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1、8 上 Units 3-4基础训练部分一、记忆训练部分(一)重点词汇梳理1走过go past2到达arrive at/in3名胜places of interest4单独by oneself5看起来好极了look wonderful6发生take place7保重take care8保守他们自己的秘密keep their secrets tothemselves9不相信自己的眼睛not believe one s eyes10迫不及待做某事can t wait to do sth.11代表,象征stand for12而不是,代替instead of13用 .填充fill.with.;befil

2、ledwith14不仅 .而且 .not only.but also.15对 .着迷be crazy about16弄错,出故障go wrong17建议某人做某事advise sb. to do sth.18犯错误make a mistake19最好(不)做某事had better (not) do sth.20例如for example(二)重点句子梳理1你需要锻炼并保持健康。You need to exercise and keep fit.2吴老师邀请我加入他们的世Mr Wuinvited me to join their school trip to the界公园之游。World Pa

3、rk.3路上车很多, 并且旅途有点乏There was a lot of traffic on the road and the味。journey was a little boring.4有一百多个来自全世界的景There are models of more than a hundred places点模型。of interest from all over the world.5模型金门大桥看起来就和家The model Golden Bridge looked as great as the乡的一样伟大。one back home.6客厅不仅拥有蓝色的墙还有The living roo

4、m has not only blue wallsbut also一个蓝色的天花板和地板。a blue ceiling and floor.7那个公交车和美国的一样舒The bus is as comfortable as those in the USA.服。8有了你们的支持,我们会赢。With your support, we will win.9你自己装饰东西而不是付钱You decorate things yourself instead of paying给人家去做。someone to do it.10看图片并设法说出另一面是Look at the picture and try

5、to say whatis on the什么。other side.11 使用应季的水果并确保新鲜。Use fruit in season. Make sure it is fresh.12 这是我为妈妈做的第一张卡This is the first card I made for Mum.片。13我一直将单词拼错。I kept spelling the words wrong.14我去了桑迪家做卡片因为我I went to Sandy s home to make the card because想保守秘密。I wanted to keep it secret.二、基础练习部分(一)重点语法

6、强化同级比较专项练习(句型转换,每空一词)1. He is sixteen. She is sixteen.(同义句 )He is _ _ _ she is.2. Tom is 1.6 meters tall.Lucy is 1.5 meters tall.(同义句 )Lucy is _ _ _ _ Tom.3. She dances well.Her sister dances better.(同义句 )She _ _ _ _ _ her sister.4. This trip is more interesting than that one.(同义句 )2That trip is _ _

7、 _ _ this one.That trip is _ _ than that one.反身代词专项练习(每空一词)1. She could dress _ at the age of six. (she)2. The stories _ are more interesting than the plays. (they)3.Boys and girls, help _ to some fish, please.(you)4.The woman looked at _ in the mirror every morning. (her)5.You d better do it by _,

8、children.(you)祈使句专项练习(每空一词)1._ _ late again. (not be)2.Let s go skiing, _ _?(反义疑问句 )3.Let us go home, _ _?(反义疑问句 )4._ (open) the door, and you ll see a new world before you.8 上 Units 3-4综合训练部分一、单项选择() 1.The desk is made _ wood, and the books are made _ wood, too.A. of; ofB. from; fromC. of; fromD. f

9、rom; of() 2.He had few friends, _ he?A. doesntB. didn tC. doesD. did() 3. There _ a lot of traffic on the roads.A. areB. isC. haveD. has() 4. Work hard, _ you will not pass the driving test.A. andB. butC. becauseD. or() 5.Students in our class always _ at five.A. get toB. reach toC. arrive atD. arri

10、ve() 6.You can see the photos _ the trip _the Internet.A. of; onB. with; inC. from; atD. to ; by3() 7. You had better _ wine because you have to drive back home.A. not to drinkB. not drinkC. don t drinkD.notdrinking() 8. -Let s go hiking _ staying at home, shall we?- A good idea!A. as well as B. in

11、order to C. instead of D. in addition to二、词汇运用1.I felt so _ at the _ film and almost fell asleep. (bore)2.Without those _ (support)help, we ll lose the game.3. _ (cheer)for our team is important for them to win.4. _ (cheer)for our team, and they will win.5.What a _ (use)tool it is! You d better thro

12、w it away.6.He is crazy about _ (建议 )others to play games.7. The work is _ (finish). You can go home now.8. The bridge _ (made)of steel is strong enough for ten cars to cross.9. The room is _ (fill)with smoke.10. He kept asking _ (he) why he lost again.三、翻译句子1. 日本产的轿车没有美国车贵。_2. 我昨天决定亲自为妈妈做一张生日卡片。_3.

13、 她不仅喜欢打篮球,还喜欢踢足球。_4. 你最好到店里去购物而不是在网上购物。_四、语篇训练A:任务型阅读Nowadays in school life, a lot of students develop a fear of tests. Most students areafraid of tests mainly because they dont have enough self- confidence and they dont4always think they are well prepared. If you follow the tips below, itsnot diff

14、icult toovercome( 克服 )your fear of tests.People who know that they are not well-prepared are usually those who fear test most.However, most students dont know when they are truly prepared for a test. As long as(只要)you know that you have studied well and long enough, you would believe that youare wel

15、l-prepared.Be confidentabout yourself.Confidencebeforea testcan bringabout two things:eitheryou fail the test and feel as if your confidence was unfounded(毫无根据 )or you could getsuccess inthe testbecause ofyourconfidence.As long as you have studied hard, you willbe more confident of your chance to su

16、cceed in a test.Ask your teacher in advance(提前) about the material that is going to be covered inthe test.In thisway, you willknow what you shouldprepareforand you can get confidencein the test. But you have to be brave enough to ask. Most students do not ask unless theirteacher gives the informatio

17、n first.You should know thattestsare onlytellingifyou have got the knowledge,not how goodor bad your IQ is.Fear can be a problem inthe processofachievingsuccess.However, withthe right attitude(态度 ) and preparations, you can overcome your fear of tests by usingthese tips.Title:1to overcome your fear

18、of testsYou should make good preparationsPrepare wellIfyou havestudiedwelland longenough,you wouldbe3 that you are well-prepared.Confidence before a test can have two52You couldfailthetest andfeel asif yourconfidence was unfounded.Be 4Your confidence could lead to your6in thetest.Confidence comes fr

19、om7hard enough.5Ask your teacherYou can ask yourteacherwhat material the testwill8 .HoldapositiveKeep in mind that tests just9 your knowledgeattitudeand don t lose heart because of one test failure.Right attitudeand 10arethe key factors(因Conclusion素) in overcoming your fear of tests.B: 缺词填空Kitty s t

20、eacherMr. Wui1Lindato joinin theirschoolt2tothe WorldPark. They t3a bus there. There was much t4on the way. They became e5when they saw the Eiffel Tower. Soon the whole world was there in front of them. There areover 100 places of i6from all over the world. They are small but w7. TheGolden Gate Brid

21、ge l8like the real one. When Linda saw it, she couldnt b9her eyes. The best part of the trip was the song and dance parade.Linda e10the trip very much.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._68 上 Units 3-4综合训练部分参考答案一、单项选择(6-8 题)1-4 CDBD5-8 DABC二、词汇运用(8-10 题)1. bored; boring2. supporters3. Cheering4.

22、Cheer5. useless6. advising7. finished8. made9. filled10. himself三、翻译句子(4-5 题)1. The cars made in Japan are not as expensive as those made in the USA.2. I decided to make a birthday card for my mum by myself/alone/on my own yesterday.3. She likes not only playing basketball but also playing football.4. You d better do some shopping in the shop instead of shopping online.四、语篇训练A. 任务型阅读1. How2. Tips3. sure4. confident5. things6. success7. studying 8. cover9. test10. preparationsB. 缺词填空1. invited2. trip3. took4. traffic5. excited6. interest7. wonderful8. looked9. believe10. enjoyed7


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