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1、疯狂动物城中英文观后感Whatever you do,do not let go!确实,不管你做什么,都不要放弃。Indeed, whatever you do, dont give up.坚持梦想,就算所有人都不支持你,这条路会很曲折,甚至以至于你会一度认为自己是不是选错了,但只要是坚持,就算最后没有成功,至少努力了,就不会有遗憾。我们怀揣梦想来到大城市,也许它不像我们想象中那么美好,也没有那么“善解人意”,但只要你相信,你爱它,有一天它终会回报你,回报你的梦想!Adhere to the dream, even if all the people do not support you, t

2、his road will be very tortuous, even that you once thought that he is not wrong, but as long as it is insisted, even if not successful, at least try, there will be no regrets. We have a dream came to a big city, maybe it is not like we imagined so beautiful, is not so understanding, but as long as y

3、ou believe, you love it, one day it will reward you in return for your dream!小兔子朱迪,在一群庞大动物群中寻求发展,努力的背后是自己的坚持。阴差阳错结识的狐尼卡,被小朱迪感化。在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能在地球村,每一个独立的个体都有无限的可能!Little rabbit Judi, in a large group of animals in search of development, efforts behind the insistence of their own. The fox met a str

4、ange combination of circumstances neeka by small Judi effect. In animal cities, every animal has unlimited possibilities - in the global village, each individual has unlimited possibilities!最欣赏小朱迪的一句话,我们唯一要害怕的就是害怕本身。的确,我们不是高富帅,我们不是白富美,没有傲气的身价。但是我们不能退缩,害怕来临时,唯一可以打败的不是逃避,而是向害怕招手,不做,你怎么知道你不可以呢?The one

5、thing we admire most about little Judi is that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Indeed, we are not rich handsome, we are not white Formica, without arrogance worth. But we cant shrink. When fear comes, the only thing that can be defeated is not to escape, but to beckon with fear, not to do it. How do you know you cant?


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