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1、课题SEFCB2 Unit 1课时6-1授 课 时 间2004.91.According to the pictures talk about science and scientists.教 学 目 标2.Listening practise: try to find the answers3.Using the drills to practise the spoken English.教学重、难点Important item: listening practiceDifficult item: spoken English.教、 学具Tape-recorder ,pictures, sl

2、ides预 习 要 求About science and scientistsThe new words教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step1.GreetingsOral practiceTalk togetherSept2 show the pictures and the talk about them.Sept3 Explain the quotesWhat s the Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety- nineListen and answerChinese?percent perspiration.(Thomas

3、Alva Edison) Imagination is more important than knowledge.Explain on the(Albert Einstein)Listenreference It takes a very unusual mind to understand the analysis of the obvious.(Alfred North Whitehead) You cannot teach a man anything; you can helphim find it within himself.(Galileo Galilei)Translate

4、the sentences Nothing in life is to be feared, It is only to beunderstood.(Marie Curie)Listen and completethePlay the tapeWhat s the meaning of each sentence?blanksSept4 listening text.Listen to the tape and then fill in the blanksThe answers:Great mind No1 Madame Curie1.radioactivityGreat Mind No2.

5、Sir Isaac Newton.1. gravity2.something not old(Newton)Great Mind No3 Yuan Longping1. He is known for his work with rice /in agriculture.2. The farmer.3. possible answers: They are allpassionate aboutHelptowhat they municate4. Great mind No4 various answers.witheachStep 5 speakingotherPracticeWhichbr

6、anch ofscience is the most importantandGiveanuseful to society.exampleDecide who will represent each branch.PractisethespokenegBiology is the most important and useful scienceEnglishwith theusefulbecause it is the study of life and living beings. Byexpressions and drillsstudyingbiology,we can learn

7、how to fight disease,howtoprotectthe environment,and howtogrowplantsfor food,without biology,we wouldnot beable to understand who we are and how we should live .Step 6 ExercisePreview the readingBb design:Unit OneMaking a Differenceon fire= be crazy atbe know for / be known ashave in commondoubt + i

8、f/ whether/ when.; no doubt that 题SEFCB2 Unit 1课时6-2授 课 时 间2004.9.教 学 目 标1.Read and comprehend the passage according to some questions教学重、难点教、学具2. Train the ability of the self criticism Comprehend the passage especially about Hawking Tape recorder , slides s life.预 习 要 求Preview the new words and th

9、e content of the passage教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step1 About the characterHwaking is the professor inCambridge and also is a Listen and learnSay somethingBritish of his disabled body.He was seatedinthewheelchair forabout twentyyears. He wrotea book,which is called A Brief of TimeStep2 Pre-reading1.Discus

10、s questionsKeys:1Hawking needed a PhD so that he could getajob and get married.Help to answer2.Hawking became famous in the early 1970s.them3.Hawking visited Beijing in 2002.Step3 Careful-reading1. There seemed much point in working on2. He needed a job in order to get a job.(T)3. He didn t go onwit

11、h his research instead of giving up.(F)4. In1988he visited Beijing and wrote A Brief History of time.(F)5. In 1970 Hawking became famous.(F)6. According to Hawking ,science is always changing.(T)7.People always understand Hawking s lectures.(F)8. The only trouble is the speech computer gives himan A

12、merican accent.(T)Step4 Post reading1.whenwasStephenHawkingtoldaboutdisease?(two years earlier)2. According to Hawking ,science is_. (alwayschanging)Fill-in3.A scientific theory is good if _.Check the answers(it can predict future events.)4. How do people misunderstand science? (peopleoften think th

13、at science is but Hawking thinksscience is)5. What are the basic steps of the scientificmethod?(first second third )Discuss6.What is it that Hawking does not like about hisspeech computer?(because the speech computergave him an American events.)Step 5 ExerciseJoin them discussto1. Read the passage a

14、nd recite the new words2. HomeworkWrite a composition about“ How can I improve myEnglish? ”Bb design:Unit 1Reading1.Why did Stephen need a PhD?Language points:2.When did Hawking become famous?1.3.When did Hawking visit Beijing?2.3.课题SEFCB2 Unit 1课时6-3授 课 时 间2004.9.教 学 目 标1.Master the meaning of the

15、words.(how to use the words )2.Review the infinitive教学重、难点Important item: word studyDifficult item:. Grammarthe infinitive教、 学具Slides预 习 要 求Preview the infinitive教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step1 check the homeworkA composition“ How can I improve my English?Read” the compositionStep2. GrammarThe infinitive1

16、作主语To see is to believe.It s right to give up smoking.Listen and learnExplain2作宾语这类动词很多forget want help love start beginI want to go home.I find it interesting to study English.Give examplesBut : she could do nothing but cry .when necessary. I have no choice but to go.3作宾语补足语 feel hear listen to loo

17、k at notice observe see watchlet have makeI often hear him sing the song.He is often heard to sing the song.4作定语I have some books for you to read.He is looking for a room to love in.Give me a knife to cut with.Give examples whenHe has no money and no place to live (in).necessary.在 time和 place 之后介词可以

18、省略。也可以用不定式的被动式Have you anything to send?Have you anything to be sent?第1页共11页5作状语 (目的、原因、结果、条件等 )目的He came here to see you.原因We were very excited to hear the news.结果He hurried to the school to find anybody there.也可以用in order to / so as to表示目的In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard.We ran all t

19、he way so as to not to be late6动词不定式也可以单独作成分To tell you the truth, I do n t agree with you.7动词不定式也可以与疑问词合成为不定式短语How to solve the problems is very important.8不定式的时态I saw him go out.I m sorry to have kept you waiting.I m very glad to be working with you.9不定式的被动式He asked to be sent to work in the count

20、ryside.It possible for our hopes to be realized.Step 3. ExercisesHand out papers for Ss to work out before class ends.课题SEFCB2 Unit 1课时Give exampleswhen necessary.Give exampleswhen necessary.Give exampleswhen necessary.Give exampleswhen necessary.Give exampleswhen necessary.6-4授 课时间2004.9.1.Know muc

21、h about the passage“ make a difference”教 学 目 标2.learn the skill of comprehending the passage.3.Discuss the question according the passage.教学重、难点Comprehend the passage especially learning to discuss教、学具Slides, a tape-recorder预 习 要 求Preview the passage教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step1.Revision第2页共11页Check the

22、 exercise for grammarOrally practice1. Ex1.p832.Ex2.p6Ex2 and Ex3 as written work3. Ex3.Sprehending the passageSentence structuresPara1 It snot necessary to be to make a difference. The Italian astronomer was so curious thatAnalysisListen and learnin order to take a closerlook at things both greatan

23、d small.Para2 Knowledge is power creativity can be describedas the abilityto useLearn the quotesthat power. hewasnot satisfiedwith insteadbuild abelievemodelthat inorderto showfrombelieve inseason to season.Para3 believe us what we do both to make peoplebelieve that it was only later that not the ot

24、her around be known as比 be known as/for by/topara4Analyse theimportantthing(if )isto thatandthat Listen and translate11.knowingmeaning knowing12.and only by discovering what we do best wehope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.Step3 Discussdiscuss1. How did the discoveries of DalileoGali

25、lei and ZhangHeng help us better understand the第3页共11页world?Discuss the sentences.2. What do they have in common?3. Of all the characteristics if great scientists mentioned above, which do you think is the most important?4. what do you know about ZhangHeng, DalileoGalilei Coperinieus, and Bacon?Step

26、4 ExercisesTry to finish the workbookexercises especially,passage. Albert Einstein.PreviewBb design:Unit 1 Making a Difference1. How did the discoveries of DalileoGalilei and ZhangHeng help us better understand the world?2. What do they have in common?3. Of all the characteristics if great scientist

27、s mentioned above, which do you think is the most important?4. What do you know about Zhang Heng, Dalileo Galilei Coperinieus, and Bacon?课题SEFCB2 Unit 1课 时6-5授 课 时 间2004.9.教 学 目 标1.master the use of the words in the unit2. practise the exercises for the words教学重、 点How to use the words教、 学具Slides预 习

28、要 求Preview the passage especially the use of the words教 活 内容 |、方式学生活 内容、方式旁 注Step1 Revisionlearn the use of the wordslearn1. Thequestion underdebatewashowto stop guess the meaningpollutionourearth.(在 争辩中)debateabout(对争辩)debateon(在争辩)debate with (和争 )2. undertake The question is who willundertake res

29、ponsibility.Inordertosolvetheproblem,theyundertook detailed and comprehensive investigations. 了解决 一 ,他 开始了 致和全面的 。3.be similar to与相似第4页共11页be similar in在相似be similar between在和相似4 Be on fire for 有 情What Chinese for the1.He was on fire for his research.sentences?2. He was on fire to make a speech. 5.r

30、epresentThe paintings represents a storm at sea. The red line on the map represent railways6. doubt There is no doubt that you will be warmlywelcome.I have no doubt that he will comeMake a comparisonThere is some doubt whether he can give up smokingI don t doubt that he will come (Chinese)7.expect t

31、o do/ expect to be done/expect thatHe expected to be sent to Japan.8.Be engaged in doing (be busy with doing )He is engaged in writing a novel.The line is engaged.( 已占 。)9.matchThe colour of the shirt doesn t match thatof the cat.You can match him t he knowledgeofthe wildplants.10.interesthave no in

32、terestin /show interestin/loseinterest in/ a place of interest/at 8% interestHe lent me money at 8 % interest .What you are interest in may not interests me.The leadertriedtointerestedhis studentsin hissubject.11. come up (with )The seeds has already come up.We watched the sun coming up.The subject

33、came up in conversation.The question is sure to come up at the meting.He thought it over in order to come up with new andTranslate the sentencesgood ideas.with much attentiontoStep2 exercisesthem1. 他着手 行一 。 (undertake)2. 我 的 子只是 色方面相似。(similar)3. 我在下棋方面不如他。 (match)Listenandlearn第5页共11页4.他们去年夏天定了婚。 (

34、engage)Help tofinish5.后来证明有两位旅客丧身。 (turn out)them6.他希望得到邀请。 (expect)Translate the following7.他们在这个问题上进行了争论。(debate)sentencesCheck the answers with Ss if time permits.Checktheanswers课题SEFCB2 Unit 1课 时6-6授 课 时 间2004.9.教 学 目 标Finish off the workbook to consolidation the knowledge in the unit教学重、难点The i

35、mportant itemGrammar integrating skillsThe difficult itemGrammarvocabulary教、 学具Slides预 习 要 求Preview the exercises in the workbook教师活动内容| 、方式学生活动内容、方式旁注Step1. listening practiceListen to the tape and complete the sentencesStep2 talkingPerformanceAsk the students to each other and then finish itStep3

36、vocabularybranchTranslate the sentencesHe climbed up the treeand hid among thebranches.The river is a branch of the Changjiang River.Thebankhas branches in allpartsofthecountry.He comes from a branch of our family.MatchI want a tie to match with my shirt.Which team won the football match?ObserveObse

37、rve the rulers/observe the festival/observesb do(doing)Step4. Exercise 3show the answers.Replace the words1.been curious aboutSs finish the Exx.2. turned out第6页共11页3. went on4. have gone by5.use upRead6. working onStep 5 Grammarcheck不定式作主 和表 不定式作 足 Do exercisesegI findit very easy it to get onwell w

38、iththeperson who lives next door to you.inStep 6. ExercisesadditionEx4chooose the best phrase to fill in the blankFill in the blanksRead through the passageListen andStep 7. Integrating skillDifficult sentenceslearn1.despite this warning2.it represents a theory so important that3.appear scientist on earth that (whaton Writedownsomethingearth is the matter?)importantwhilethe teacher4.placewithexplains the sentences.5.fromthattimeon was gre


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