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1、Teaching plan of project“ProjectGiving an oral report”Teaching objectives:Ss will learn how to plan and conduct a survey and how to prepare an oral report to present to the class.Teaching procedures:Step 1 lead-inPresent a questionnaireand conduct a survey about different attitudes to friendship bet

2、weenboys and girls with the whole class. QuestionnaireAre you a boy or a girl?BoyGirlTick the answer which most applies to you.1.How many best friends do you have?A lotA fewNone2.How often do you have a long conversation with your friends?More than three times a weekonce a weekseldomnever3.What topi

3、cs do you mostly talk about with your friends?Hobbies and interestsFamilies and friendsSchool and studyEmotions and feelingsFuture plans and dream4.Do you share your secrets with your best friends?AlwaysSometimesNever5.Do you think boys and girls have the same attitudes towards friendship?YesNo6.If

4、you choose No to Question 5 , what different attitudes do they have?Friendships between girls are usually based on shared emotions and support . However, friendships between boys are usually based on shared activities or interests. Girls seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends than

5、boys.Girls have more friendships than boys.Step 2 reading? SkimmingQuestions:1.What is the passage mainly discussing?2. What puzzles Robert?3. What s the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes towards friendship?4. What are boys and girlseachfriendshipsbased on?II Scanning Language poi

6、nts puzzle Vt. 困惑;苦思This mystery puzzles me.这件神秘事情使我百思不解.I am puzzled by the difficult questions.puzzle out经过苦思想出; 猜出第 1页共 3页puzzle over苦思苦想puzzled adj. 迷糊的 ,困惑的 得困惑的(about, as, to)a puzzled expressionHe was quite puzzled about what to do next.他完全不知道接下去 怎么 .I was puzzled to see her behaving like tha

7、t.看到她那 的 止使我感到困惑.absorb Vt.use up much of the attention, interest or time of吸引 的.注意力或 趣 , 耗 的 ,使全神关注absorbentadj. 能吸收的 , 有吸收力的 , 吸水的absorptionn.吸收 , 注He is completely absorbed in his business.他完全 心于他的 He was absorbed in a book.他全神 注于一本 .attitude n. Cway of feeling, thinking or behaving 度意 ,看法What is

8、 your attitude towards this question?we must maintain a firm attitude.我 必 保持 定的 度.Consistent (with)与 一.致 , 符合What you say now is not consistent with what you said last week.你所 的与你上星期所 的 不相符.consistentadj. 一致的,经常的,一贯的consistentlyadv.He is been a consistent friend to me.他是我 久不渝的朋友.The idea in his vari

9、ous speeches are not consistent.他在各 演 中所得的 念不一致.hesitate1.Vi to stop and consider before an action犹豫 ; 踌躇Andrew hesitated before he took the last cake.安德 拿最后一 点心之前犹豫了一下.He hesitates at nothing.他 什么事都豪不 疑.2. Vt. 不愿 ; 不欲 ( hesitate to do)feel that perhaps one should not do ;not wish to do; be unwillin

10、g to doI always hesitate to advise my friends on what to read.我 是不大愿意指点我的朋友 看些什么 .3. Vt. 怕麻 人be unwilling ( to trouble somebody)If you have any questions , don t hesitate如to果ask你有me什么.问题,尽管 我 .hesitationn. 踌躇 , 犹豫an act of hesitating第 2页共 3页He accepted the invitation without hesitation.他毫不犹豫地接受了邀 .b

11、aseVt.basesth.onupon以 根据建立在 基础之上,I base my hopes on the news we had yesterday. 我的希望是以我 昨天所得到的消息 根据.Their relationship was based upon mutualrespect. 他 的友 建立在相互尊重的基 之上.regardless of :不管 , 不 paying no attention to不 ,不注意The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion or sex.法律要求人人

12、平等,不管是什么种族、宗教或性 。regardless of expense不考 用regardless of the consequences不 后果Step 3 Group Work(finish project)1. Planning2.In the groups of four, choose a topic for their groupssurvey and prepare an oral report.PlanningWork in small groups. You want to survey people to determine how attitudes between

13、 boys and girls differ on a certain topic.favourite foodhobbiesthe future familyschool subjectsmusicMy own topic_3. Producingdiscuss and agree on aneach of the following questions:What is the primary purpose of our survey?How many questions will we ask?Who will take our survey?decide which group mem

14、bers will be responsible for each task.4. Presentingwrite multiple-choice questions that can be answered quickly and are easy to total when the survey is complete.Conduct the survey and calculate the results.briefly discuss the conclusions the group has drawn, based on the survey results.Step 4 Homework1. Finish the WB exercises(B1, B2, D1, D2)2. Revise some language points of this period.第 3页共 3页


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