male friends are completely different. The memories of my female friends are open and _ .We are attract

14、ed to each other and like to share our feelings. By contrast, my friendship with my male friends is like an _or adventure movie: We do adventurous things together instead of chatting and sharing feelings with each other. Back in my childhood in Europe, Donald and I enjoyed dramatizing the daily _ as

15、 we “flew” in an abandoned German truck. At that time, we felt _,intimate,action,ritual,inseparable,Summary of Text,.,from each other. But we never expressed our deep feelings for each other, not even on the day I _ America. My recent experience with Jessica, however, turned out to be totally differ

16、ent. When Jessica and I were swimming at a beach in the Atlantic, we thought we were to be attacked by a shark. I slowed down in order to save Jessica. At this _moment, I realized how I loved her. When we got ashore, Jessica said “I love you” to me and I said “Love you too” to her.,left for,critical

17、,Summary of Text,.,My communication styles were _ in that I could be open and free to express my emotions with my female friends, whereas I found it hard to express my deep feelings for my male friends. According to research, men and women have very different emotional and _ processes: Men tend to b

18、e more _ while women tend to be more open. So it is _for me to treat my male friends and female friends in different ways.,rational,reserved/restrained,normal,Summary of Text,gender-based,.,Extraction where X, Y and Z are variables that vary from context to context, while “does/is” stands for any ve

19、rb available in the given context. 应用提示 用于表述 “联想效应”,Productive pattern I,Extraction So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,Whenever Alice thought of her best friend, she wore a bright smile.,Productive Pattern When/Whenever X thinks of Y, X does/is Z.,.,In this context, X = “I”, and Y =

20、 “what might happen”, Z= “ones excitement”, and “does/is” = “not restrain”; So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,Context II,一想到可能发生的事我就抑制不住激动的心情。,Productive Pattern When/Whenever X thinks of Y, X does/is Z.,When I think of what might happen, I cannot restrain my excitement.,.,“The rit

21、ual of motion, or the sequence of action, makes up for the deficiency of dialog and honest narrative.” (Para. 1, Text) How to convert it into a productive pattern?,Productive pattern II,X makes up for the deficiency / flaw / defect / imperfection / lack of Y; where X and Y are variables that vary fr

22、om context to context, while the word “deficiency” can be changeable in accordance with the given context. 应用提示用于“表述事物的互补性”,Extraction 吸引多样化的生源:attract a wider variety of students. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,Context II,自主招生政策将弥补统一普通高等学校招生考试的缺陷,从而吸引多样化的生源。,Productive Pattern

23、X makes up for the deficiency / flaw / defect / imperfection / lack of Y.,The self-enrollment policy will make up for the defect of the unified national college entrance examinations, thus attracting a wider variety of students.,.,Productive pattern III,“Each day, as we were flying over the Atlantic

24、, there inevitably came that wonderful moment” (Para. 3, Text),As X does Y , there inevitably comes Z; where X, Y and Z are variables that vary from context to context, while “does” stands for any verb available in the given context. 应用提示 用于“表述事物的必然性”,Extraction where X, Y, and Z are variables that

25、vary from context to context, while “do” stands for any verb available in the given context; 应用提示 用于“表述认知变化”,Extraction where X and Y are variables that vary from context to context, while “do” stands for any verb available in the given context. 应用提示 用于“对事物的界说”,Extraction where X, Y, and Z are varia

26、bles that vary from context to context; whereas “does/is” stands for any verb available in the given context 应用提示 用于“引证/引证说明”,Extraction in academic terms,He is poor in financial terms, but rich in academic terms.,从经济条件来讲他是很穷,但是从学术上来讲他很富有。,Lexical Collocation interms,.,well-equipped,Universities in

27、the east are well-equipped. In comparison, those in the west are still poor.,东部的大学设施完善。相比之下,西部的大学条件仍然较差。,Phrase 2,Lexical Collocation in comparison,.,appeal to sb.; with the passage of time,What appealed to you at the time may change with the passage of time.,当时吸引你的事物可能会随着时间的推移而改变。,Phrase 3,Lexical

28、Collocation at the time,.,from the moment of ones birth; set off; seek for happiness,From the moment of our birth, every one of us set off on a mission of seeking for happiness.,从我们出生的那一刻起,每个人都动身去完成寻求幸福的使命。,Phrase 4,Lexical Collocation on a mission,.,on the platform,I stood still on the platform, wa

29、tching the subway train slowly pull away.,我伫立在站台上,看着地铁徐徐离开。,Phrase 5,Lexical Collocation pull away,.,be too shy to do sth.; study ones fingernails,Too shy to look her date in the eye, she studied her fingernails.,因腼腆得不敢直视约会的对象,她只好盯着自己的指甲看。,Phrase 6,Lexical Collocation look sb. in the eye,.,it is inc

30、redible that ; a good ear for music,It is incredible that this child was born with a good ear for music.,令人不可思议的是,这个小孩生来就有很强的音乐鉴赏力。,Phrase 7,Lexical Collocation be born with sth.,.,base sb.s judgment on ones physical appearance; from time to time; mislead sb.,We tend to base our judgment on ones phy

31、sical appearance, which may mislead us from time to time.,我们往往会以貌取人, 这有时会误导我们。,Phrase 8,Lexical Collocation tend to do sth.,.,Writing Model yet, not once in my life had I been able to look a male friend in the eye and say the,Writing ModelContrast,.,Now lets come to writing practice.,Writing ModelCo

32、ntrast,same thing. Quite impossible! A contrast result Was this just me or was every male in the world similarly cursed? Was I emotionally backward or just a “guy”? I was determined to find out!,.,Girls And Boys Different Attitudes Towards Friendship,Topic sentence Whenever I think of friendship, I

33、normally recall my interactions with boys and girls, who, however, impress me with different attitudes toward friendship.,Detail 1 of contrast In the first place, girls seem to be more intimate and open with each other. So they seem to hold dearer friendship than boys. By contrast, boys may feel emb

34、arrassed about failure to name their best friends right,Writing Practice,.,Detail 2 of contrast In the second place, with girls, it seems possible to share more feelings with each other, thus making up for the deficiency of their independence; whereas, with boys, it seems impossible to express feeli

35、ngs to one another, which is contrary to their character.,Writing Practice,Detail 3 of contrast And most of all, the difference in emotional and rational process between girls and boys makes them cope with things,away. As their friendship does not deepen through intimacy, there inevitably comes the

36、moment of their embarrassment.,.,in different fashions. For example, girls tend to walk hand in hand with each other, while few boys are seen walking like this.,A contrast result Once we know the above, there will be no fuss about the different attitudes between genders toward friendship.,Writing Pr

37、actice,.,Writing Practice,Directions Write a paragraph on one of the following topics:,Topics 1) Two views of your parents: before and after you left home 2) Two close friends 3) Good Manners in Different Cultures,.,Further Development,Whatslearned?,.,One device for developing paragraphs:,Further De

38、velopmentWriting Device,Topic sentence (Statement),Similarities and/or differences in details,A contrast result,.,Good Manners in Different Cultures In general, whenever we think of what kind of person one is, we normally pay more attention to ones manners in social life. For a person with good mann

39、ers is more welcome than one with crude manners, no matter what culture he is in. Yet with different cultures, it seems impossible to cultivate the same manners, since good manners are defined in cultural terms. When you meet a friend on your way, for instance, it is regarded as polite to say someth

40、ing like “Where are you going?” or “Where have you been?” in the Chinese culture. In Western,Writing Practice: Good Manners in Different Cultures,.,societies, however, even though both are close friends, it is considered as lack of common sense to greet each other like that. As one did so, there wou

41、ld inevitably come the others reaction like this: “Its none of your business!” The way a person sneezes in different cultures also makes people respond in different ways. In China, it is taken for granted that anyone nearby remarks, “Someone misses you.” or “Who is cursing you?” in a humorous way; w

42、hereas an American or Englishman would rather like to,Writing Practice: Good Manners in Different Cultures,.,say, “God bless you!” A guest in an Asian house, if offered some drink, usually leaves a little, which, to the hosts delight, shows that he has had enough. In comparison, a guest in England i

43、s always expected to finish up a drink to show that he has enjoyed it. In brief, one cultures meat may be another cultures poison. In that light, it is wise of us to have a clear idea about the good manners typical of different cultures, thus making it possible to do as the Romans do in Rome.,Writin

44、g Practice: Good Manners in Different Cultures,.,Further DevelopmentSix productive patterns,表述联想效应,When/Whenever X thinks of Y, X does/is Z.,表述事物互补性,X makes up for the deficiency / flaw / defect / imperfection / lack of Y.,表述事物的必然性,As X does Y , there inevitably comes Z.,表述认知变化,With X, it seems impo

45、ssible / possible to do Y.,引证/引证说明,Much to sb.s relief / delight/distress, X shows that Y does/is Z.,X makes Y do Z in a new/different/ light/way/ fashion.,对事物的界说,.,In this context, X = “I”; Y = “my former good friends getting more and more alienated from me”, Z = “lonely and an unreasonable catch o

46、f fear”, and “does/is” = “feel”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,每当想起曾经的那些好朋友们渐渐对我疏远了, 我就会感到一阵孤独和莫名其妙的心寒。,Productive Pattern When/Whenever X thinks of Y, X does/is Z.,When I think of my former good friends getting more and more alienated from me, I feel lonely and an unreasonable

47、 catch of fear.,.,In this context, X = “hard work”, Y = “ability”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,努力工作经常可以弥补能力的不足。,Productive Pattern X makes up for the deficiency / flaw / defect / imperfection / lack of Y,Hard work can often make up for the deficiency of ability.,.,In this con

48、text, X = “she”, Y = “that letter”, Z = “a moment of fear in her mind”, and “does” = “read”. So the new declarative knowledge arises:,当她在读着那封信的时候,脑海里总会出现瞬间的恐惧。,Productive Pattern As X does Y , there inevitably comes Z.,As she read that letter, there inevitably came a moment of fear in her mind.,.,In this context, X = “listening to the story behind the photo”, Y = “you”, Z = “the photo”, and “do” = “see”. So the new declarative knowledge arises as follows:,有时候,听听照片的背景故事会让你用新的眼光来看待那幅照片。,Productive Pattern X makes Y do Z in a new/different light/way/ fashion.,Sometimes, listening to the stor


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