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1、.初中英语语法专项介词(Preposition)介词 (prep.):介词是虚词,不能单独作句子成分。其后面一般有名词、代词(宾格)或相当于名词的其他词类、短语作它的宾语。介词与动词、名词、形容词常有比较固定的搭配。一、介词种类1. 简单介词: at, in, on, about, off, across, before, after, beside, for , to, of, over, past等。2. 复合介词: into, inside, onto, without, outside, because of, in front of, out of, instead of, alon

2、g with, according to等。二、用法区别1. at, on, in(1) at +钟点at six o clock【固定搭配】 at noon / night,at the end of , at the beginning of, at the age of(2) on +具体某一天及某天的早午晚 /星期 /一般的节日 on June 2nd, 2007 在 2007 年 6 月 2 日on Fridayon Friday afternoonon the night of October 22ndon Teachers Dayon Christmas Day / at Chr

3、istmason a rainy day在雨天(3) in +月份 /季节 /年及泛指的早午晚in 2007in March, 2007in the morning/afternoon/eveningin spring/summer/autumn/winter;.? 练一练: 1 4 ABBB1. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of July 9.A. onB. inC. at2.The twins were born _ a Friday evening.A. inB. onC. a

4、t3.We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived 5 o clock_ the morning.A. on; inB. at; inC. at; in4.We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then have a rest _ noon.A. in; inB. at; atC. in; at2. in, at, onarrive in +大地方arrive at +小地方on a farm 在农场表示 “在某地 ”时, at+小地方, in+ 大地方, on +门牌 /某层楼 on the fifth floor 在第五

5、层楼at home在家at the bus stop在汽车站in China 在中国in the world 在世界上3. in, on, to(表示方位)in 表示在某一地区之内(属于该范围) 。(包含)on 表示与某一地区的毗邻关系,互相接壤。 (相切)to 表示在某一地区之外,不接壤的某方位(不属于该范围)。(相离)? 练一练: 1 2 BB1.China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia.A. in, onB. in ,toC. to, in2. Mongolia is _ the north of China.A

6、. inB. onC. to;.4. between, amongbetween 在之 (两者)between andamong 在之 (三者或以上)eg. The house stands between two farms这.座房子位于两个 之 。The house stands among farms.这座房子位于 之 。5. in the tree, on the treein the tree 指 物或人(外来物)在 上on the tree 指果 、 叶等 在 上eg. The apples are on the apple trees.The birds are singing

7、in the tree.6. across, throughacross 穿 某一个平面 /指从一端到另一端 (street )through 穿 某一立体的空 (forest, city )eg. We walked through the forest.I swam across the river. 这(里指人从河 游到 岸。)7. over(反 under), above(反 below), on(反 beneath)over 指在某物体垂直上方,但不与 物体直接接触,其反 是under。above 指在上方的任意一点,不一定是垂直的正上方,不接触,其反 是below。on 表示 “在

8、上面 ”,且互相接触,其反 是beneath。? 一 : 1 3 BAA1. Look! There is a bridge _ the river.A. onB. overC. above2. Can you see the egg _ the plate?A. onB. inC. over3. The light _ us is very bright.A. overB. underC. on;.9. in, with, by(表示手段、方式)in + 言What s this in English?in + 色穿 色的衣服in black 穿着黑色的衣服with 用具体的工具或方法/ 用

9、身体的某一部位或器官by 使用的方法、手段eg. We learn English by using it.May I write with a pencil?Teachers write on the blackboard with chalk.10. in front of 与 in the front ofin front of 在前面,表示在某一空 外部的前面in the front of 在前部,表示在某一空 内部的前面eg. There are some trees in front of the classroom教.室前有一些 。Don t sit in the front o

10、f the car.不要坐在小汽 的前部。11. be made的常 构be made in在某地制造be made of 由制成(可以看出原材料)be made from 由制成(看不出原材料)be made into被制成be made after仿照制成be made up of由制成12. be used的常 构be used to do sth. / be used for doing sth被.用来做 be used as 被当作来用13. but, except, besides 除之外but 与 except 同 ,指从整体中排除一部分人或物(不包括 后的),表示;.排除,但b

11、ut 多用在every, any, no 等和由 些 构成的复合 如everything,anywhere, nobody等 以后及 all, none 之后。besides 除之外(其他的也; 有) ,其后的 被包括在整体之内。eg. They are all gone but me. 除我之外,他 都去了。All the boys went to play football except Jim.除吉姆以外,所有男孩都去踢足球了。 (吉姆没有去)Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him.除他妻子外,他女儿也去看 他(即妻子女儿都

12、去看 他)。三、不需要介 的 1. home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs, here, there eg. Grandma went upstairs.Roma went home. She came inside.2. 表示 的介 at, on, in 的省略在 next, last, this, these, today, yesterday, tomorrow, one, every, each, all等 前,一般不用 at, in, on。eg. We are going to the park n

13、ext Sunday.3. 在某些名 前,可以省略 (也可不省 ) eg. (on) that day【课堂练习】:1.We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived _ 5 o clock _ the morning.A. on; inB. at; in C. at; on D. in; on2.Jack has studied Chinese in this school _ the year of 2000.A. sinceB. in C. on D. by3.Hong Kong is _ the south of China, and Macao

14、is _ the west of Hong Kong.;.A. in; toB. to; toC. to; inD. in; in4.Japan lies _ the east of China.A. toB. inC. aboutD. at5.I won t believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words _ I havetested him myself.A. afterB. whenC. ifD. until6.The book was so interesting that he had read it f

15、or three hours _ he realized it.A. whenB. untilC. afterD. before7.Look the map China the wall, please.A after, of, inBat, of, inC after, in, onD at, of, on8.- Please remember to come to my birthday party.- I see. Ill come Saturday evening.A inB atC onD for9.They will have a maths test two daysA forB

16、 atC inD after10. My brother joined the armyA 1989 , MarchB in March, 1989C March , 1989D 1989 , in March11. Its good manners to wait lineA inB onC atD with【课后作业】1.We had our breakfast a quarter sevenA /, toB in , toC at , toD on , to2.Its good manners to wait lineA inB onC atD with3.How many Englis

17、h words had you learnt last term?A by the end ofB at the end ofC to the end ofD till the end of4.I was born the night September 15 , 1978A in , onBat , onCat , inDon , of5.Its a bad manner to laugh people when they are troubleA over , inBat , inC in , atD at , for6.The peoples Republic of China was founded 1949A withB onC sinceD in7.He arrived _ Guangzhou _ noon.A. in; inB. to; atC. in; atD. at; in8.They work _ a small farm _ a river.A. on; byB. at; onC. by; onD. in; in;.


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