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1、Unit 3 AnimalsLesson 1 教材分析本课时为新起点五年级上册第三单元Animal的第一课时,这一课时有三个部分:A Listenand number; B Let s play; C Let s write. A 部分借助 Get ready 图和听力内容情境化地呈现了 10 个目标词汇: animal, elephant, panda, horse, cow, pig, sheep, bee, farm 和 fast;让学生通过看、听和标号等途径来感知并学习这些词汇。B 部分通过小组活动,帮助学生操练词汇,并体会词汇在交际情境中的运用。C 部分是学生两人一组的活动,学生抽签

2、决定去动物园还是去农场,然后分别介绍自己喜欢的动物并说明理由。最后将自己的想去看的动物的名字写在横线上。 教学目标【知识目标】1. 能够听懂、 会说animal, elephant, panda, horse, cow, pig, sheep, bee, farm 和 fast 这 10 个单词,尝试借助拼读规律记忆单词。2. 能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,并对个人喜欢的动物进行简单的描述。3. 能够根据语境从animal, elephant, panda, horse, cow, pig, sheep, bee, farm和 fast 中选择恰当的词填空。【能力目标】通过孩子结合自己的

3、生活经验和已学的英语知识,能使用描写动物的词语或句子。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,培养学生的观察力,使学生养成注重观察细节,观察生活的情感态度。 教学重难点【教学重点】能够听懂、会说animal, elephant, panda, horse, cow, pig, sheep, bee, farm 和 fast 这 10 个单词。【教学难点】能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇,并对个人喜欢的动物进行简单的描述。 课前准备Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1: GreetingBegin by greeting t

4、he class with a smile!T: Good afternoon, students.S: Good afternoon, teacher.Step 2: New wordselephant大象panda熊猫horse马cow奶牛pig猪sheep 羊bee 蜜蜂farm农场Step3: Listen and number.I am Yaoyao. Tomorrow is Saturday.我是瑶瑶。明天是周日。Im going to the zoo with Binbin.我要和彬彬一起去动物园。Pandas are my favourite animals. 我最喜欢的动物是

5、熊猫。Theyre cute animals. 他们是可爱的动物。Theyre black and white.他们是黑白色的。They are my favourite animals.他们是我最喜欢的动物。I want to see them tomorrow.我明天想去看他们。Binbin likes elephant.彬彬喜欢大象。They are so big and tall.他们非常高大。Binbin wants to feed them.彬彬想喂他们。I am Joy. Im going to the farm with Andy and Linda tomorrow.我是乔伊

6、。我明天要和安迪和琳达去农场。We want to see some farm animals. 我们想去看农场里的动物。I want to see how people get the milk from the cow.我们想看看怎么挤奶。And I want to ride a fast horse, too.我还想去骑快马。Linda wants to see how people raise bees. 琳达想看如何养蜂。Andy wants to see the big fat pig and see the soft white sheep on the farm.安迪想去农场看

7、大肥猪,还有软软的白色的羊。Step4: Let s playWere going to the zoo. What animals do you want to see? Why?I want to see tigers. They re big.I want to see pandas. Theyre cute.I want to see elephants. Theyre big and tall. I want to see their long noses.Step5: Let s writeBoy: I want to see the _ and _ on the farm.Girl: But I want to see the _ and _ at the zoo.Step6: HomeworkRecite the text well and practice the words.Write a new dialogue. 教学反思略。


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