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1、建筑结构专业考试题 建筑结构专业考试试题一、单选题共20题,每题2分,总计40分 1、计算荷载效应时,永久荷载分项系数的取值应是()。A任何情况下均取1.2B其效应对结构不利时取1.2C其效应对结构有利时取1.2D验算抗倾覆和滑移时取1.2、下列结论中,哪些是正确的()。 1 杆件变形的基本形式有四种:拉伸 或压缩 、剪切、扭转和弯曲 2 当杆件产拉 压 变形时,横截面沿杆轴线发平移 3 当圆截面杆产生扭转变形时,横截面绕杆轴线转动 4 当杆件产生弯曲变形时,横截面上各点均有铅垂方向的位移,同时横截面绕截面的中性轴转动A 1 B 2 、 3 C 1 、 2 、 3 D全对、有明显屈服点钢筋的强

2、度标准值是根据下面哪一项指标确定的()。A比例极限B下屈服点C极限抗拉强度D上屈服点、提高受弯构件截面刚度最有效的方法是()。A提高混凝 度等级B提高截面配筋率C提高截面高度D提高钢筋级别、下面列举钢筋混凝土建筑裂缝产生的原因和裂缝特征、哪一组说法是不正确的()。A裂缝原因:混凝土保护层厚度不够;裂缝特征:沿配筋的表面发生B裂缝原因:水泥膨胀异常;裂缝特征:呈放射形网状C裂缝原因:过载在梁;裂缝特征:板的受压侧垂直产生D裂缝原因:地震在柱;裂缝特征:梁上沿角产生、对于现浇式钢筋混凝土框架结构,当在室内或土中时,其伸缩缝最大间距是()。A75mB55mC60mD85m7、钢结构的主要缺点之一是(



5、关于抗震设防区的规定是()。A基本烈度为6度及6度以上的地区为抗震设防区B基本烈度为6度以上的地区为抗震设防区C基本烈度为7度及7度以上的地区为抗震设防区D基本烈度为9度及9度以上的地区为抗震设防区、桩身负摩阻力出现时,桩的轴向承载力将()。A减小B增加C不变D无法确定、地基承载力修正的根据是()。A建筑物的使用功能B建筑物的高度C基础的类型D基础的宽度和深度、一般上人平屋面的均布荷载标准值为()kN/m2。AO.5BO.7C1.5D2.0答案:1)、计算内力:作出梁的弯矩图。跨中截面上的弯矩为 2)、计算应力:截面上各点的正应力为截面对中性轴的惯性矩为:a点距z轴为所以 (拉应力)b点距z轴

6、为所以 (拉应力)c点距z轴为所以 (压应力)2、矩形截面双筋梁的配筋计算。(p344)条件:已知某工程框架梁截面尺寸b 300mm,h 500,承受的弯矩设计值为M 430KN.M,混凝土强度等级选用C30(钢筋为HRB400(安全等级为二级,环境类别为一类。要求:提示:a、,b、直径25的钢筋截面面积为491。答案:、根据规范表9.2.1,对一类环境混凝土C30的保护层厚度取c 25mm,设单排钢筋的as 35mm,双排钢筋的as 60.、验算是否需要配置受压钢筋因弯矩设计值较大,预计钢筋需排成两排,故取故需采用双筋截面。、为使钢筋总用量最少,令由以下计算可得:4)、由受压钢筋及相应的受拉

7、钢筋所承担的极限弯矩设计值为:因此,由下式可求得所需受压钢筋的截面面积为与其对应的那部分受拉钢筋面积为:5)、受拉钢筋总截面面积为:6 、设计选用钢筋截面面积为: 受拉钢筋 825,As 3927mm2受压钢筋 414,As 804mm23、在均布荷载作用下热轧工字钢简支梁的强度、刚度验算。(p503)条件:热轧普通工字钢简支梁如图5.1.1所示,型号I36a,跨度为5米,梁上翼缘作用有均布荷载设计值q 36KN/M( 包括自重),荷载标准值qk 27.69N/mm.跨中无侧向支承。钢材Q235B。提示:,答案:1)、最大弯矩设计值:2)、验算强度抗弯强度验算: (满足要求)抗剪强度:截面无削

8、弱,型钢不必计算。局部受压:翼缘上承受均匀荷载,可不作局部承压验算。3)、验算刚度:按荷载标准值计算, (满足要求)4、单管塔独立基础尺寸及配筋复核。条件:1)、某地建造一座40米单管塔设计参数(标准值)如下:M 980 KN.M V 42 KN N 168KN2)、基础持力层为第2-2层含碎石粉质粘土层,地基基础深度内无地下水。3)、地基承载力: f 240KPa。4)、基础尺寸及配筋如下图:答案:验算基础底板面积:高耸结构基础设计主要由抗拔力控制,选取基础底面积为: L b 5.6m, A L*b 31.36m抗拔验算:1150.5/1.2+168/1.2+ 5.6*5.6*2.6-45.

9、62+1.2 *16/1.7*5.6/2 1473.18*2.8 4128.9KN.M 980+42*3 1106KN.M满足要求。抗滑移验算 满足要求。5、 计算基底反力及净反力,验算地基承载力6、 抗冲切验算:因 满足要求。 验算底板弯矩及配筋实际选筋: 实际面积为4464mm. 配筋满足构造要求。enforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of

10、 upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, jo

11、ints, joints 100mm, insulation thickness tolerance +10MM 5mm , appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with d

12、esign drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven

13、 cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is st

14、rictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction

15、, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down . See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionenforced thermal insulation starts checking system, issued by the thermal insulation construction

16、 before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part with three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation fro

17、m moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints 100mm, insulation thickness tolerance +10MM 5mm , appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction joints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for hi

18、gh temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in

19、 the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped traffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screw

20、s up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, weaving cloth, and erection of the separation platfor

21、m for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down . See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protectionenforced thermal insulation starts checking sy

22、stem, issued by the thermal insulation construction before you start to notice, transfer inspection of upper and lower operation and transfer of records. For outdoor operation, pipeline equipment to effectively carry out the insulation waterproof measures fail to install protective panels in part wi

23、th three tarpaulin cover, to prevent insulation from moisture. Insulation seam Michael Jackson 5mm, joints, joints 100mm, insulation thickness tolerance +10MM 5mm , appropriate material elastic banding, spacing according to the design requirements, rigid insulation soft materials for construction jo

24、ints tight; And large-diameter vertical pipe for high temperature pipeline in strict accordance with design drawings called for the establishment of expansion joints and holding bracket; Design requirements into a removable type of insulation, in strict accordance with specifications disconnect from

25、 the other insulation; Surface insulation boards in the technology of plastering construction of woven cloth to prevent pollution and protective panels flush with the surface interface, tight and clean. Site measurement of insulation boards for elbow shape cutting, ensure that each piece of lapped t

26、raffic, arc transition of natural, beautiful, screws up. Stampede outside construction personnel is strictly prohibited and shelve objects directly on the outer shield. In order to prevent the pollution-prone heater, channel area of secondary pollution of large-diameter pipes and other equipment, we

27、aving cloth, and erection of the separation platform for preservation. Thermal insulation construction, on-hook tack welded to the consolidated line, to ensure evenly spaced, and the hook nailed down . See next page flow chart management process. 7.2 General requirements for protective product protection


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