完整word版,20xx年1月高等教育自学考试00834英语经贸知识 - 教科文体 - .docx

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1、完整word版,20xx年1月高等教育自学考试00834英语经贸知识 - 教科文体 - x 年 1 月高等教育自学考试英语经贸知识试题卷(课程代码 00834)本试题卷分为两部分 .共 4 页,满分 100 分,考试时间 150 分钟。第一部分为客观题,此部分无试题。第二部分为主观题, 第 I 页至第 4 页。应考者必须在答题卷上按要求答题, 不能答在试题卷上。第一部分客观题(共 0 分 )第二部分主观题(共 100 分 )Part 1 (15%)Directions: Match the given words and expressions with the explanations th

2、at follow. Write the corresponding letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet.unilaterallyhighlightdecentralizeendowmenterodefacilitiesIncotermsclassificationbulkyconstituteunderlyingsubstantialreimbursediscrepancypeg英语经贸知识试题卷第1页(共 4页)a. taking a lot of spac

3、e, and often of a shape difficult to handle b. done by one side or party onlyc. wear away, eat intod. a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms e_ to make prominent; draw specifically attentionf. a natural gift or abilityg. make up; amount toh. pay back to somebody for the e

4、xpense he has spenti. difference; absence of agreementj . to keep fixed or unchangedk. forming the basis ofI. the arrangement of things by groupsm. large; great; considerablen. something designed, built or installed to serve a specific function or perform a particular service o. distribute the admin

5、istrative powers over a less concentrated areaPart II (20%)Directions: Answer the following questions in English.What does the term most-favored-nation (MFN) refer to?What can determine the behavior of MNEs (multinational enterprise)?What are the 3 major functions of the bill of lading?What does the

6、 international business refer to?Part III Translation (20%)Section A: Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese. (10%)discount ratebonds22, visible tradecommercial invoiceport of shipmentstock exchangelong-term capitalhedgefair tradeanti-dumping英语经贸知识试题卷第2页(共 4页)Section B: Translate the following turns into English. (10%)30.财务状况31.付款交单32.预付现金33.惠普制34.修正案35.贸易惯例36.商标37.专利38.版权39.关税区Part I


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