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1、Unit 18 Beauty 导学提纲Lesson 1 What is beauty?1. be consistent with与一致,相符2. adapt (oneself) to 适应 be adapted to 适应 3. used to do sth 过去常常做某事4. consider doing sth 考虑做某事consider sb/sth (to be)+ n/adj. 认为某人/某事如何consider as 把当作5. one in ten people 十个人中有一个=one out of ten people6. In contemporary/modern soci

2、ety 在现代社会7. remain+表语 link.v 保持,仍然是8. follow slimming diets 采用瘦身饮食法9. in preparation for 为做准备10. husband-to-be 准丈夫11. with the influence of 由于的影响12. commit oneself to/be committed to 忠于;致力于; 全心全意投入committed adj.尽心尽力的,坚定的commitment n. 承诺,责任,奉献13. die out 熄灭;灭绝14. a set of 一组,一套15. a wide range of=a v

3、ariety of 各种各样的16. appeal to sb 吸引某人;呼吁某人appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事16. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。Lesson 2 Whats your favourite music?1. turn up 出现;把调高turn on 打开;突然攻击(某人)turn down 拒绝;把调低turn off 关;使感到厌恶;驶离turn into 变成;驶入2. in harmony 和声;融洽地in harmony with 和协调一致3. have a tend

4、ency to do=tend to do 倾向于做某事,往往会做某事4. refresh ones memory 唤起某人的记忆5. remind sb of sth 让某人想起某事remind sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事6. give sb a thrill=thrill sb 使某人激动, 感到刺激7. be keen on 渴望/热衷做某事8. in vain 徒劳,白费力气9. dance/sing to 随着跳舞/唱歌10. a couple of 几个Lesson 3 Poetry1. in the hope of 抱着的希望in the hope that 从句

5、 抱着的希望2. in/out of sight 在视线范围内/外,看得/不见3. convey ones affection for 表达某人对的热爱4. a waste of 的浪费waste time/money/energy (in)doing 浪费做waste time/money/energy on sth 在上浪费Communication workshop1. be based on 以为基础2. either (one) of (两者)里的任何一个 3. back and forth 来来回回4. all things considered 综合考虑,总的来说5. of al

6、l/different ages 不同年龄的6. recommend doing 建议做某事7. Judge a book by its cover. 以貌取人Language awareness 31. call on sb 拜访某人call at spl. 拜访某地2. the second/next morning 第二天早上读写任务(选自2009年广州二模) One beautiful spring day a red rose came out in a forest. As it looked around, a pine tree nearby said, “What a bea

7、utiful flower. I wish I was that lovely.” Another tree said, “Dont be sad. We cant have everything” The rose looked at a cactus(仙人掌)and said, “What an ugly plant full of thorns!” The pine tree said, “Red rose, what kind of talk is this? Who can say what beauty is? You have thorns too.” The proud red

8、 rose looked angrily at the pine and said, “You do not know what beauty is. You can not compare me to a cactus.” Spring passed, and the weather became very warm. Life became difficult as no rain fell. The red rose was dying. One day the red rose saw birds suck water from the cactus. “Does it not hur

9、t when they bite into the cactus?” asked the rose. “Yes, but the cactus does not like to see any birds suffer,” replied the pine. “The birds can bring water to you if you ask the cactus for help.” But the red rose felt too ashamed of its past words to ask. 写作内容 你读了上面的故事后,准备就“故事给我带来的启示”为话题写一篇读后感参加读后感

10、比赛。内容要点包括:1. 以约30字概括故事的内容;2. 然后以约120词写一篇短文,内容包括: 1)你从故事学到什么道理; 2)以自己或他人的经历阐明这种道理。参考范文: A proud rose thinks that its superior to other plants in the forest because of its beauty. But it later learns that beauty is not the only thing when it sees the cactus helping thirsty birds. This story teaches us

11、 that we should not judge people or things based only on their appearance. There are other characteristics such as kindness and intelligence that are even more important. Beauty is only a superficial attraction but it doesnt show what is in a persons heart. When I was in primary school a boy was sof

12、ten teased by his classmates because of his poor clothes. They judged him only on the surface but I knew that he was very kind and honest. He was excellent at maths and would often help me with my lessons after school. Although his family had little money, he refused to take any money from my parents for his help because he said “I help you because you are my friend not because I want your money”. I was very touched by his words and was ashamed of what my classmates had done to him.


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