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1、(冀教版) 2009-2010 六年级英语上册模拟测试题一、 Choose the answers选.一选。(15 分)()1.-Howyou ?- Im fine .A. isB. amC. are() 2.-IsJenny?-Yes, she is my friend.A. heB.sheC. it() 3. Ifive pencils.A. haveB. hasC. is() 4.This ischair.A. anB. aC . /() 5.WhereDanny?A. isB.amC. are() 6.-do you have?- -Five.A.How many applesB.Ho

2、w much applesC.How many apple() 7.-Whatthe matter?-.A. I m a doctorB. I cut my kneeC. Im ten() 8.-How do you feel?-Im.A. tallB .happyC. boy() 9.-What colour is your hair?-Its.A. newB. longC. brown() 10.-Good-bye!-.A. I m fineB. I m nineC.Bye!二、 Find the correct body words and fill in the blank.找出与图片

3、中的身体部位相对应单词,写在括括号里(8 分)。headeyelegfoothandnosemouthelbow三、 Read and choose.手牵手,找朋友。(10 分)1.Happy birthday.A. 他们在唱歌。2.Thank you.B.生日快乐。3.I live in China.C.谢谢你。4.My fingers hurt.D.我有一只蓝色的铅笔。5.I have a blue pencil.E.我的手指划破了。6.Colour it yellow.F.怎么了?7.Whats the matter?G.把它涂成黄色。8.This is my brother.H.我头疼

4、。9.I have a headache.I. 这是我哥哥。10.They are singing.J.我住在四、 Read and choose情.景交际( 15 分)()1.当你要问对方多大年龄时,应该说A. How old are you?B. How are you?() 2.当你要问对方的身体状况时,应该说:A. How are you?B. How old are you?() 3. 当你想给别人介绍李明时,应该说:A. I m Li Ming.B. This is Li Ming.() 4.放学后,你对老师说:A. Good morning.B. Good-bye.() 5.当你

5、想问一位女孩的姓名时,应该说 ;A. Whats her name?B. Whats his name?() 6.对方见了面对你说: “ Hello! ”你应该说:A. Hello!B. Fine,think you.() 7.你想问别人“这是什么”时,应该说:A. Whats that?B. whats this?() 8.你想要别人打开书,应该说:A. Open your book.B. Close your book.() 9.你想问别人,“你最喜欢的颜色是什么?”应该说A. Whatyour favourite colour?B.My favourite colouris blue.五

6、、 Read and match.读一读,连一连。(18 分)1. Whats your name?2. Whats this?3. Hello! Jenny.4. How are you?5. Whats his name?6. Where is the school?7. How many books?8. N ice to meet you!A. Hello! Tom.B. It s a chair.C. Fine,think.D. His name is Tom.E. My name is Lily.F. Nice to meet you,too.G. There it is. H. Five.


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