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1、三年级下阅读训练 1-作者 : _-日期 : _三年级下阅读训练:1. Tina s lifeThis is Tina. She is 9 years old.She has got a big mouth, a small nose and blue eyes.She is in 4 th grade at school and Nico and Lisa are her friends.She likes sports, but she cantplay volleyball. Her favourite sport istennis .She has got 2 pets, a cat

2、and a fish. Her cat is black and her fish is colorful.The cat is always sleeping under her bed and the fishis always waiting for food.Tina likes pizza and chicken. She does not like rice.生词注释1. volleyball n.排球2. tennisn.网球3. wait for等候基础练习 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,用T 或者 F 表示。(F) 1.The name of the girl is Lis

3、a.(F) 2. She likes volleyball.(F) 3.Tina is 4 years old.(F) 4.Nico is one of Tinasgood friends.(T) 5.Tina has got a colourful fish.(T) 6.Pizza and chicken are Tinas favourite.2.My family:Hello! My name is Lucy. I am about thirteen years old. So, Im very young. I am from NorthAmerica. I am American a

4、nd I live in San Francisco . I have short blond hair and blue eyes. I m short and thin. I m very talkative and funny. My father, Danny, is a high school teacher. He is middle-aged but looks very young. He has curly hair and blue eyes. He is nice and kind. My mother, Helen, is a boss at a company. Sh

5、e is also middle-aged butlooks very young. She has short blond hair and blue eyes. She is cute, friendly and helpful. I love my parents. I think I m the luckiest person to have such a family.生词注释1. San Franciscon. (美国港口城市)旧金山2. blondadj. 金黄色的;浅色的3. talkativeadj. 喜欢说话的;健谈的4. middle-aged adj.中年的 5. cu

6、rly adj. 卷曲的6. friendlyadj.友好的;亲切的基础练习 根据短文内容,判断正(T )误( F)。( T ) 1. Lucy lives in America.( F ) 2. Lucy has long blond hair and blue eyes.( T ) 3. Both Danny and Helen are middle-aged.( T ) 4. Helen is very friendly.( T ) 5. There are four people in this family.3. London:London is a big city about 7

7、,000,000 people. There are lots of things to see in London:museums, parks, the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London This is river Thames and theHouse of Parliament . You can see the Clock Tower with Big Ben on the right.QueenElizabeth II lives in Buckingham Palace . Many people visit the palace every d

8、ay to see the changing of the guard. An important form of transportation in London is the big red buses, called “double-decker ”. The London Underground is the longest and the oldest in the world. It scalled also “Tube ”.It is about生 注 1. Parliamentn. 国会大厦2. Queen Elizabeth伊 莎白女皇3. Buckingham Palace

9、n.白金 4. transportation n.交通工具5. double-decker n.双 巴士6. undergroundn.地 基 根据短文内容,判断正(T ) ( F)。( T ) 1. You can see a lot of museums in London.( T ) 2. There is a river called Thames in London.( T ) 3. You can tsee Big Ben in London.( T ) 4. Many people go to Buckingham Palace to see the Clock Tower.(

10、F ) 5. The London Tube is the longest and the oldest in the world.拓展 在 片下面,写出 些地点的名称。_4. London sights:There are 29 bridges in London.Tower Bridge is the mostfamous .Oxford Street is a famous shopping area in London.The River Thames is much cleaner today than it was in former time_The London Eye is

11、a giant wheel on the south bank of the Thames.Buckingham Palace is where the queen lives.London s underground transport system is better known as the Tube.生 注 1. famousadj. 著名的2. giantadj. 巨大的n. 巨人3. formeradj. 从前的;旧 的4. system n.系 基 根据短文内容,判断正(T ) ( F)。() 1. London Bridge is the most famous one in

12、London.() 2.London Eye is a giant tower.() 3.You can buy lots of things in the Oxford Street.() 4.Queen lives in the Buckingham Palace.() 5.The River Thames was very dirty in former time.拓展 句子, 正确答案写在横 上。Thames ; The Tower Bridge; The queen of England; the London Eye;the tube1. _ lives at Buckingham

13、 Palace.2. The nickname of this big wheel is _.3. _ is the most famous bridge in London.4. You call the underground _ in London.5. Big Ben is on the side of the River _.5. Weekend plan:cinemaparkzooschoolsupermarketfarmBradMaryAliceJacobPeter 累both and 两者都 基 根据短文内容,判断正( T ) ( F)。() 1. Brad will go t

14、o the park at weekend.() 2. Mary will not go to school at weekend.() 3.Alice will see a film at weekend.() 4.Jacob is going to see animals at weekend.() 5.Both Brad and Alice will go to the cinema this weekend.() 6.Peter can see tigers, monkeys and other animals.拓展 ,按照要求 行分 。A. schoolB. stationC. cl

15、everD. naughtyE. teacherF. parkG. nurseH. shyI. quietJ. doctor地点名称 : _ _ _ _ 名称: _ _ _ _形容 :_ _ _ _6.My dream job:词汇积累 1. architect n.建筑师;设计师2. vetn.兽医基础练习 根据短文内容,判断正(T )误( F)。() 1. Tim will be an architect in the future.() 2.Cindy won tbe a writer when she grows up.() 3.Rachel will take care of ani

16、mals in the future.() 4.Zach is going to work in the police station in the future.() 5.Helen will be a doctor when she grows up.拓展练习 读单词,把单词写在相应的图片下面。astronaut driver footballer actress farmer cook reporterdoctor_ _ _7. In the bedroom:生词注释globen. 地球仪基础练习根据图片内容,判断正(T )误( F)。() 1. There is a doll on t

17、he chair.() 2.There are two pencils on the floor.() 3.There is a cat under the chair.() 4.There are two books and a ruler on the bed.() 5.There is a globe on the table.拓展练习 用 Be( am, is, are )动词的正确形式填空。1. There _ three people in my family.2. There _ a big apple on the table.3. _ there any chickens o

18、n the farm?4. I _ a student.5. He _ an active boy.Report card :School : Apple SchoolClass : 3Student: Jack SmithTeacher: Andy SmartMathsExcellentMusicQuiet goodScienceTries hardArtDoesn t work hardEnglishVery goodFrenchQuiet goodComments: Jack is a smart boy. He is good at Maths, Music English, and

19、French. Well done! Keep on the good work!生词注释1. Frenchn. 法语2. excellent adj.出色的,杰出的基础练习 根据 Report Card内容,判断正( T )误( F)。() 1. Jack is a student in Apple School.() 2.Andy is Jack steacher.() 3.Jack is good at Maths.() 4.Jack works hard at Art.() 5.Jack can speak both English and Chinese.拓展练习 读一读下面老师的课

20、堂语言,选择这门科目的名称。() 1.“Let splay that song again. Are you ready?“A. MathsB. ArtC. Music() 2.“ Whatsten and ten? ”A. MathsB. PE.C. Chinese() 3.“Come on! Try to run faster! ”A. ChineseB. ScienceC. PE.() 4.“Draw a big apple and colour it red, please.”A. ScienceB. ArtC. Music() 5.“Please watch the flowers

21、and leaves of the plant.”A. ScienceB. EnglishC. Computer9. What happened to Jason?生词注释1. girlfriendn.女朋友基础练习 根据图片内容,判断正(T )误( F)。() 1. Jason was a singer in 1990.() 2.Jason was very young then.() 3.Jason has short hair now.() 4.Jason had a family then.() 5.Jason has a car in 2011.拓展练习 读句子,试着用正确的Be 动

22、词( am, is, are, was, were)填空。1. There _ twenty students in my class then and now there _ thirtystudents.2. I _ very naughty when I _ a little girl.3. _ there a park then years ago?4. My grandparents _ very young then and they _ old now.5. Jason _ a rich person now and he _ very poor two years ago.-THE END, THERE IS NO TXT FOLLOWING.-


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