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1、Unit 1 Lesson 3Making Breakfast 教学目标【知识目标】1. 能听懂、会说、认读、书写并运用新词汇:dinner, dirty, lunch。2. 知道 tomato,potato 的复数形式( -es)并能在语境中运用。3. 能够听懂,读懂本课对话文本,并能在真实的语境中运用所学对话。【能力目标】1.通过运用读音规则,尝试认读拼写新词汇dirty 。2.通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。3. 增强小组合作意识,共同完成任务。【情感目标】1. 在调查表演等活动中,使学生能体会到英语学习的乐趣。2. 培养学生热爱劳动、做家务

2、的好习惯,学会感恩。3. 在小组活动中,加强学生积极配合和合作的意识。 教学重难点【教学重点】 来源 学科网 听懂、读懂本课语篇,并在情境中加以运用。【教学难点】能够运用help, cook, wash, dry,dirty 等词,介绍自己晚饭时间如何帮家人做家务。 课前准备1.课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等;2.教具学具:光盘、大卡片等。 教学过程Step1. Warm-up1.Greeting 来源 学。科。网 Z。X。 X。KT: Hello, boys and girls!来源 :Zxxk.ComS: Hello.T: How are you today?

3、Ss: I m fine. / Very well. / I m happy.设计思路:师生互相问好,进行情感交流,将学生的注意力吸引到英语课堂上。2. Warming up Watch a video and say the words fast设.计思路:利用 30 秒快速出图调动学生积极性,同时复习食物单词,为下一步的free talk 做铺垫。3. Free talkT:What did you have for breakfast?T: What did Jenny have for breakfast? (First, students try to remember Jenny

4、sbreakfast in Lesson.Then teacher shows the picture of Jenny s breakfast. )Step2. Let s speak来源:学科网ZXXK1. Read and answerT: Lets take a look. (出示詹妮早饭图片 )What did Jenny have for breakfast?Ss: She had some bread and milk.T: Good. I have another question to ask you. ( 屏幕出示问题,找学生读问题 )What did Jenny ate

5、for lunch? (Students read the text fast and find the answer.)2. Read and answerT:Class! I have more questions to ask you.屏(幕出示问题 )(1) What time is it? (2) Who s cooking? (3) What s for dinner? (Choose students from each team to read the questions). (Stude nts read the text and underline the answers)

6、. (Check the answers in group.) ( Choose students from each team to answer the questions).教师同时将答案板书于黑板。3. Help Jenny s mother make dinnerT: Lets help Jennys mother make dinner. She needs some vegetables. Where are the vegetables? ( 屏幕出示 问题 ) Please guess.S1: They are in the fridge. S2: They are .T:C

7、lass! Please look! Wh atsthis? (教师出示冰箱道具 ) Whats inthe fridge?(Students try to guess whats inthe fridge.) (Students look inside the fridge andanswer the question.) ( 接着屏幕出示西红柿在冰箱图片,同样方式出示胡萝卜土豆在桌子上图片 ) (Students look at the pictures and say.)学生说完以后屏幕出示句子。 (Students read and find the rules abou t pota

8、toes and tomatoes).学生试着发现以o 结尾的名词复数的规律,在教师的提示下加以总结。T: Li Ming and Jenny like potatoes and tomatoes. Now dinner is ready. I think it syummy. What do you want to say? What does Li Ming say?(屏幕出示语句并带音频 )设计思路:使用冰箱的道具,让学生猜一猜蔬菜在哪里,冰箱里有什么,为课堂增添生活色彩。 让学生真正体验、参与,发现,总结,从而形成有效学习策略。4. Listen, read and answer Af

9、ter dinner. (屏幕出示问题 )(1)Who washes the dirty dishes? (2) What does Li Ming do?( Choose students from each team to read the questions.)读完第一个问题屏幕出示脏盘子图片。 (Students listen, read and answer the questions). (Check theanswers in group). (Choose students from each team to answer thequestions.)教师同时将答案板书于黑板。

10、Step3. LetdosT: Now Let s talk about Jenny. WhatT: Do you want to know about me? s the time for dinner?T: Now choose one of your friends to make a survey. (Students try to make the survey.) (Share in class.)Do the exercise of part 3T: Now Let s talk about the Smith. ( 屏幕出示 part 3 Match and write) Pi

11、cture 5 Mrs. Smith is in the kitchen.She is going to _ dinner. Next one is pictureOK! Please do it.Then, Students do the exercise by themselves. Check the exercise in group.来源 学科网 ZXXK Check the exercise in class.Step4. Homework1. Read the new words and the text.2. Recite the text well and practice the words. 教学反思无


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