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1、三年级英语学案-作者 : _-日期 : _城北小学三年级英语学案设计班级 三( )班姓名 _第( )小组课题Unit 4 第二课时 A Let s learn Lets do1. 能听 本 的主要 :desk,chair,in,on,under.学习目标学习重点2、在 的情境中,能用“Wheres” 某物在哪里并做 回答 “Its in/on/under3、 学生感受到学 英 的 趣。、1、能听 本 的主要 :desk,chair,in,on,under.2、并能用 “Wheres” 某物在哪里并做 回答“It sin/on/under学习难点chair的 音。学习过程一、旧知复习( Revi

2、sion )根据汉语写出下列单词猫书包手爸爸钢笔红色牛奶大的猪六腿十二、自主学习( Self-learning)1、我是小小翻 家。Where is the ruler? _It s under the chair._2、我想试试写单词。()()3、连线并写出汉语意思。under ()in()on()三、小组合作探究 (Group work) :1、看图,选出与图相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在()内。( 1) .( 2) .(3).( 4) .()()()()A. The car is on the box.B. Look, the bus is in my bag.C. -Mom, wher

3、e is my ball? -Look, Its under the chair.D. -Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil? -No problem.2、Let s do四、巩固延伸 (Consolidation and extension)句子搭配 :()1.Lets go home.A.Its in the pencilbox.()2.Where is my pen?B. Yes.()3.Its in your desk.C. OK.()4.Whos that man?D. Im 10.()5. How old are you?E. He s my

4、 teacher.我的疑惑小组困惑城北小学三年级英语学案设计班级 :三( )班姓名: _ 第( )小组课题Unit 4. 第四课时 B Lets talk Lets learnLets do1、能听 本 的主要 :ball,boat,cap,car,map.学习目标学习重点学习难点2、学 指令用 Row a boat.Bounce a ball.Drive a car.Put on a cap. Read a map.3、能听懂,会 “Is it in/on/under?Yes,it is./No,itisn t.Have a good time!” 并能在 情境中运用以上句型。1. 掌握相关

5、的 并能在 情境中运用以上句型2. 能听懂会 Let s do 指令 ,能按指令正确表演。1、能听懂会 Let s do 指令 ,能按指令正确表演。2、 “Is it ?”的 答学习过程一、旧知复习( Revision )看内容与图片是否相符。in the boxunder the chairon the box()()()二、自主学习( Self-learning)我是小小翻译家。1、car_ 2 、ball _ 3、boat _4 、cap _ 5 、map_6、Where is my cap?7、Is it in your toy box?_8、Have a good time!_三、小

6、组合作探究 (Group work)()1. How many books do you have?A. Im fromAmerica.()2. How many ducks can you see?B. Hes Mr Black.()3. Can I use you pen?C. I have sixteen.()4. Where are you from?D. I can seetwelve.()5. Whos that man?E. No problem.Look and match( 看和连线 )Bounce a ball.Row a boat.Drive a car.Read a m

7、ap.Put on a cap.巩固延伸 (Consolidation and extension)选择正确答案。()1. _ is my book? It s on your desk.A.WhatB.Where()2. Where is my pen? A.Here you are.B.Its in your pencil box.城北小学三年级英语学案设计班级 : 三()班姓名 _ 第( )小组课题Unit 5第二课时 A Let s learn Lets chant Lets spell学习目标2. 能听说认读本课时的主要单词:pear,orange,apple,banana.培养学生

8、能大胆,有礼貌地表达自己的意愿。学习过程一、旧知复习( Revision )1、判断对错( ). Do you like oranges?Yes, I do.( ). Do you like pear?No, I do.2、说说它的意思,并做动作。 I d like some juice,please._Drink some water._Eat some fish. _Eat some rice._Cut the cake. _Eat some bread._Drink some milk._二、自主学习( Self-learning)我是小小翻译家。pear_ apple_ orange_

9、 banana_ fruit_Let s buy some fruit._Do you like oranges?_No, I don t.I like apples._三、小组合作探究 (Group work)1、我会写单词。比比谁写得最棒。有趣的跑鸭子在.下面我得到了I eat apples._ I eat grapes._Yummy_A fruit bowl in my tummy?_四、小组展示 (Group show)写出正确的单词。1.I have a _(鸭子 )2.The ball is_(在 .下面 )3.I can _(跑在 )after you.4.What_( 有趣 )

10、 !五、巩固延伸 (Consolidation and extension)1将下列单词归类。breadapplejuiceeggpearmilk waterorangecakebananarice水果类食品类饮料类2写出下列单词。狗猫猪鸭3回答问题。Do you like pear?肯定回答: _否定回答: _城北小学三年级英语学案设计班级 三( )班姓名 _ 第( )小组课 题Unit 5第四课时 B Lets talk Lets play能把本课时的新句型运用到对话中,正确表达自己的喜好。学习目标培养学生勤俭节约的习惯。学习过程一、旧知复习( Revision )给下列单词选择对应的汉语

11、翻译。()1.pearA.耳朵B.梨C.熊()2.appleA .梨B.一个C.苹果() 3.buyA.买B.但是C.书() 4.orangeA.在.上 B.或者C.橙子() 5.fruitA.朋友B.水果C.五二、自主学习( Self-learning)判断对错1.Can I have some apple? ()2.Here they are.()3.Can I have some banana? ()三、小组合作探究 (Group work)将下列句子顺序排列正确( )Here you are!( )No,I dontlike milk.( )Do you like milk?( )Ca

12、n I have some apples?( )Oh,I am full.四、小组展示 (Group show)补全对话A: I m hungry again.B: Do you like grapes?A: No ,_B: _you like pears?A: _ ,I don t.B: Do you like apples?A: _, I do. Can I have some apples?B: OK. _you _.五、巩固延伸 (Consolidation and extension)1、选择正确的答案(连线)1.I Like strawberries.A.Thanks.I2.It

13、s 12 dollars.B.Good idea!3.Do you like watermelons?C.Wow!It4.Let s buy some grapes.D.Me,too.5.Have some bananas.E.No,I donm full.s cheap!t.2、选择正确的答案。()1._you like apples? A.are B.Do C.Is()2.Lets buy some_. A.a pear B. pear C.pears()3.I_oranges.A.likeB.amC.do()4._Thanks.A.Do you like bananas?B.Here y

14、ou are C.OK!()5.I have_orange.A.aB.theC.an()6.-_ you like oranges?Yes, I do.A. Are B.HowC. Do()8._you are.A.HereB.Where C.What()9.Lets buy some_. A.pearB. fruit C.What3、根据图片圈出正确的单词。、 What s this? It s a / an orange.、 Do you like apple/apples?、 I like pears/apples.、 I don tlikebanana/bananas-THE END, THERE IS NO TXT FOLLOWING.-


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