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1、高二过去分词讲与练1. 分词的定义 :动词的 -ed 分词即过去分词, 是由动词的过去分词构成, 一般只有一种形式。2. 过去分词的语法作用: 过去分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个形容词或副词,在句中可以作表语、定语、状语和补足语。1) 过去分词作表语,主要表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态。如:(1)感到。的,指人时常用过去分词作表语;(2)表示完成的或被动的动作常用过去分词作表语;(3)seated/dressed,hurt/injuried/wounded;destroyed/damaged;polluted/broken/lost/gone/lef/based 固定用过去分词

2、作表语;(4)get+过去分词作表语(getpaid/changed/drunk/burnt/lost/hurt/injurieed/criticized/drowned)。例如:1)Im very interested in the intersting story, so will read it again.2)We cantdrink boiling water , but we can drink boiled water.3)Polluted air and water are harmful to peopleshealth.4)Cleaning women in big cit

3、ies usually get paid by the hour.(NMET1998)5)He is quite pleased with the design of the dress.她很喜欢那礼服的式样。2) 过去分词做定语: 单个的过去分词作定语一般放在名词的前面,相当于一个定语从句。 1)感到。的,指人时常用过去分词作定语2)表示完成的或被动的动作常用过去分词作定语; 3)过去分词常用表示脸部或表情的名词前作定语(face/eyes/appearance/expression) ;4)seated/dressed,hurt/injuried/wounded;destroyed/dam

4、aged;polluted/broken/lost/gone/left/cro wded/married/known 固定用过去分词作定语。例如:1)I found a lot of moved students, who were deeply moved by the moving film.2)China is still a developing country while Japan is already a developed country.3)The astonished expression on his face suggested that he know nothing

5、 about the matter.4)The seated students suddenly found all the seats were broken ones.5)We need more qualified teachers.我们需要更多合格的教师。过去分词短语作定语通常放在被修饰的词后面,相当于一个定语从句。如:Is there anything planned for tomorrow?明天有什么活动吗?The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.过去分词作定语也可用作非限制性定语,

6、前后用逗号隔开。如:The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.The meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success.3) 过去分词做状语:过去分词和 -ing 分词作状语一样,也可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。表时间,相当于一个时间状语从句,有时过去分词前可加连词when 或 while 来强调时间概念 .如: Seen from the top of the hill, the city looked like a

7、 big garden. Accepted by the Party, he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party. 表原因,相当于一个原因状语从句。如:Deeply moved by the story, the excited people stopped quarrelling with each other.Encouraged by the speech, the young people made up their minds to take up the struggle.表条件,相当于一个条件状语从句,有时过去

8、分词前可用if 等词。如:Given another chance, he will do better. 再给他一次机会,他会做得更好。第 1页共 5页Compared with your brother, you should make greater efforts to study English.If heated, water can be turned into steam.水如果被加热,会变成水蒸气。表让步, 相当于一个though/although引导的让步状语从句。如: Exhausted by the running,they went on running after

9、the robber. 尽管已经跑得筋疲力尽,他们还是继续追赶着那个强盗。 Laughed at by many people, he continued his study. 尽管被许多人嘲笑, 他还是继续他的研究。表方式或伴随情况。如: The old man went into the room, supported by his wife.Seated at the table, my father and I were talking about my job.4) 过去分词作补足语:过去分词可以在 see, hear, notice, watch, find, get, have,

10、 feel, make, leave, keep 等词后与一名词或代词构成复合宾语, 用作宾语补语。 如:When will you go to the hospital and have your tooth examined? 你什么时候去医院检查你的牙齿? When you are making a speech, you should speak louder to make yourself heard.当这类句子变成被动语态时,过去分词用作主语补语。如:One of the glasses was found broken.有人发现其中一个杯子破了。They should be k

11、ept informed of the situation there.应该让他们知道那儿的形势。1. 过去分词作状语时,它的逻辑主语一般必须和句子的主语相一致。如:When asked why he came here, the boy kept silent. 当那男孩被问到为何来这里时他沉默不语。 Born and brought up in the countryside, he was interested in biology. 由于在农村出生并长大, 他对生物很感兴趣。如果过去分词的逻辑主语和句子主语不一致,必须使用过去分词的独立主格结构。2. 动词 have 后所接的三种宾语补

12、语: have somebody/something do something 不定式作补语必须省去 to, 不定式动作由宾语发出,表示一次性的动作。如:I had the workers do the job for me.我让工人们替我完成了工作。Jim often has his father help him with his homework.吉姆经常让他的父亲帮助做家庭作业。have somebody /something doing something-ing 分词作补语,分词动作也由宾语发出,强调动作的延续或正在进行。如:They had the tractor working

13、 all the time.他们让拖拉机一直工作着。We won thave the child talking to his mother like that. 我们不能让那孩子那样对他的妈妈说话。 have somebody/something done 过去分词作补语,宾语和补足语之间有逻辑上的被动关系,通常有两种情况:主语让别人做某事,强调主语的意志。如:He had his hair cut yesterday.他昨天理发了。主语遭到某种不幸或陷入恶劣的环境,说明宾语的一种无意识的被动行为。如:He had his leg broken in the match last month

14、. 他在上星期的比赛中摔断了腿。3. 非谓语动词的被动式作定语的三种形式:the bridge to be built将要建造的桥(表示将来的动作)the bridge being built正在建造的桥(表示正在进行的动作)the bridge built造好的桥(表示完成的动作)4. 过去分词和 ing 分词作表语的区别:过去分词作表语通常表示主语所处的状态或感受,而-ing 分词作表语多表示主语所具有的特征,如:Hearing the news, we felt very surprised.The news is very surprising.这个消息很令人惊讶。They were

15、frightened to hear the frightening sound.他们听到那可怕的声音很害怕。At the sight of the moving scene, all the people present were moved to tears.英 语 中 这 样 的 分 词 还 有 很 多 , 如 : amusing,amused;encouraging,encouraged;disappointing,disappointed;exciting, excited; puzzling, puzzled; satisfying, satisfied; worrying,wor

16、ried; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; interesting, interested; astonishing, astonished等。第 2页共 5页5. 去分 和 ing 分 作定 的区 : 去分 作定 和-ing 分 作定 有一定的区 。 比 下面几 短 :boiled water 开水boiling water 正沸 的水developed countries 发展的国家developing countries 展中国家fallen leaves 落叶falling leaves 正在 落的叶子changed condition 改 了的情况

17、changing condition 化着的情况由此可 , 去分 作定 通常表示完成的或被 的 作;而 -ing 分 作定 可以表示正在 行的主 的 作。6用分 短 作状 , 注意在句子主 和分 短 之 不能使用并列 。如: Not knowing what to do , so she asked her friends for advice 正 Not knowing what to do , she asked her friends for advice 7、如果分 的 主 和主句的主 不是同一个人或物 ,就要用从句或独立主格 构代替分 短 作状 。 如: As it was Sund

18、ay,the streets were especially crowded 或: It being Sunday, the streets were especially crowded 8、同学 要注意某些 在分 可用来表示 人 所 的 所持的看法或 度,它 已 成固定 ,在句中作独立成分,与句子主 无关。 在分 常 的有:generally speaking(一般地 ),strictly speaking( 格地 ) ,judging from by(从来判断),talking of ( 到) ,considering (考 到) ,supposing(假定)等。如:Generally

19、speaking, it is not easy for a for eigner to learn Chinese well in a short timeConsidering everything , it wasnt abad holiday 8、分 作状 ,它的 主 和句子主 相一致。分 与主 之 如果是主 关系,就用 在分 ;如果是被 关系, 用 去分 。例如:主 被 一般 doingdone (被 的 作) 行 doingbeing done (正在 行的被 作)完成 having donedone/having been done (已 完成的被 作)Hearing the g

20、ood news ,we couldnt help jumping with joy( When we heard the good news ,we couldnt help jumping with joy)Seen from the hills ,the West Lake is very beautiful ( The West Lake is very beautiful when it isseen from the hills ) 去分 作 足 (The past participle as theObject Complement)作 足 :1)感到。的,指人 常用 去分 作

21、;2)表示完成的或被 的动作常用过去分词作宾补;3)left/lost/gone/missing/seated/dressed,hurt/injuried/wounded;destroyed/damaged;polluted/broken/lost/gone/lef/based固定用 去分 作 。可以 去分 作 足 的 有:1.see, hear, find ,feel, think,等表示感 和心理状 的 1)He found his hometown greatly changed when he came back from abroad.2)Every thought the matc

22、h lost3) .He once heard the song sung in German4)Frnk Lloyd Wright found himself inspired by Japanese seashells.2. make/have/get+sth.+ 去分 作 , 明 的 作不是由主 而是由他人来完成;1) He s going to have his hair cut.2)She had her foot injured in the fall.3)When you talk, you have to at least make yourself understood.4)

23、Please keep us informed of the latest developments. ( 我 了解最新的 展情况。)3.表示“希望”“要求”等意 的 :第 3页共 5页1) He won t like such questions (to be ) discussed at the meeting .2) I want this letter (to be ) typed now.3) They ordered the film banned. (禁演)试题选练1. Im going to have my car.A. to be fixedB. to fixC. fixed

24、D. to fix2.Whats the languagein Germany?A. speakingB. spokenC. be spokenD. to speak3.some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.A. FollowedB. Followed byC. Being followedD. having been followed by4. He had his legin the match yesterday.A. to breakB. brokenC. breakD. breaking5. Most of the peopleto

25、the party were famous scientists.A. invitedB. to inviteC. being invitedD. inviting6.more attention, the trees could have grown better.A. GivenB. To giveC. GivingD. Having given7. The murderer was brought in, with his handsbehind his back.A. being tiedB. having tiedC. to be tiedD. tied8. The computer

26、 center,last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened9.in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A. LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To lose10.The Olympic Games,in 776BC, didnt include women players until 1912.A. first playedB. to b

27、e first playedC. first playingD. to be first played11.Dont getin the rain.A. to be caughtB. catchingC. to catchD. caught12.I found a carin a pool by the side of the road.A. to be stuckB. stuckC. stickingD. stick13.-By the way, when did you get your bedroom?-Last week.A. to paintB. paintedC. painting

28、D. to be painted14.The children were foundin the cave.A. trappingB. trappedC. to be trappedD. be trapped15.They found aold womanon the ground when the doorwas broken down.A. dying, lyingB. dead, liedC. death, layingD. died, lain16.On amorning the little girl was foundat the corner of the street.A. f

29、reezing, freezingB. freezing, frozenC. frozen, frozenD. frozen, freezing17.No one enjoysfun of in public.A. makingB. being madeC. to be madeD. to make18.Before he came to London, he had never heard a single English word.A. speakingB. spokenC. to be spokenD. speak19.fromspace, theearth,withwaterseven

30、typercent of itssurface, looks like a blue ball.A. Seen, coveredB. Seen, coveringC. Seeing, coveringD. Seeing, covered20.Ancrowd is awaiting the arrival of the film star.第 4页共 5页A. excitedB. excitingC. exciteD. excitedly21 The building _ by him is under constructionA to be designedB designedC being

31、designedD to have designed22 The man _ us at the airport yesterday is going to speak to us tonight A meetingB to meetC who metD to be meeting23 Most of the artists _ to the party were from South AfricaA invitedBto inviteC being invitedD had been invited24 The accident _ yesterday was caused by carel

32、essnessA happenedB having happenedC which happenedD happening25 _from the tallest building , the whole city looks very beautiful A SeeingB SeeC SawD Seen26.I won thave _ such words to your parents.A. sayB. to sayC. sayingD. said27. My hair is too long, so I d like to have it _.A. cutB. to cutC. cutt

33、ingD. cutted28.When I returned home , I was surprised to find all the windows of my house _.A. openB. to have openedC, openingD. opened29. When Mathilde was on her way home, she suddenly found her necklace _.A. missedB. missingC. losingD. lost30. We were very excited to watch the national flag _ in the blue sky.A. risenB. to be risenC. raisingD. rising高二过去分词讲解与练习keys:1-5CBBBA6-10ADDCA11-15DBBBA16-20BBBBA21-25:BACCD26-30:CAABD第 5页共 5页


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