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1、.概要写作1 EnvyIt s a familiar but uncomfortable feeling. Your best friend will marry a handsome doctor, and the congratulatoryhug you offer lacks genuine warmth. Your friend ismade the team for Saturdaybig game,s and you take a certainpleasure in tellin g him you can t be there to watch him play. You s

2、mile but a voice in your head asks, why them and not you?Envy is a shortcoming of character we like to keep in our heart secretly. How shameful isit not to be lookingforward with delight to your day as your best friends bridesmaid! Who would hope your friend might suffer someinjury, so you can take

3、his place on the team?Envy is everywhere. It seems to be in our nature to hate others gifts and good fortune, especially if we see them asadvantages they shouldnt have.Envy raises its ugly head when we focus on what we want but we don t possess now. Worse still, we maywish for and take pleasure in s

4、omeones losing what we have always desired. When you compare yourself and your lifeunfavorably with your friend or your colleague, you can only keep your darker emotions.So is there a solution? Is there anything you can do to get rid ofthis most ungenerous emotion?Well, why not make envy the motivat

5、ion you need for self-improvement? The best weapon against envy is not tocompete where you can t shine, but to do your absolute best where you can.Start by making peace with yourself, and accept the gifts which make you unique. Make a n agreement with yourself tobe the best you can be. Then find the

6、 qualities in others that cause your envy. Is it someone s singing voice,promotion, their new car? Envy shows us the things we d like to have. So, make a plan to earn whats important toAnd aim for genuine pleasure in the achievements and good fortune of others. Cheer on your friend when hescores tha

7、t goal. Enjoy your best friendweddings day. Then go out and do something special, and make yourselfwonderfully proud of you.参考答案Envy is a common but unpleasant feeling, which is a secret hidden in our heart. This nature usually arises whenwe cant get what we want and even take delight in others losi

8、ng it. To avoid this negative feeling, firstly try to transform envy into the motivation to improve ourselves. Besides, accept your unique talents gladly. Finally, appreciate others achievements sincerely.概要写作2 Water shortageUsing too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways tha

9、t humans can put our water supply in danger, but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways. You may wonder how paving a road can lead to less useable fresh water. A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater. Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers. It comes from under

10、ground. The more roads and parking lots we pave, the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages. Drier climates are of course more likely to have droughts than areas with more rainfall, but in any case, good management can help

11、 to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs.Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too. In the United States, a family of fourcan use 1.5 tons of water a day! This shows how much we depend on water to live, but there s a lot the number.You can take s

12、teps to save water in your home. To start with, use the same glass for your drinking water all day. Wash it only once a day. Run your dishwasher only when it is full. Help your parents fix any leaks in your home. You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of thro

13、wing them away.参考答案Human activities, such as wasting water, polluting rivers and constructing roads, can partly lead to water shortage. Meanwhile, drier climates are another cause of insufficient water supply. Hopefully, if you take action to use water;.smartly/wisely in your daily life, say, using

14、the same glass of water, maximizing the efficiency of dishwashers, helping repair leaks and recycling batteries, you can still make a significant difference.概要写作3 SneezeMany people are used to saying “ bless you” or “gesundheit” when someone sneezes. No one says anythingwhen someone coughs or blows

15、their nose, so why do sneezes get special treatment?The phrase “ God bless you ” belongs to Pope Gregory the Great, who voiced it in the sixth century during a bubonic plague epidemic ( 黑死病泛滥时期 ) (sneezing is an obvious symptom of one form of the plague). The term“ gesundheit” comes fromGermany,and

16、it literally means “health ”. The idea is that a sneeze typically occurs before illness.Actually every country around the globe has its own way of wishing sneezers well. People in Arabic countries say“ alhamdulillah which” means “ praiseto be God” .Hindus say “ Live! or”“ Livewell! ”Some countries h

17、ave special sneezing responses to children. InRussia, they are also told “ rostibolshoi ( “”growbig ”after) children are given thetraditional response“ bud zdorov” ( “ be healthy” ).For the most part, the various sneeze responses originated from ancient superstitions (迷信 ). Some people believed that

18、 a sneeze causes the soul to escape the body through the nose. Saying “bless you” would stop the devilfrom taking the person s soul. Others believed the opposite: evil spirits use the sneeze as an opportunity to enter aperson s body. There was also the misunderstanding that the heart temporarily sto

19、ps during a sneeze (it doesnsaying“ bless you” is a way of welcoming the person back to life.We now know that sneezing is a reflex action and is most often the sign of something relatively benign (良性的 ),such as a cold or allergy ( 过敏 ). A sneeze also can be caused by being outside in the sunlight or

20、 from smelling a strongsmell. Still, we keep the c ustom of saying“ bless you” or“ gesundheitinlyoutof habit”, maand common kindness.参考答案People usually say “youbless” after they sneeze, as sneezing was considered one of the typical features of the plague. Many countries have their unique custom of w

21、ishing good health in response to sneezing. Most practices have their origin from ancient superstitions. Now sneezing is known as merely an indication of a minor sickness and a response to outside stimulations, yet we keep the custom, mainly out of habit and politeness.概要写作4 Taking a showerTAKING a

22、shower is relaxing. You can hum a song, daydream or think about nothing, leaving the real world behind you. But did you know that showering can also benefit your mind?A piece of research by Scott Barry Kaufman, a psychologist from Yale University in the US interviewed over 3,000 people around the wo

23、rld. It turned out that nearly two-thirds of the interviewees said they had experienced new ideas in the shower and were more likely to have them in the shower than at work.So why does a simple shower have such magic power? Science can explain it.Showering can help to raise our level of dopamine, a

24、hormone closely related to our creativity. “ People vary in terms of their level of creativity according to the activity of dopamine ”, explained Alice Flaherty, a renowned American neuroscientist. “ Taking a warm shower can make us feel relaxed and therefore make the dopamine level rise and bringth

25、e “ Aha! ” moment to us.”Besides the chemical changes, showering may giveyou a break from what you feelyou have been stuck with.Especially when you have thought hard all day about a problem, jumping into the shower can keep you from theoutside worldso that you can focus on your inner feelings and me

26、mories. In this way, according to Americanpsychologist Shelley H. Carson, author of Your Creative Brain,“a showering hour may turn into anincubation ( 孵化 )periodfor your ideas ”.Compared with sitting in front of a computer, taking a shower is something we do less frequently in our daily lives.When s

27、howering, we get a fresh experience with the change of location, temperature and humidity.“ Newand;.unexpected experiences can lead to positive changes in thinking,explained“ Kaufman. “ Gettingoff the couch andjumping in the shower may create a distance and force you to think from a new point of vie

28、w”.Showering allows us to enjoy the creative juices of our minds, which makes the bathroom an alternative where you get your inspiration. So next time you consider ways to free your mind, count it in.参考答案Showering can relax your body and free your mind as well. First, relaxation in the shower helps

29、raise the level of dopamine and bring new ideas. Second, showering provides a new, unexpected and fresh experience that can result in positive changes, making it possible to stop thinking about what you are stuck with. Besides, showering can make us think from a new point of view with the change of

30、location, temperature and humidity.概要写作5 ShopaholicsTV. The Internet. The mall. Everywhere we look, we seeadvertisements that urge us to buy. In today s consociety, we are under constant pressure to shop. Of course, most people only buy what they need and what they canafford. However, there are some

31、 people, called shopaholics, who can control their desire to spend money and buythings. This kind of addictive behavior can lead large financial problems, family conflict, and deep unhappiness.What are the symptoms of a shopaholic? People with this problem often spend hours and hours shopping on the

32、Internet or at the mall. Their closets are full of clothing and jewelry that they have never worn, with the price tags stillon them. Their homes may be packed with shopping bags and boxes that they bought but never used. Many shopaholicsare aware of their ow n problems, but when they go to a store,

33、they simply can t resist the urge to buy. Some ofashamed of their weakness and try to hide it by storing their purchases in places like the attic( 阁楼 ), where others won t see them.Psychologists suggest there are several reasons for a shopping addiction. For some people, it is a way of relieving str

34、ess. For others, shopping is a way to fight loneliness or depression. For people with low self-esteem, shopping can be a way that they prove their self-worth. Sometimes the problem develops out of boredom. It becomes a replacement for other hobbies and interests, and it helps pass the time. Although

35、 shopping can temporarily make people feel good, they often experience feelings of shame and guilt later.When shopping habits get out of control, people need professional help. They can either see a counselor( 顾问 ) or join an organization such as Shopaholics Anonymous. Groups like this try to help p

36、eople understand the reasons for their addiction and learn how to control the urge to shop. Their goal is to help people find ways to fulfill themselvesthat do not lead to serious debt and troubled lives.参考答案Shopaholics refer to those who are addicted to shopping whether they need something or wheth

37、er they can affordsomething. There are several symptoms of shopaholics. They spend too much time shopping and can t reto buy things, many of which are even never used. Shopaholics do so for different reasons, such as reducing stress,fighting loneliness or depression, proving self-worth, killing bore

38、dom or time and so on. Anyhow, professional help isavailable if necessary.概要写作6 Punishing childrenPunishing children is a controversial topic. Everybody has different opinions about how to act to correct a childbehavior. Parents, teachers, doctors, and specialists like psychologists, have disagreeme

39、nts about whether it is good fora child s education to punish him.The word“ punish ” means different things to different people. Punishment can be physical or emotional. Physicalpunishment is when the parent hits, slaps or spanks the child.On the other hand, emotional punishm ent is when the parent,

40、 in order to educate the child, doesn t leTV, go to play with his friends, or do things like that. The parents doesn t teach him, but still he punisAlthough many surveys and studies have beenmade about what the correct way is to raise a child, nobody has the;.answer or the truth. I think it will be

41、very difficult to find the answer or get people to agree.I think parents should love their child and give him the best education, but at the same time, they should punish the child if he deserves it. I think if you love your child, you should be rational when you apply the punishment. It should be r

42、easonable but strict.The parent s goal is to have in the future a good man or woman in society, so sometimes you should do what is necessary to get your child to behave well.参考答案People have mixed opinions towards punishment to children. ( 要点 1) Punishment can be physical or emotional, but the way th

43、ey are punished is the key problem. ( 要点 2) As a matter of fact, it is difficult to find the correct way to raise a child. ( 要点 3) Proper punishment can be instructive and necessary to children if it is reasonable and strict. But love and education are the most important for us to make our kids beha

44、ve well. ( 要点 4)概要写作7 Second childMany couples who already have one healthy, happy child, are facing a dilemma, that is, the issue of whether to have a second child or not. They have hard jobs and limited time and money, but they want to make sure that their only child does not become a lonely child

45、. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a second child? That is what so many couples are very much concerned about and eager to understand.One popular saying is that one child means a lonely child. That ngle-childswhyparentsmany plansi to have a second child. They feel guilty about

46、 their decision to have only one child, because there are no other children in the family for their only child to play with, which may make the child feel lonely at times, especially during vacations.Another common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more spoiled than

47、 one with brothers or sisters. If one couple had only one child, the child could not learn to share things with others and are less capable of getting along well with other children than one who grows up with brothers or sisters.However, in many parts of the world, more and more parents are still ch

48、oosing not to have a second child because they argue that there are advantages for the child as well as the parents. With just one child, they suggest, there is little chance of family arguments concerned with children. Besides, as an only child in the family, the child can receive more quality time and attention. This


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