乌镇大剧院 乌镇大剧院几点闭馆.docx

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《乌镇大剧院 乌镇大剧院几点闭馆.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《乌镇大剧院 乌镇大剧院几点闭馆.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、乌镇大剧院 乌镇大剧院几点闭馆 剧院宛如乌镇中盛开于水面上的一盏并蒂莲大剧院本案位于江南水乡梦境似的古镇乌镇。乌镇管理者将乌镇定为国际重要戏剧节的活动据点,并将乌镇大剧院的设计委托给了姚仁喜建筑师及其团队。设计的最大挑战在于剧院的两个剧场:1 200 席的主剧院及600 座的多功能剧场,背对背,满足现代剧场功能却又不显突兀地融入这片古典精巧的水乡。设计应用代表吉兆的“并蒂莲”的隐喻,将这个寓意祥瑞蓬勃的形象转化为一实一虚的两个椭圆体量,分别配置以两座剧场,重迭并蒂的部分则为舞台区,舞台可依需求合并或单独利用,以创造多样的表演形式。客户 乌镇旅游开发有限公司建筑师 姚仁喜建筑设计 大元联合建筑师

2、事务所(台北)会元设计咨询 (上海) 有限公司台北设计团队 沈国健、王馨慧、刘文礼、孙建钧、张建翔、林佳宪上海设计团队 朱文弘、应斐君、郑乃文、许榉译、巫奇升、姜妮、冯磊执行建筑师 上海建筑设计研究院有限公司剧场顾问 伦敦Theatre Projects Consultants Ltd外墙顾问 台北马可卢设计技术有限公司声学顾问 香港声美华有限公司室内设计顾问 台北元崇设计工程公司施工厂商 巨匠建设集团有限公司Wuzhen Theater乌镇大剧院111由于兼具戏剧节表演与观光的双重功能,剧院将满足不同形式的使用需求,提供包括传统戏曲、前卫表演艺术、时尚舞台秀、婚宴喜庆等活动的空间。访客搭乘乌


4、凝土、钢骨建筑材料:青砖、玻璃幕墙、实木格栅基地面积:54 980m2建筑面积:6 920m2总楼地板面积:约21 750m2设计时间:x.05x.12施工时间:x.01 至今(预计x年完成)112Like a twin lotus, the theatres rise from the water in this dream-like town.Grand TheaterIn this romantic and surreal water village in China, the owner of the development decided that Wuzhen would be a

5、nimportant name in the global atlas of theater where an international theater festival would be located. In order to completehis vision, Kris Yao and his team was asked to design the Wuzhen Grand Theater.The greatest challenge was to design a large building containing two theaters with 1 200 and 600

6、 seats back to back, withmodern theater functions in this small, traditional water village in southern China. Using the culturally auspicious “twin lotus”as its metaphor, which functions perfectly with two theatres sharing one stage area, the design is composed of two oval113shapes interlocking one

7、another, one of them transparent and the opaque in form.Due to its dual purposes of the theater festival and tourism, the functions of the theaters are multifold. Possibilities include formalstage performances, avant-garde creations, fashion shows, conventions and wedding ceremonies.Visitors arrive at the theaters by wooden boats or on foot from an island across the bridge. The smaller theater to the right is located


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