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1、六年级上册英语期末试卷- 轻巧夺冠 32815-16 人教版(无)一. 选出不同类的单词:() 1.A.watermelonB. bearC. orange() 2.A.niceB. bikeC. train() 3.A.MondayB. Sunday C. Thirsty() 4.A.shirtB. jacketC. basketball() 5.A.twelveB. fiftyC. year二. 单项选择:() 1.Look! There are two birds in _ sky.A. aB. anC. the() 2.-How many _ are there in the clas

2、sroom now? -One.A. childB. peopleC. boy() 3.Its very cold _ May _ August in Hainan.A. from, to B. in, on C. in, in() 4.I feel very sad _I lost my bag.A. soB. andC. because() 5.I helped _ yesterday and _ helped me today.A. he, heB. she, herC. him, he() 6.-_?-Its a red pen.A. What color is the penB.Wh

3、ats that C. Is it a pen() 7.Which bag is _,the blue one or the blue one?A. goodB. badC. better() 8.Dont climb the tree. Its _A. tiredB. dangerousC. funny() 9.Sunday is the _ day of the week in a week.A. firstB. secondC. third() 10.Tom, please _ the letter to your brother.A. talkB. giveC. say()11. -_

4、 he go to the supermarket?-Yes, he bought some fruits.A. DoesB. DidC. Will()12. I want to buy some clothes, lets _A. go swimming B. go shopping C. go skipping()13.He _ up at six every morning.A. getB. getsC. getting()14.-Have some tea, Tom. -_.A. You are welcome B. Thank you C. Yes, I do()15.-How do

5、 you go to school?-_.My school is near.A. By a bike B. By plane C. By bus三.完成下列句子。1.-May I ask you a_? Yes, of course.2.I always get up_ in the morning.3._! You can run fast!4._! Or you will be late for school.5.There are twelve _ in a year.四. 阅读理解:Dear friends,I m Zha Xi. Im twelve years old. I m a

6、 student in Yushu PrimarySchool. There was an earthquake (地震 )some days ago.Whenitwas on April14th ,my grandparentswere on the farm.My uncleworked at the airport and my aunt was in the office. My parents didhousework at home.Someof the boys played footballin the playground.Someof the girlscleaned th

7、e desks at the back of the classroom.My good friendsand I werebehind the teacher s desk. My teacher was in front of the blackboard. It s very lucky. My family ,teacher and classmates are safe now. We need some help .Can you help us?YoursZha Xi() 1.Zha Xi is _ years old.A. ten B. elevenC.twelve() 2.-

8、Where were Zha Xis grandparents?-They were_.A. at the airportB. on the farm C. In the office() 3.What did the girls do?They_ .A. played footballB. played basketball C. cleaned the desks( ) 4.The earthquake happened in _A. AprilB. August C.May() 5.Zha Xis teacher was_the blackboard.A.behindB.in front ofC. under五、书面表达:以 My GoodFriend 为题,描述一下你的好朋友, 例如他(她)叫什么名字,长什么样,有什么兴趣爱好等等。要求:条理清晰,意思连贯,书写工整,不少于6 句话。


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